Table of Contents
- Global variables
- Decay Options
- Paths
- Basic options
- Weighting options
- Truth-matching options
- Cuts
- Constants
- output levels
- colors
- Structs
- Global functions
- Functions
- bool GetKSfromExePath()
- bool isTM()
- double getTMVAcut(int Run)
- inline bool exists_test()
- void setVerboseLevel()
- bool set_gErrorIgnoreLevel()
- bool get_gErrorIgnoreLevel = set_gErrorIgnoreLevel()
- void coutTest()
- void coutDebug()
- void coutInfo()
- void coutWarning()
- void coutERROR()
- double get_cut_B_plus_M_low()
- double get_cut_B_plus_M_low()
- bool IsDST()
- void addLHCbtag()
- std::string Float2Comma()
- bool replace()
- void printVector ()
- std::vector<string> yearsMC ()
- std::vector<string> yearsData ()
- std::vector<string> yearsVector ()
- std::vector<int> yearsVectorInt()
- std::vector<string> yearsInc()
- std::vector<string> yearsBkgMC()
- int getRunID()
Table of Contents
- Global variables
- Structs
- Global functions
- Functions
- bool GetKSfromExePath()
- bool isTM()
- double getTMVAcut(int Run)
- inline bool exists_test()
- void setVerboseLevel()
- bool set_gErrorIgnoreLevel()
- bool get_gErrorIgnoreLevel = set_gErrorIgnoreLevel()
- void coutTest()
- void coutDebug()
- void coutInfo()
- void coutWarning()
- void coutERROR()
- double get_cut_B_plus_M_low()
- double get_cut_B_plus_M_low()
- bool IsDST()
- void addLHCbtag()
- std::string Float2Comma()
- bool replace()
- void printVector ()
- std::vector<string> yearsMC ()
- std::vector<string> yearsData ()
- std::vector<string> yearsVector ()
- std::vector<int> yearsVectorInt()
- std::vector<string> yearsInc()
- std::vector<string> yearsBkgMC()
- int getRunID()
Global variables
Decay Options
- const bool KshortChannel = GetKSfromExePath()
- const bool SplitDDandLL = KshortChannel ? true : false //for pi0 SplitDDandLL is always false!
- std::string TheDecay = (KshortChannel ? "KshortPiplus" : "KplusPi0Resolved")
- const bool Kst2Kpluspi0Resolved = !KshortChannel
- const bool Kst2Kpluspi0Merged = false //We do not use merged pi0, so set to false. This option is pretty much obsolete.
- const bool Kst2Kspiplus = KshortChannel //David's option, no clue what it is good for
Hardcoded paths to the folders with data
- const std::string path_to_data = "/auto/data/dgerick/B2Kstmumu"
- const std::string path_to_output_KshortPiplus = "/auto/data/dgerick/B2Kstmumu"
- const std::string path_to_output_KplusPizero = "/home/lhcb/kopecna/B2KstarMuMu/data"
- const std::string thePath = Kst2Kspiplus ? path_to_output_KshortPiplus : path_to_output_KplusPizero
Basic options
- const bool smallSample = false //option that used to be used in testing, somewhat obsolete but can be easily added
- const bool UseDTF = KshortChannel ? true : true //use mass and momenta of particles obtained by DTF?
- const bool UsePDGmIn4Dvectors = KshortChannel ? false : true //Use PDG values when calculating four-momenta or use the reconstructed mass?
- const bool ReweightByRefChannel = KshortChannel ? true : true //Pretty much obsolete, always use reference channel to reweight
- const bool AlwaysUseRefChannelData = KshortChannel ? true : true // same as above
- const bool Use2017 = KshortChannel ? true : true //Relic from 2017, when we were adding new data
- const bool Use2018 = KshortChannel ? true : true //Relic from 2018, when we were adding new data
- const bool UsePIDgen = KshortChannel ? true : false //In KS, they used PID weights on top of the 2D weights in MC
Weighting options
- const std::string firstMCweight = (KshortChannel ? "nLongTracks" : "nLongTracks") //Name of the branch of the first weight
- const std::string seconMCweight = KshortChannel ? (UseDTF ? "B_plus_PT_DTF" : "B_plus_PT") : (UseDTF ? "B_plus_PT_DTF" : "B_plus_PT") //Name of the branch of the second weight
- const UInt_t firstnBins = 75 //number of bins in the weighting histogram
- const UInt_t secondnBins = 50 //number of bins in the weighting histogram
- const double firstMCrange[2] = {-0.5, 149.5} //range of the weighting histogram
- const double seconMCrange[2] = {TMath::Log(1500.), TMath::Log(50000.)} //range of the weighting histogram
- const std::string firstMClatex = KshortChannel ? "N^{Long}{Tracks}" : "N^{Long}{Tracks}" //Latex names of the weight histogram
- const std::string seconMClatex = KshortChannel ? "p_{T}(B^{+}) ( MeV/c )" : "p_{T}(B^{+}) ( MeV/c )" //Latex names of the weight histogram
Truth-matching options
- const bool UseBKGCAT = KshortChannel ? true : false //Use background category from TupleToolMCBackgroundInfo
- const bool pi0TM = true //Truth-match pi0?
