41f79671b3Replacement with renamed, restructured MOT and Dipolar Gas Simulator code.Karthik Chandrashekara2024-06-12 19:08:18 +0200
503e6a6fa6Prepare for renaming and restructuring of MOT and Dipolar Gas Simulator code.Karthik Chandrashekara2024-06-12 19:07:14 +0200
ded227e588Restructured GPE solver, now renamed as Dipolar Gas Simulator, added script for imaging response function extraction and Siemens star analysis.Karthik Chandrashekara2024-06-07 20:34:32 +0200
aaf9b3ba53Renamed GPE Solver to Dipolar Gas Simulator, modified ODT Calculator and Time Series Analyzer.Karthik Chandrashekara2024-06-07 20:27:50 +0200
6976e0ef91Corrected minor bugs, added detailed plotting of crossed beam potential in different directions.Karthik Chandrashekara2023-03-15 11:29:21 +0100
6f018c0281Added astigmatic crossed dipole trap, corrected inconsistency in the naming and usage of the variable for polarizability.Karthik Chandrashekara2023-03-14 19:26:43 +0100
2fdf592ddaMAJOR rewrite - rewrote code snippets that plotted from measurement data, added calculations of trap frequencies for crossed dipole trap config, put running of code in to a Jupyter notebook.Karthik Chandrashekara2023-03-14 17:13:37 +0100
4714556ab4Corrected how the effective trap depth is calculated, minor changes to code for plotting of the potentials.Karthik Chandrashekara2023-03-02 10:08:30 +0100
69ba21b1e6Included code snippet to investigate the origin of the deviation of alphas and verified if the potential for the full crossed dipole trap is correct.Karthik Chandrashekara2023-02-27 20:25:07 +0100
64132018e2Added functionality to extract aspect ratio through a Gaussian fit, added plotting of fit residuals and other small bugfixes, changesKarthik Chandrashekara2023-02-17 19:23:53 +0100
e7d2255ac9Added functionality to compute the modulated single Gaussian beam and did some other cleanup and refactoring.Karthik Chandrashekara2023-02-17 12:49:10 +0100
4336a657a4Added correct computation of scattering lengths around Feshbach resonances, added plotting of these scattering lengths vs B field and added the effect due to modulation of beam.Karthik Chandrashekara2023-02-13 20:52:01 +0100
60b9def24eAdded functionality to compute potential due to a Gaussian beam with astigmatism, plotting of ideal potential along with affected potential to show deviation.Karthik Chandrashekara2023-01-12 19:16:52 +0100
30e6a8b7a4Added harmonic fit to extract trap frequency of potential, corrected few bugs.Karthik Chandrashekara2023-01-12 15:18:46 +0100
662eae4e03Changed numerical values of some of the defaults and modifications were made for the bootstrap sample size and number to be user-defined.Karthik Chandrashekara2021-08-19 12:44:24 +0200
8ac0a018f2Removed the measurement of autocorrelation, modifications made for the bootstrap sample size and number to be user-defined.Karthik Chandrashekara2021-08-19 12:43:23 +0200
e29c923723Changed max limit of the number of atoms/trajectories to be computed from 20000 to 50000.Karthik Chandrashekara2021-08-19 12:41:11 +0200
6a679bc26eChanged some numerical values in the defaults and corrected the calculation of the saturation parameter.Karthik Chandrashekara2021-08-19 12:40:25 +0200
b520586f41Dedicated script for investigating the use of sidebands to enhance the 2D-MOT loading rate.Karthik Chandrashekara2021-08-19 12:39:10 +0200
5f068db1c1Scripts for investigating the use of the Sideband Beam to enhance the capture efficiency of the 2-D MOT.Karthik Chandrashekara2021-07-19 12:55:17 +0200
f0a35e5f0dAdded a few lines to ensure the value of the number of atoms property of both the oven object and the MOT object are the same.Karthik Chandrashekara2021-07-19 12:44:19 +0200
bd97ffc5d8Changed the default values of the radius and waist of the Blue and Blue Sideband beams.Karthik Chandrashekara2021-07-19 12:42:34 +0200
7a903bc6deWrapped scan functionality in to functions that now exist separately in the Scan folder within the Simulator package, added a scanning and plotting function for a three parameter scan, corresponding scripting changes shown in the test script.Karthik Chandrashekara2021-07-18 07:07:48 +0200
c19a514027Added back the captured atom counting and the jackknife error estimation method as developed by Jianshun Gao, retained the bootstrap method and the counting that goes with it now corrected to prevent counting the same atoms repeatedly and also to reduce the atom count if they are lost. There is now an agreement between the two methods as to what the loading rate is with the bootstrap method giving a slightly lower estimate.Karthik Chandrashekara2021-07-16 15:57:16 +0200
