Table of Contents
- Public members:
- double sigYield
- double sigYieldErr
- double bkgYield
- double bkgYieldErr
- double significance
- Functions:
- YieldInfo() //default constructor
- void addYield()
- ~YieldInfo() //destuctor
void YieldInfo::addYield()
[comment]: # (o())
Adds together two YieldInfo classes: makes a sum of the current YiledInfo and addInfo
. Recalculates the significance accordingly.
- Parameters
- YieldInfo addInfo
double getValueFromTGraph()
[comment]: # (getValueFromTGraph())
Reads the expected yields and significances from the TGraph with name
saved in the fitFile
- Parameters
- string name
- TFile *fitFile
- double TMVAcut
- Return
- Values of TGraphs for given MVA cut
bool yieldComparison()
[comment]: # (yieldComparison()) Reads the expected signal+background yield and significance as well as the actuall yield and significance and prints the values in a form of LaTeX table er Run
- Parameters
- int Run
- double TMVAcut
- Return
- Always 1
YieldInfo yieldInQ2()
Performs the B plus mass fit in all the Q2 bins to rare data. Loads the results into the YieldInfo. [comment]: # (yieldInQ2())
- Parameters
- int Run
- double TMVAcut
- int nBin
- bool doFit (if false, don't fit, just read)
- Return
- YieldInfo filled from B plus mass fit to rare data
bool plotYieldInQ2()
[comment]: # (plotYieldInQ2()) Reads the TGraphs with signal and background yields as well as the actual significance. Also reads the CMS's significance (numbers are saved in the function) and plots it all in one nice even though complicated plot, one per Run and one for both runs.
- Parameters
- bool fixRange
- Return
- Always True
MVA cut
bool ApplyCut()
[comment]: # (ApplyCut()) Reads the BDT output tree and creates a new reduced tree by applying a cut on the MVA response defined in GlobalFunctions.hh for given Run.
- Parameters
- int Run
- bool MC
- bool Reference
- bool PHSP
- double TMVAcut
- Return
- Always True
bool ApplyCutPerYear()
[comment]: # (ApplyCutPerYear()) Reads the BDT output tree and creates a new reduced tree by applying a cut on the given MVA response.
- Parameters
- int Run
- bool MC
- bool Reference
- bool PHSP
- double TMVAcut
- Return
- Always True
bool ApplyCutToAll()
[comment]: # (ApplyCutToAll()) Calls ApplyCut() for data, signal MC, reference MC and PHSP MC samples.
- Parameters
- int Run
- double TMVAcut
- Return
- Always True
bool ApplyCutPerYearAll()
[comment]: # (ApplyCutPerYearAll()) Calls ApplyCutPerYear() for data, signal MC, reference MC and PHSP MC samples.
- Parameters
- int Run
- double TMVAcut
- Return
- Always True
bool ApplyCutPerYearAll()
[comment]: # (ApplyCutPerYearAll()) Calls ApplyCutPerYearAll() for given run, applying a cut on the MVA response defined in GlobalFunctions.hh .
- Parameters
- int Run
- Return
bool printYileds()
[comment]: # (printYileds()) Prints a LaTeX table with the number of candidates fro each selection step: triger and stripping, preselection and MVA selection.
- Parameters
- bool Rare
- Return
- Always True