Table of Contents
- Functions
- Basic names and trees
- string correct_magnet_string()
- string treeName()
- vector <string> get_magnet_vector()
- TChain *get_basic_TChain()
- TChain *get_weighted_TChain()
- TChain *get_BDT_TChain()
- TChain *get_BDT_TChain()
- TChain *get_FinalOutput_TChain()
- string getTMcut()
- string getJpsicut()
- string getMuMucut()
- string getFullCut()
- string getAloneBranch()
- string getMultipleCut()
- string getFinalCut()
- Sanity checks
- string checkIf2015MC()
- bool checkMC()
- bool checkMC()
- bool checkQ2Range()
- bool checkTM()
- bool checkKshort()
- bool checkRefYear()
- bool checkEntries()
- bool checkYear()
- bool checkRun()
- Names and tags
- string getTMtag()
- string getTMtag()
- string getWeightName()
- std::string getDataTypeTag()
- string getDataTypeTag()
- string getYearRunTag()
- Similarly populated bins
- Getting results from a RooFit file
- RooFitResult* getResult()
- RooRealVar* getVarFromResult()
- double getBplusMeanFromResult()
- double getSigYield()
- double getSigYieldErr()
- double getBkgYield()
- double getBkgYieldErr()
- double getEffSigma()
- histogram/graph helpers
- Numbers of generated events
In this file, various helper functions are defined. Unfortunately, as we are trying to compile and run things within ROOT, it is orders of magnitute easier to have the funcitons defined fully in the header. Including cross-refrences with Paths.hpp.
Table of Contents
- Global variables:
- Functions
- Basic names and trees
- string correct_magnet_string()
- string treeName()
- vector <string> get_magnet_vector()
- TChain *get_basic_TChain()
- TChain *get_weighted_TChain()
- TChain *get_BDT_TChain()
- TChain *get_BDT_TChain()
- TChain *get_FinalOutput_TChain()
- string getTMcut()
- string getJpsicut()
- string getMuMucut()
- string getFullCut()
- string getAloneBranch()
- string getMultipleCut()
- string getFinalCut()
- Sanity checks
- Names and tags
- Similarly populated bins
- Getting results from a RooFit file
- histogram/graph helpers
- Numbers of generated events
- Basic names and trees
Global variables:
Number of generated MC events
- double generated_basic_events = 10000.0
- double generated_basic_events_PHSP = 1000.0
- vector<int> generated_signal_events_down
- vector<int> generated_signal_events_up
- vector<int> generated_reference_events_down
- vector<int> generated_reference_events_up
- vector<int> generated_PHSP_events_down
- vector<int> generated_PHSP_events_up
Generator tables
The efficiencies obtained from the simulaiton group. For Sim09, follow this link.
- vector<double> gen_tables_signal_efficiency_down
- vector<double> gen_tables_signal_efficiency_up
- vector<double> gen_tables_reference_efficiency_down
- vector<double> gen_tables_reference_efficiency_up
Yields and their errors
Not sure whether the numbers are up to date!