- const std::string TMtag = UseBKGCAT ? "" : "_TM" + std::string(pi0TM ? "" : "_noPi0TM")
- const std::string TMbranch = "TMed" + std::string(UseBKGCAT ? "BKGCAT" : "") + std::string(pi0TM ? "" : "_noPi0")
- const std::string gammaTMbranch = "TM_gammas" + std::string(pi0TM ? "" : "_noPi0") //name of the branch with pi0 truth-matching ID
- const bool gammaTMdefault = false //Truth-match gammas?
- const double cut_DTF_status = 0.5
- const double cut_DTF_chi2 = 200.0
- const double K_star_plus_mass_difference = 100.0 //MeV //difference between K* mass and PDG K* mass
- const double cut_B_plus_M_low_basic = 4900. //pre-DTF cut
- const double cut_B_plus_M_low = KshortChannel ? 5150. : 5150. //MeV
- const double cut_B_plus_M_high = KshortChannel ? 6000. : 5800. //MeV
- const double B_plus_M_signal_window = KshortChannel ? 50. : 100 //MeV -- as PDGmass +/- the window
- const double cut_kin_Theta_low = 0.0 //kinematic cut <=> pseudorapidity (for each particle, except for gammas)
- const double cut_kin_Theta_up = 0.4 //kinematic cut <=> pseudorapidity (for each particle, except for gammas)
- const double cut_K_star_plus_pT = 1350.0 //MeV
- const double cut_B_plus_pT = 2000.0 //MeV
- const double cut_pi_zero_PT = 800.0 //MeV
- const double cut_B_plus_DIRA = 0.99996 //DIRA is nicely explained in my thesis, page 45
- const double cut_muon_angle = 0.001 //cut on angles between particles
- const double cut_B_plus_FDCHI2 = 121.0
- const double cut_K_star_plus_FDCHI2 = 9.0
- const double cut_B_plus_ConePTasym = -0.5 //conePT is explained in my thesis, page 47
- const double cut_DiMuon_M = 7100.0 //MeV, dimuon mass cut
- const double cut_muon_IPCHI2_OWNPV_low = 9.0
- const double cut_IPCHI2_OWNPV_low = 0.0
- const double cut_IPCHI2_OWNPV_high = 12.0
- const double cut_muon_ProbNNmu = 0.25
- const double cut_K_plus_ProbNNk = 0.25
- const double cut_gamma_CL = 0.15 //gamma confidence level, explained in my thesis, page 48
- const bool SplitInQ2 = KshortChannel ? false : false //rather obsolete, but still allows you to split the sample based on Q2 below and above J/psi
- const float SignalRegionNsigma = 2.; //How many sigmas around the signal peak comprises the signal region
- TString TMVAmethod = KshortChannel ? "BDTG" : "MLP" //used TMVA method
- struct PDGMASS //PDG masses in MeV
- const Double_t B_PLUS = 5279.29
- const Double_t B_ZERO = 5279.61
- const Double_t J_PSI = 3096.90
- const Double_t PSI_2S = 3686.10
- const Double_t K_STAR_PLUS = 891.66
- const Double_t K_ONE_PLUS = 1272.0
- const Double_t K_PLUS = 493.68
- const Double_t K_SHORT = 497.61
- const Double_t PI_PLUS = 139.57
- const Double_t PI_ZERO = 134.98
- const Double_t MU = 105.66
- const Double_t GAMMA = 0
- struct TRUEIDS //IDs of particles (see Monte Carlo numbering scheme
- const Int_t B_PLUS = 521
- const Int_t B_ZERO = 511
- const Int_t K_STAR_PLUS = 323
- const Int_t K_STAR_ZERO = 313
- const Int_t K_ONE_PLUS = 10323 // K1(1270)+
- const Int_t K_ONE_PLUS_1400 = 20323 // K1(1400)+
- const Int_t K_ONE_PLUS_1410 = 100323 // K1(1410)+
- const Int_t K_ONE_ZERO = 10313 // K0(1270)+
- const Int_t K_PLUS = 321
- const Int_t K_SHORT = 310
- const Int_t PI_PLUS = 211
- const Int_t PI_ZERO = 111
- const Int_t RHO_ZERO = 113
- const Int_t MU_MINUS = 13
- const Int_t GAMMA = 22
- const Int_t J_PSI = 443
- const Int_t ELECTRON = 11
- const double BR_sig = 8.668e-7;
- const double BR_sig = 8.668e-7; //BR for B+ -> K*+ mu mu without resonances from flavio (09-05-19)
- const double BR_ref = 1.43e-3 * 5.961e-2; //PDG value for B+ -> J/psi K*+ times J/psi -> mu mu
- const double BR_ref2 = 6.7e-4 * 8.0e-3; //PDG value for B+ -> psi(2s) K*+ times psi(2s) -> mu mu
output levels
- int verboseLevel = 2
- verboseLevel 0: cout Tests, Debugs, Infos, Warnings and Errors
- verboseLevel 1: cout Debugs, Infos, Warnings and Errors
- verboseLevel 2: cout Infos, Warnings and Errors
- verboseLevel 3: cout Warnings and Errors
- verboseLevel 4: cout Errors (always cout errors)
Colors are defined using #define as it is a constant everywhere
- cBOLDWHITE // Bold White
- cBOLDRED // Bold Red
- cBOLDGREEN // Bold Green
- cGREEN // Green
- cBOLDCYAN // Bold Cyan
- cCYAN // Cyan
- cRED // Red
- cBOLDRED // Bold red
- cYELLOW // Yellow
- cBOLDYELLOW // Bold Yellow
- cRESET // Resets the colors
- struct SignalFitParameters //Obsolete, used to be the starting parameters in the B mass fit
- struct FixedParameters //Obsolete, used to be the fixed parameters in the B mass fit
Global functions
Loops over the vector while having access to the index of the vector. The index is stored as i
- Parameters
- std::vector
Loops over the vector while having access to the index of the vector. The index is stored in my_counter
- Parameters
- int my_counter
- std::vector
bool GetKSfromExePath()
- Return
- Returns 1 if the current directory is in davids folder, else returns 0
bool isTM()
Takes the truth-matching response and checks whether the event passes the selection. It is useful as there are different ways how to truth-match, so this returns the truth-matching response based on the inputs.
