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Linux Tutorial
You can find an introduction to UNIX/Linux systems here:
And the most useful commands on the Basic Linux Commands Wiki Page.
How to write shell scripts
Shell Scripts: These are useful for automation of simple commands from the command line.
Python and GIT
HEP Analysis Essentials - Python, GIT, UNIX, shell
The LHCb Heidelberg Computing cluster
D0 Cluster
D0 Cluster: a server cluster dedicated to local LHCb computing Latest update(25/06/2021):
- 4 nodes with CentOS7 environment (lhcba1, d0new, delta, lhcbi1)
- singularity support under Ubuntu (lhcba1, d0new, delta, batch system)
- 140 slots HTCondor batch system (currently PAT oriented).
Job Submission
HTCondor : submitting many jobs to the cluster with HTCondor
qsub(Depracated) : submitting many jobs to the cluster with qsub
NAF Please note that NAF is not DESY T2. So there is no possibility to use LHCb frameworks (DIRAC, Ganga) to schedule jobs there, nor a possibility to up/down-load LHCb data automatically (LHCb computing policy is explicitly against any national resources, so that is not just technical limitation).
LHCb Software:
All new LHCb students are encouraged to attend Starter-kits when offered:
Beware that a lot of the twiki pages are outdated...
Useful training material and Software Tutorials:
Building the LHCb Sofware Stack
Building the Stack on D0 download and compile the stack on the D0 cluster