- vector<int> yield_signal_events
- vector<int> yield_signal_events_err
- vector<int> yield_reference_events
- vector<int> yield_reference_events_err
- vector<int> yield_PHSP_events
- vector<int> yield_PHSP_events_err
- vector<int> yield_signal_events_notTM
- vector<int> yield_signal_events_notTM_err
- vector<int> yield_reference_events_notTM
- vector<int> yield_reference_events_notTM_err
- vector<int> yield_signal_events_notTM_unique
- vector<int> yield_signal_events_notTM_unique_err
- vector<int> yield_reference_events_notTM_unique
- vector<int> yield_reference_events_notTM_unique_err
Basic names and trees
string correct_magnet_string()
- Parameters
- string magnet
- Return
- Parsed magnet string name
string treeName()
- Parameters
- bool MC
- bool Preselected
- Return
- Correct tree name for given sample
vector <string> get_magnet_vector()
- Parameters
- string magnet (up, down or both)
- Return
- vector of given polarity(ies), either "up", "down" or both
TChain *get_basic_TChain()
- Parameters
- string magnet
- vector<string> years
- bool Preselected
- bool MC
- bool ReferenceChannel
- bool PHSP
- bool B0
- bool K1
- bool Inc
- Return
- TChain of all stripped or preselected events
TChain *get_weighted_TChain()
- Parameters
- vector<string> years
- bool MC
- bool ReferenceChannel
- bool PHSP
- bool KshortDecayInVelo
- Return
- TChain of all weighted events
TChain *get_BDT_TChain()
- Parameters
- vector<string> years
- bool MC
- bool ReferenceChannel
- bool PHSP
- bool KshortDecayInVelo
- bool reweighted
- Return
- TChain of all events with their MVA response
TChain *get_BDT_TChain()
- Parameters
- string year
- int Run
- bool MC
- bool ReferenceChannel
- bool PHSP
- bool KshortDecayInVelo
- bool reweighted
- Return
- TChain of all events with their MVA response
TChain *get_FinalOutput_TChain()
- Parameters
- vector<string> years
- bool MC
- bool ReferenceChannel
- bool PHSP
- bool KshortDecayInVelo
- Return
- TChain of all events passing the MVA response cut
string getTMcut()
- Parameters
- bool TM
- bool notTM
- string customTMbranch
- bool gammaTM
- Return
- String with a ROOT-readable cut on the truth matching variables depending on the input parameters
string getJpsicut()
- Return
- Cut to keep only the Jpsi Q2 region
string getMuMucut()
- Return
- Cut to remove the resonant (phi, Jpsi and Psi2s) Q2 regions
string getFullCut()
- Parameters
- bool UseOnlyMuMuEvents
- bool UseOnlyJpsiEvents
- bool SplitInQ2
- bool UseLowQ2Range
- bool useExtraVar
- TMefficiencyClass extraVar
- int nExtraBin
- double TMVAcut
- Return
- String with a ROOT-readable cut on Q2, MVA resonse and extra variable in the given bin
string getAloneBranch()
- Parameters
- bool MC
- bool TM
- string customTMbranch
- bool gammaTM
- Return
- Returns the branch with the MVA response at which there are no multiple candidates depending on the TM options
string getMultipleCut()
- Parameters
- bool MC
- bool TM
- string customTMbranch
- bool gammaTM
- double TMVAcut
- Return
- Reutrns a string with the cut on the corresponding getAloneBranch() depending on the TMVA cut
string getFinalCut()
- Parameters
- bool MC
- bool TM
- bool notTM
- string customTMbranch
- bool gammaTM
- bool UseOnlyMuMuEvents
- bool UseOnlyJpsiEvents
- bool SplitInQ2
- bool UseLowQ2Range
- bool useExtraVar
- TMefficiencyClass extraVar
- int nExtraBin
- double TMVAcut
- bool removeMultiple
- Return
- A string combining getFullCut(), getTMcut() and getMultipleCut()
Sanity checks
string checkIf2015MC()
Buggy 2015 MC needs to be removed and replaced by 2016, hence check whether you are trying to load ot
- Parameters
- string year
- bool MC
- bool Reference
- bool PHSP
- Return
- 2015 the MC sample exists, otherwise 2016
bool checkMC()
- Parameters
- bool &MC
- bool ReferenceChannel
- bool PHSP
- bool mutuallyExclusive
- Return
- True if you are selecting a meaningful sample, otherwise false
bool checkMC()
- Parameters
- bool ReferenceChannel
- bool PHSP
- Return
- True if !(ReferenceChannel && PHSP), else False
bool checkQ2Range()
- Parameters
- bool UseOnlyJpsi
- bool UseOnlyMuMu
- Return
- False if you simultaneously require reference and rare Q2 region, true otherwise
bool checkTM()
- Parameters
- bool MC
- bool &TM
- bool &nonTM
- bool Preselected
- Return
- True if you require meaningful sample to be truth matched, false otherwise
bool checkKshort()
- Parameters
- bool &KshortDecaysInVelo
- Return
- Check you do not require LL tracks in the K+pi0 channel
bool checkRefYear()
No reference MC available for 2017 and 2018
- Parameters
- string year
- Return
- True if year < 2017, false otherwise
bool checkEntries()
- Parameters
- TTree *tree
- Return
- False if the tree is empty, true otherwise.
