Clean-up - only fully validated code kept and all others removed.

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Karthik 2024-11-22 18:25:44 +01:00
parent db398fe775
commit 5b1428e91a
6 changed files with 0 additions and 1500 deletions

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@ -1,233 +0,0 @@
@author: Adam Newton Wright,
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sympy as sym
from sympy import oo
# Input Ray parameter, i.e. height and angle
def ray(y,theta):
y : float or integer or sympy symbol in meters
The vertical height of a ray.
theta : float or integer in radians
The angle of divergence of the ray.
mat : 2x1 matrix
mat = np.array([[y],[theta]])
return mat
# Ray Transfer Matrix for ideal lens with focal length f
def lens(f):
f : float or integer or sympy symbol in meters
Thin lens focal length in meters
mat : 2x2 matrix
[ 1, 0],
[-1/f, 1]
mat = np.array([[1,0], [-1/f, 1]])
return mat
# Ray Transfer Matrix for propagation of distance d
def prop(d):
d : float or integer or sympy symbol
Distance light is propagating along the z-axis.
mat: 2x2 matrix
[1, d],
[0, 1]
mat = np.array([[1,d], [0,1]])
return mat
# multiplying the matrices together. mat1 is the last matrix the light interacts with
def mult(mat1,*argv):
mat1 : 2x2 ABCD matrix
Last matrix light interacts with.
*argv : 2x2 ABCD matrices
From left to right, the matrices should be entered such that the leftmost matrix interacts
with light temporally after the rightmost matrix.
Mat : 2x2 matrix
The ABCd matrix describing the whole optical system.
Mat = mat1
for arg in argv:
Mat =, arg)
return Mat
# Adding Gaussian beam parameters
def Zr(wo, lam):
wo : float, integer, or symbol
Beam waist radius in meters.
lam : float, integer, or symbol
Wavelength of light in meters.
zr : float, int, symbols
Rayleigh range for given beam waist and wavelength.
zr = np.pi * wo**2 / lam
return zr
def W0(zr, lam):
zr : float, integer, symbol
Rayleigh range in meters
lam : float, integer, symbol
Wavelength of light in meters
w0 : float, integer, symbol
Beam waist radius in meters
w0 = np.sqrt(lam * zr / np.pi)
return w0
# Remember, there should be an i in front of zr
# but this complicates the calculations, so we usually just let z = 0
# and don't explicitly deal with the i, but still do the math accordingly
#def q0_func(z,zr):
# qz = z + zr
# return qz
def q1_func(z, w0, lam, mat):
z : float, int, symbol
Position of the beam waist in meters.
w0 : float, int, symbol
Radial waist size in meters (of the embedded Gaussian, i.e. W0/M).
lam : float, int, symbol
Wavelength of light in meters.
mat : float, int, symbol
The ABCD 2x2 matrix describing the optical system.
z: float, int, symbol
Position of the beam waist after the optical system
zr: float, int, symbol
Rayleigh range of the beam after the optical system
A = mat[0][0]
B = mat[0][1]
C = mat[1][0]
D = mat[1][1]
zr = Zr(w0, lam)
real = (A*C*(z**2 + zr**2) + z*(A*D + B*C) + B*D) / (C**2*(z**2 + zr**2) + 2*C*D*z + D**2)
imag = (zr * (A*D - B*C)) / (C**2*(z**2 + zr**2) + 2*C*D*z + D**2)
z = real
zr = imag
return z, zr
def q1_inv_func(z, w0, lam, mat):
z : float, int, symbol
Position of the beam waist in meters.
w0 : float, int, symbol
Radial waist size in meters (of the embedded Gaussian, i.e. W0/M).
lam : float, int, symbol
Wavelength of light in meters.
mat : float, int, symbol
The ABCD 2x2 matrix describing the optical system.
R : float, int, symbol
Radius of curvature of the wavefront in meters.
w : float, int, symbol
Radius of the beam in meters.
A = mat[0][0]
B = mat[0][1]
C = mat[1,0]
D = mat[1][1]
zr = Zr(w0, lam)
real = (A*C*(z**2 + zr**2) + z*(A*D + B*C) + B*D) / (A**2*(z**2 + zr**2) + 2*A*B*z + B**2)
imag = -zr * (A*D-B*C) / (A**2 *(z**2 + zr**2) + 2*A*B*z + B**2)
R = 1/real
w = (-lam / imag / np.pi)**.5
return R, w
def plot(func, var, rang = np.arange(0,3,.01)):
func : Sympy function of one variable
Sympy function defining the beam width after the last optical element.
var : sympy variable
Variable in func that will be plotted.
