Guenther edited this page 2024-01-25 14:46:12 +01:00
login to lhcba2
ssh -X -p30 lhcba2.physi.uni-heidelberg.de
Follow the instructions from https://gitlab.cern.ch:8443/rmatev/lb-stack-setup
Make a folder to put the stack (up to 50 gigabytes depending on the platform):
cd /work/<username>
mkdir -p lhcb
cd lhcb
curl https://gitlab.cern.ch/rmatev/lb-stack-setup/raw/master/setup.py | python3 - stack
cd stack
make #default config is used
The above only works for CentOS7 (which is accessed by port 30 in the first command). CentOS7 is being phased out currently (February 2024) and replaced by an OS compatible with RHEL9. Hence, for cutting-edge LHCb software development ALMA9 can be used via singularity by:
export PATH=/work/software/singularity/latest/`/work/software/os_version`/bin:$PATH
singularity exec --bind /run --bind /cvmfs --bind /auto /cvmfs/lhcb.cern.ch/containers/os-base/alma9-devel/prod/amd64 /bin/bash
It is likely that ALMA9 will be accessible via a port just like CentOS7 in the future.