In this script, the MC truthmatching is executed. The script can check both the background category of the decay or perform true-ID based truthmatching. Since this had to be heavily optimized for the K+pi0 channel, the KShort part is obsolete, but in principle it should work.
The corresponding classes are defined in TMsource.cpp.
Table of Contents
Global variables
I would say they are pretty self-explanatory :)
- Double_t YieldBeforeTruthMatching
- Double_t YieldAfterTruthMatching
- Double_t YieldBeforeTruthMatchingErr
- Double_t YieldAfterTruthMatchingErr
Checks the TRUEIDs of the gammas, including the (grand(grand))mother IDs.
- Parameters
- gamma1: gamma_IDs class of the first gamma
- gamma2: gamma_IDs class of the second gamma
- *counter: counter class to see the number of vetoed events
- B_plus_TM: Check whether the gamma TRUEID chain originates from a B?
- K_star_plus_TM: Check whether the gamma TRUEID chain originates from a Kstar?
- pi_zero_TM: Check whether the gamma TRUEID chain originates from a pi0?
- gamma_TM: Check gamma TRUEID?
- gamma_TM_full: if true, don't check the gamma TRUEID chain, just return true
- Result
Returns a number from 1 to 6:
- 1: Both gammas are actually gammas
- 2: One gamma is gamma, one is converted
- 3: Both are converted
- 4: One gamma is real, one is random
- 5: One gamma is converted, one is random
- 6: Both gammas are random
Checks the TRUEID decay chain, fills some mass histograms and returns whether the event is sucessfully truthmatched or not.
- Parameters
- B_plus: Bplus_IDs class of the Bplus
- K_star: K_star_IDs class of the Kstar
- J_psi: J_psi_IDs class of the J/psi
- mu_plus: mu_IDs class of the mu+
- mu_minus: mu_IDs class of the mu-
- K_plus: K_plus_IDs class of the Kplus
- pi_zero: pi_zero_IDs class of the pi0
- K_short: K_short_IDs class of the Ks
- pi_plus: pi_plus_IDs class of the pi+
- Ks_pi_plus: Ks_pi_IDs class of the pi+ from Ks
- Ks_pi_minus: Ks_pi_IDs class of the pi- from Ks
- *counter: counter class to see the number of vetoed events
- *h_pi0_mismatched_mass: histogram to be filled with the mass of mismatched pi0
- *h_Bplus_M_pi0mismatched: histogram to be filled with the B+ mass for events with mismatched pi0
- *h_Bplus_M_noPi0Constr:histogram to be filled with the B+ mass for events with any pi0
- *h_pi0_resolved_mass: histogram to be filled with the pi0 mass
- *h_Bplus_M_pi0random: histogram to be filled with the B+ mass for events with random
- B_plus_TM: Check whether the TRUEID chain originates from a B?
- K_star_plus_TM: Check whether the TRUEID chain originates from a Kstar?
- K_plus_TM: Check whether the TRUEID chain originates from a Kplus?
- pi_zero_TM: Check whether the TRUEID chain originates from a pi0?
- pi_zero_full_TM: Check whether the TRUEID of pi0?
- mu_TM: Check whether the TRUEID of muons is correct?
- J_psi_TM: Check whether the TRUEID chain originates from a Jpsi?
- Result
Returns a boolean: passed (event is TMed) or not passed (event is not TMed)
Int_t MCtruth()
Reads a tree, performs the truthmatching based on the settings in GlobalFunctions.hpp, creates, fills and saves a lot of mass and TRUEID histograms. Saves the truthmatching branch in a new tuple. The old tuple is backed up and overwritten by the new tuple. The meaning of the parameters is in BDTSelection.cpp.
- Parameters
- year
- magnet
- ReferenceChnnel
- B0
- K1
- Inc
- Result\
- If everyhting is fine, returns 1, otherwise returns 0.
bool restore_from_backup
Restores the backup file created by Int_t MCtruth().
- Parameters
- string year = "2011"
- string magnet = "down"
- bool ReferenceChannel = false
- bool PHSP = false
- bool B0 = false
- bool K1 = false
- bool Inc = false
- Return
- If everyhting is fine, returns 1, otherwise returns 0.
bool restore_allyears_from_backup
Calls bool restore_from_backup for both polarities and years corresponding to the selected Run
- Parameters
- int Run = 1
- bool Reference = false
- bool PHSP = false
- bool B0 = false
- bool K1 = false
- bool Inc = false
- Return
- If everyhting is fine, returns 1, otherwise returns 0.
bool restore_all_from_backup
Calls bool restore_from_backup for both Runs, Sig, Ref and PHSP MC. Does not restore the bkg samples (aka B0
= K1
= Inc
= false)!
- Parameters
- Return
- If everyhting is fine, returns 1, otherwise returns 0.
Int_t TruthMatchAllBkg
Runs Int_t MCtruth() for all years. Runs the selected bkg sample (either B0
, K1
or Inc
- Parameters
- bool Reference = false
- Int_t Run = 1
- bool B0 = false
- bool K1 = false
- bool Inc = false
- Return
- If everyhting is fine, returns 1, otherwise returns 0.
Int_t TruthMatchAll
Runs Int_t MCtruth() for all years. Runs the selected MC sample (either signal, reference or PHSP).
- Parameters
- bool Reference = false
- bool PHSP = false
- Int_t Run = 1
- Return
- If everyhting is fine, returns 1, otherwise returns 0.
Int_t TruthMatchAllAll
Runs Int_t MCtruth() for all years. Runs over all MC samples for given Run
- Parameters
- Int_t Run
- Return
- If everyhting is fine, returns 1, otherwise returns 0.