rang : numpy array
Array of the values along the optical axis to be plotted
plot : matplotlib graph
Graph of the beam width of var
func = sym.lambdify(var, func)
plt.plot(rang, func(rang), color = 'b')
plt.plot(rang, -func(rang), color = 'b')
plt.xlabel('Optic Axis (m)')
plt.ylabel('Beam size (m)')

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@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
import BeamPropagation as bp # This is the script that handles the propagation
import sympy as sym # For Symbolic examples
import numpy as np # Handling of lists and for plotting
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Plotting
"""A Gaussian beam can be defined by it's (radial) waist wo, it's Rayleigh range zR, and the location of its waist zO"""
w0 = 5.2E-3 # 1mm beam waist
lam = 532E-9 # wavelength of 355 nm (UV)
zR = bp.Zr(w0, lam) # Rayleigh range in m
z0 = 0 # location of waist in m
"""Define first 4-f optical system using matrices"""
d1, d2, d3, f1, f2 = sym.symbols('d1 d2 d3 f1 f2')
M = bp.mult(bp.prop(d3),bp.lens(f2),bp.prop(d2), bp.lens(f1), bp.prop(d1))
"""Use script to do all the ABCD and q-parameter math, and return the waist and radius of curvature functions"""
R, w = bp.q1_inv_func(0, w0, lam, M)
"""Substitute and extract the required separation between lenses of first 4-f system"""
distance_between_dmd_first_lens = 250E-3
first_focal_length = 250.9E-3
second_focal_length = 50E-3
demag = 1/5
target_w0 = demag*w0
w = w.subs(f1, first_focal_length).subs(f2, second_focal_length).subs(d1, distance_between_dmd_first_lens).subs(d3,0)
eq = sym.solve(w - target_w0, d2)[0]
distance_between_lens_of_first_4f = list(eq.atoms())[0]
print('Distance between lenses of first 4-f system = {} mm'.format(distance_between_lens_of_first_4f * 1E3))
# Sanity check
# expansion_factor = w.subs(d2,distance_between_lens_of_first_4f).subs(d3,0)/ w0
# print('beam is w = {:.2f} x w0'.format(expansion_factor))
# """Plot beam propagation up to 3 m after the first 4-f system"""
# M = bp.mult(bp.prop(d3),bp.lens(second_focal_length),bp.prop(distance_between_lens_of_first_4f), bp.lens(first_focal_length), bp.prop(distance_between_dmd_first_lens))
# R, w = bp.q1_inv_func(0, w0, lam, M)
# bp.plot(w,d3, rang = np.arange(0,0.050,.0005))
"""Define the full optical system of two 4-f setups using matrices"""
d1, d2, d3, d4, f1, f2, f3 = sym.symbols('d1 d2 d3 d4 f1 f2 f3')
M = bp.mult(bp.prop(d4),bp.lens(f3), bp.prop(d3),bp.lens(f2),bp.prop(d2), bp.lens(f1), bp.prop(d1))
"""Use script to do all the ABCD and q-parameter math, and return the waist and radius of curvature functions"""
R, w = bp.q1_inv_func(0, w0, lam, M)
# """Find the focal length of lens required after the first 4-f system to have a collimated beam, given a certain separation between the first 4-f system and this lens"""
distance_between_4fs = 550E-3
R_coll = R.subs(d1,distance_between_dmd_first_lens).subs(d2,distance_between_lens_of_first_4f).subs(d3,distance_between_4fs).subs(d4,0).subs(f1,first_focal_length).subs(f2,second_focal_length)
f3_coll = sym.solve(1/R_coll,f3)[0]
third_focal_length = list(f3_coll.atoms())[0]
print('For a fixed separation between first 4-f and third lens of {:.3f} mm, f3 = {:.3f} mm for a collimated beam'.format(distance_between_4fs* 1E3, third_focal_length * 1E3))
# # """Plot beam propagation up to 3 m after the first 4-f system"""
# M = bp.mult(bp.prop(d4),bp.lens(third_focal_length),bp.prop(distance_between_4fs), bp.lens(second_focal_length), bp.prop(distance_between_lens_of_first_4f), bp.lens(first_focal_length), bp.prop(distance_between_dmd_first_lens))
# R, w = bp.q1_inv_func(0, w0, lam, M)
# bp.plot(w,d4, rang = np.arange(0,0.050,.0005))
third_focal_length = 501.8E-3
R_coll = R.subs(d1,distance_between_dmd_first_lens).subs(d2,distance_between_lens_of_first_4f).subs(d4,0).subs(f1,first_focal_length).subs(f2,second_focal_length).subs(f3,third_focal_length)
d3_coll = sym.solve(1/R_coll,d3)[1]
distance_between_4fs = list(d3_coll.atoms())[0]
print('For a fixed third focal length of {:.3f} mm, d3 = {:.3f} mm, for a collimated beam'.format(third_focal_length* 1E3, distance_between_4fs * 1E3))
# """Plot beam propagation up to 3 m after the first 4-f system"""
# M = bp.mult(bp.prop(d4),bp.lens(third_focal_length),bp.prop(distance_between_4fs), bp.lens(second_focal_length), bp.prop(distance_between_lens_of_first_4f), bp.lens(first_focal_length), bp.prop(distance_between_dmd_first_lens))
# R, w = bp.q1_inv_func(0, w0, lam, M)
# bp.plot(w,d4, rang = np.arange(0,0.050,.0005))

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@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
import numpy as np
import pyfits
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import skimage
from skimage.feature import blob_dog, blob_doh, blob_log, canny
from skimage.color import rgb2gray
from skimage.feature import corner_harris, corner_subpix, corner_peaks
from skimage.segmentation import slic
from skimage.filters import sobel
from scipy.signal import convolve2d
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter
from skimage import measure
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import matplotlib.ticker as mtick
from scipy.signal import savgol_filter
import scipy
from scipy import signal
from scipy.signal import argrelextrema
import cv2
## this function will get the values along each circle. We start by defining a range of angles, computing the
#coordinates and then finding the values at the nearest pixel position.