5407da354bAdded results property to store the final results of a scan to later save the whole object along with its properties so as to have a way of going back and checking the values for the parameters used.Karthik Chandrashekara2021-07-16 15:53:19 +0200
4051549b27Increase of 5% was meant for cut-off velocity and not the capture velocity, correction was made accordingly.Karthik Chandrashekara2021-07-16 15:50:08 +0200
0238e5d312Added option to switch between Bootstrap and Jackknife error estimation methods, changed sideband beam flag name, removed zeeman slower beam flag which can be added later following development of the ThreeDimensionalMOT class and functionalities.Karthik Chandrashekara2021-07-16 15:49:02 +0200
e808c3dbfbDivergence Angle is now calculated by taking the arctan of d/y, velocity condition was removed.Karthik Chandrashekara2021-07-15 16:52:07 +0200
b29baf29d5Introduced back the normalization for the integration of the velocity distribution because average velocity was multiplied back in the calculation of the flux, added the missing end for parfor loop.Karthik Chandrashekara2021-07-15 16:47:13 +0200
504b7769f9Removed multiplication of isotopic abundance, restored average velocity multiplication and made corresponding changes elsewhere.Karthik Chandrashekara2021-07-15 16:45:25 +0200
b34078436aRemoved normalization of the velocity distribution of atoms coming out of the oven since the average velocity multiplication in the total flux inside the oven calculation was removed as they cancel each other.Karthik Chandrashekara2021-07-14 20:06:59 +0200
6cde617bb4Fixed the Saturation parameter calculation was not indexing over the local saturation intensity array.Karthik Chandrashekara2021-07-14 20:05:40 +0200
411375b464Average velocity of the distribution of atoms inside the oven here cancels with the normalization of the distribution of atoms coming out of the oven so it can be removed as long as that normalization is also removed!Karthik Chandrashekara2021-07-14 20:04:34 +0200
f789a7ad6aModified to determine the distance between atom and the z-axis and checked to see if that is within the diameter of the beams - this makes sense since the beams are crossed and the condition that the distance be smaller than the beam diameter holds only along the y-axis.Karthik Chandrashekara2021-07-11 14:51:17 +0200
5b91c20246Major changes - rewrote how autocorrelation, resampling and determination of loading rate is done.Karthik Chandrashekara2021-07-11 14:47:13 +0200
a41ae74cb7Cosmetic changes only, changed a few variable names, dynamical quantities for all atoms across the full simulation time are now returned instead of just the final values.Karthik Chandrashekara2021-07-11 14:43:36 +0200
b4e28e09dbWrapped the calculation of the "reduced" Clausing factor - which is the probability of an atom exiting from the oven within a smaller solid angle as determined by the apertures/orifices along the way.Karthik Chandrashekara2021-07-11 14:40:43 +0200
bb5f70ce7fWrapped the calculation of the collision event probability in its own function.Karthik Chandrashekara2021-07-11 14:39:26 +0200
951c2e3935Determines the distribution of times spent by atom in the MOT interaction volume to be used to compute the collision probability between the incoming hot atoms and the atoms slowed near the center of the MOT.Karthik Chandrashekara2021-07-11 14:38:37 +0200
b6d56e9e7bWrapped the exit condition in to its own function now checking if the position, velocity meet certain criteria and account for collision events.Karthik Chandrashekara2021-07-11 14:35:54 +0200
058fa0fb19Change of variable names, new properties included along with their getters and setters, increased limit on number of trajectories to be computed, corrections to formulae calculating saturation parameters and average velocity.Karthik Chandrashekara2021-07-11 14:34:19 +0200
e16ac42415Moved calculations of capture velocity, cut-off, reduced Clausing factor and reduced flux to here, changed the condition for the velocity sampling to correctly sample from the normalized probability distributions.Karthik Chandrashekara2021-07-11 06:40:19 +0200
47a93001c8Added a switch to change between 2D and 3D MOT cases to allow for this code to be expanded and generalized in the future.Karthik Chandrashekara2021-07-11 06:36:49 +0200
e17015d181Added the option to save the Confidence Interval of the obtained loading rate for each scan point.Karthik Chandrashekara2021-07-11 06:34:51 +0200