- Parameters
- std::string customTMbranch
- bool TM
- bool gammaTM
- int gTM
- Return
- 1 if event passes truthmatching, 0 if not
double getTMVAcut(int Run)
- Parameters
- int Run
- Return
- Returns the TMVA cut for given Run.
inline bool exists_test()
- Parameters
- const std::string& name
- Return
- True if the
exists, false otherwise.
- True if the
void setVerboseLevel()
Changes the verbosity level.
- Parameters
- int level
bool set_gErrorIgnoreLevel()
- Parameters
- Sets root to be quiet based on the verbosity level.
- Return
- Always true
bool get_gErrorIgnoreLevel = set_gErrorIgnoreLevel()
I am also confused what would be this good for. Take if for obsoletel.
void coutTest()
Prints a test message.
- Parameters
- string message
void coutDebug()
Prints a debug message.
- Parameters
- string message
void coutInfo()
Prints an info message.
- Parameters
- string message
void coutWarning()
Prints a warning message.
- Parameters
- string message
void coutERROR()
Prints an error message.
- Parameters
- string message
double get_cut_B_plus_M_low()
We have tested different lower B plus cuts for different Run. Now it is obsolete.
- Parameters
- int Run = 2 //setting lower B mass cut for different run/years
- Return
- Lower B plus mass cut for given Run.
double get_cut_B_plus_M_low()
We have tested different lower B plus cuts for different years. Now it is obsolete.
- Parameters
- std::string year = "2015"
- Return
- Lower B plus mass cut for given year.
bool IsDST()
- Parameters
- std::string year
- bool MC
- bool ReferenceChannel
- bool PHSP
- Return
- True if the given sample is DST, False if it is mDST
void addLHCbtag()
Creates and draws the LHCb + suffix
- Parameters
- Float_t x = 0.6
- Float_t y = 0.85
- std::string suffix = ""
- Int_t color = 1
- Float_t Scaling = 1.0
std::string Float2Comma()
Takes float and the precision and converts the float to a string.
- Parameters
- Float_t f
- Int_t d
- Return
- String made of floats.
bool replace()
Takes a string with a substring from
and replaces it to to
- Parameters
- std::string& str
- const std::string& from
- const std::string& to
- Return
- False is the
string doesn't exist, otherwise true.
- False is the
void printVector ()
Overloaded function, takes an int, double or a string vector and prints it as a single string, separated by a space.
- Parameters
- std::vector<int, double, string> vector
std::vector<string> yearsMC ()
- Parameters
- bool Reference = false
- bool PHSP = false
- int Run = 1
- Return
- A vector of strings containing all available years for the given MC sample.
std::vector<string> yearsData ()
- Parameters
- int Run = 1
- Return
- A vector of strings containing the years corresponding to the given Run.
std::vector<string> yearsVector ()
- Parameters
- bool MC = false
- bool Reference = false
- bool PHSP = false
- int Run = 1
- Return
- A vector of strings containing the years corresponding to the given sample and Run.
std::vector<int> yearsVectorInt()
- Parameters
- bool MC = false
- bool Reference = false
- bool PHSP = false
- int Run = 1
- Return
- A vector of integers containing the years corresponding to the given sample and Run.
std::vector<string> yearsInc()
- Parameters
- int Run
- Return
- A vector of strings containing all available years for the inclusive MC sample.
std::vector<string> yearsBkgMC()
- Parameters
- bool Reference
- bool B0
- bool K1
- bool Inc
- int Run
- Return
- A vector of strings containing all available years for the given background MC sample.
int getRunID()
- Parameters
- string year
- Return
- Run number for the given run (eg 2017 will return 2, 2011 will return 1)