def get_line(star,theta,radius,x_c,y_c):
#theta = np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,N_theta)
x = x_c + radius*np.cos(theta)
y = y_c + radius*np.sin(theta)
x = np.round(x)
y = np.round(y)
x = x.astype(int)
y = y.astype(int)
I = star[y,x]
return I,x,y
## a function to compute the frequecy for a certain radius
def get_radius(freq):
N_p = 36
r = N_p/(2*np.pi*freq)
return r
## a function to compute the radius for a certain frequency
def get_freq(radius):
N_p = 36
freq = N_p/(2*np.pi*radius)
return freq
def sinusoidal(theta,a,b,c):
N_p = 36
y = a + b*np.sin(N_p*theta) + c*np.cos(N_p*theta)
return y
def fit_sinusoid(I,theta,p0):
popt, pcov = curve_fit(sinusoidal,theta,I,p0)
a = popt[0]
b = popt[1]
c = popt[2]
modulation = np.sqrt(b**2 + c**2)/a
return modulation, popt
def Gaussian(x,a,x0,sigma):
y = a*(1/(np.sqrt(2*np.pi)*sigma))*np.exp(-(x-x0)**2/(2*sigma**2))
#y = np.exp(-2*(np.pi**2)*((x-x0)**2)*sigma**2)
return y

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@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
import math
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from scipy.signal import find_peaks
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
def show_acquisition(recon_sum_norm, recon_sum, recon_sum_normalized, x0, y0):
plt.figure(figsize=(16,16), tight_layout=True)
plt.imshow(recon_sum_norm, cmap='gray')
plt.title('Normalization image')
plt.imshow(recon_sum, cmap='gray')
plt.title('Acquired image')
plt.imshow(recon_sum_normalized, cmap='gray')
plt.title('Normalized image')
def show_radii(img, x0, y0, R_MAX, R_MIN, title=None):
plt.imshow(img, cmap='gray')
plt.scatter(x=y0, y=x0, s=4, color='r')
if title is not None:
theta = np.arange(0,360,0.1)
x = np.zeros(len(theta))
y = np.zeros(len(theta))
for index,angle in enumerate(theta*np.pi/180):
x[index] = x0 + R_MAX*np.sin(angle)
y[index] = y0 + R_MAX*np.cos(angle)
for index,angle in enumerate(theta*np.pi/180):
x[index] = x0 + R_MIN*np.sin(angle)
y[index] = y0 + R_MIN*np.cos(angle)
def get_freq(radius, Np):
Returns spatial frequency in cycles/pixel
freq = Np/(2*np.pi*radius)
return freq
def pix_to_mm(res_radius: int, siemens_radius: int, phys_mag: float, ext_r: int,
zoom:int=1) -> float:
return res_radius * siemens_radius * phys_mag / (ext_r * zoom)
def calculate_lpmm(radius_pix: int, siemens_freq: int, siemens_radius: int,
phys_mag: float, ext_r: int, zoom:int=1) -> float:
"""Calculates resolution in linepairs per millimter (lp/mm).
radius_pix (int):
Radius in pixels at which resolution is determined.
siemens_freq (int):
Amount of black black bars in the Siemens Star.
siemens_radius (int):
Siemens Star radius in mm.
phys_mag (float):
Physical magnification due to the system's optics.
ext_r (int):
External radius in pixels.
zoom (int, optional):
Zoom applied to the acquisition. If present, the external radius
(ext_r) must be the same as in the image without zoom and this
function will calculate the correct external radius after zooming.