bool checkYear()
- Parameters
- int year
- bool MC
- bool ReferenceChannel
- bool PHSP
- Return
- True if you require a meaningful year for the given data sample, false otherwise
bool checkRun()
- Parameters
- int Run
- Return
- True if the Run number is meaningful, false otherwise
Names and tags
string getTMtag()
- Parameters
- string customTMbranch
- Return
- Branch tag used in the truth matching branch
string getTMtag()
- Parameters
- string customTMbranch
- bool gammaTM
- Return
- Branch tag used in the truth matching branch
string getWeightName()
Weighting depends on the truth matching, hence each weight branch has a TM tag too
- Parameters
- string customTMbranch
- bool gammaTM
- Return
- Branch tag used in the weighting branch
std::string getDataTypeTag()
- Parameters
- bool MC
- bool Reference
- bool PHSP
- bool B0
- bool K1
- bool Inc
- Return
- Tag corresponding to the selected sample, eg "Data" or "MC BtoXMuMu"
string getDataTypeTag()
- Parameters
- bool MC
- bool Reference
- bool PHSP
- Return
- Tag corresponding to the selected sample, calls getDataTypeTag()
string getYearRunTag()
- Parameters
- int Run
- string year
- Return
- Tag with the given run or year
Similarly populated bins
void getSimilarlyPopulatedBins()
This function assumes the original bin width is one!!! Takes the histogram and rebins it in a way the final bins are simirarly populated.
- Parameters
- TH1D *histogram
- int desiredBins
- int nBins
void getSimilarlyPopulatedBinsVar()
Reads a TTree, fills in the histogram based on the input parameters with var
, modifies it to be simirarly populated, and exits. The histogram is ont saved anywhere though.
- Parameters
- string var
- int nBins
- double lowEdge
- double highEdge
- int desiredBins
- string year
- string magnet
- int Run
- bool ReferenceChannel
- bool PHSP
Getting results from a RooFit file
RooFitResult* getResult()
- Parameters
- TFile *fitFile
- Return
- Retureves the RooFitResult from the fitFile
RooRealVar* getVarFromResult()
- Parameters
- RooFitResult *fitResult
- string name
- Return
- Retrieves the RooRealVar from the RooFitResult based on the name
double getBplusMeanFromResult()
- Parameters
- TFile* fitFile
- Return
- Reads the mass mean from the mass fit file
double getSigYield()
- Parameters
- TFile *fitFile
- Return
- signal yield from the mass fitFile
double getSigYieldErr()
- Parameters
- TFile *fitFile
- Return
- signal yield error from the mass fitFile
double getBkgYield()
- Parameters
- TFile *fitFile
- Return
- background yield from the mass fitFile
double getBkgYieldErr()
- Parameters
- TFile *fitFile
- Return
- background yield error from the mass fitFile
double getEffSigma()
- Parameters
- TFile *fitFile
- Return
- effective sigma from the mass fitFile
histogram/graph helpers
TH1D *convertTGraph()
- Parameters
- TGraph *graph
- Return
- Returns a histogram created from a TGraph
Numbers of generated events
double get_generated_events()
- Parameters
- bool PHSP
- Return
- Returns the scale used to calculate the efficiencies
int get_position_from_year()
The yields and generator efficiencies are saved in vectors for each year, 2011, 2012, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018. This converts the year string to the correct postiion in the vector.
- Parameters
- string year
- Return
- position in the vector where to look a for given year
int get_gen_evts()
- Parameters
- string year/int Run
- bool ReferenceChannel
- bool PHSP
- Return
- The number of generated events for the given year/Run
int get_gen_evts()
int get_selected_evts()
- Parameters
- string year/int Run
- bool ReferenceChannel
- bool PHSP
- Return
- The number of selected events for the given year/Run
int get_selected_evts_err()
- Parameters
- string year
- bool ReferenceChannel
- bool PHSP
- Return
- The error of the number of selected events for the given year
double get_selection_efficiency()
- Parameters
- string year/int Run
- bool ReferenceChannel
- bool PHSP
- Return
- The selection efficiency for the given year
double get_tables_eff()
- Parameters
- string year/int Run
- bool ReferenceChannel
- Return
- Generator efficiency in a yearPrun as an average between up and down
void print_all_yields_and_efficiencies()
Print the number of generated events, selected events and the selection efficiency for the given year.
- Parameters
- bool ReferenceChannel
- bool PHSP