Defaults to 1.
float: resolution in lp/mm.
radius_mm = pix_to_mm(radius_pix, siemens_radius, phys_mag, ext_r, zoom)
theta = 2 * math.pi / siemens_freq
c = 2 * radius_mm * math.sin(theta/2)
return 1/c
def calculate_contrast(maxima, minima):
Imax = np.median(maxima)
Imax_mean = np.mean(maxima)
Imax_std = np.std(maxima)
Imax_unc = Imax_std/np.sqrt(len(maxima))
Imin = np.median(minima)
Imin_mean = np.mean(minima)
Imin_std = np.std(minima)
Imin_unc = Imin_std/np.sqrt(len(minima))
contrast = (Imax-Imin)/(Imax+Imin)
dImax2 = (2*Imax/(Imax+Imin)**2)**2
dImin2 = (2*Imin/(Imax+Imin)**2)**2
contrast_unc = np.sqrt(dImax2 * (Imax_unc**2) + dImin2 * (Imin_unc**2))
return contrast, contrast_unc, Imax, Imin
def object_resolution(res_radius: int, siemens_radius: int, siemens_freq: int,
phys_mag: float, ext_r: int, zoom:int=1) -> float:
"""Calculates resolution in mm.
res_radius (int):
Radius in pixels at which resolution is determined.
siemens_radius (int):
Siemens Star radius in mm.
siemens_freq (int):
Amount of black black bars in the Siemens Star.
phys_mag (float):
Physical magnification due to the system's optics.
ext_r (int):
External radius in pixels.
zoom (int, optional):
Zoom applied to the acquisition. If present, the external radius
(ext_r) must be the same as in the image without zoom and this
function will calculate the correct external radius after zooming.
Defaults to 1.
Real resolution at the object plane.
res_r = pix_to_mm(res_radius, siemens_radius, phys_mag, ext_r, zoom)
res = 2 * np.pi * res_r / siemens_freq
return res
def find_resolution(img, x0, y0, radii, interactive=False):
d_theta = 0.0001
theta = np.arange(0,2*np.pi, d_theta)
d = int(10*np.pi/180/d_theta * 2/3)
contrast = np.zeros(len(radii))
contrast_unc = np.zeros(len(radii))
for index, R in enumerate(radii):
values = np.zeros(len(theta))
x = np.around(x0 + R*np.cos(theta)).astype('int')
y = np.around(y0 + R*np.sin(theta)).astype('int')
for i in range(len(theta)):
values[i] = img[x[i],y[i]]
# Finding maxima and minima
maxima,_ = find_peaks(values,distance=d)
minima,_ = find_peaks(-values,distance=d)
contrast[index],contrast_unc[index],Imax,Imin = calculate_contrast(
if interactive:
plt.plot(theta, values, label='profile')
plt.scatter(theta[maxima], values[maxima], label='maxima')
plt.scatter(theta[minima], values[minima], label='minima')
plt.axhline(Imax, label=f'median maximum = {Imax:.2f}')
plt.axhline(Imin, label=f'median minimum = {Imin:.2f}')
plt.xlabel('theta (rad)')
plt.ylabel('Normalized intensity')
plt.title(f'R={R} pix, contrast={contrast[index]:.3f}')
ind = np.abs(contrast - 0.1).argmin()
# Forcing the contrast to be at least 0.1
if contrast[ind] < 0.1:
ind += 1
res_radius = radii[ind]
res_MTF = contrast[ind]
print(f'Found resolution at R={res_radius} pix, MTF={res_MTF}')
return res_radius, res_MTF, contrast, contrast_unc
def plot_MTF_radius(radii, contrast, contrast_unc=None):
plt.plot(radii,contrast, label='MTF')
plt.axhline(0.1, label='Resolution limit') # Resolution limit at 10% of the MTF
if contrast_unc is not None:
plt.errorbar(radii,contrast,yerr=contrast_unc, label='MTF error')
plt.xlabel('Radius (pix)')
def plot_MTF_freq(radii, contrast, contrast_unc=None):
freqs = [get_freq(R,36) for R in radii]
plt.plot(freqs,contrast, label='MTF')
plt.axhline(0.1, label='Resolution limit') # Resolution limit at 10% of the MTF
if contrast_unc is not None:
plt.errorbar(freqs,contrast,yerr=contrast_unc, label='MTF error')
plt.xlabel('f (cycles/pixel)')
def reciprocal_func(x, A):
return A/x
def resolution_curve_coeffs(zooms, resolutions):
popt, pcov = curve_fit(reciprocal_func, zooms, resolutions)
return popt[0]