10 BDTSelection
Renata Kopecná edited this page 2022-01-27 10:04:00 +01:00

This file contains functions that take the tuples produced in Ganga (aka stripped data) and applies further selection. The results are saved in the local folders defined in Paths.hpp

Table of Contents

Function parameters

  • string magnet
    Refers to the polarity of the sample, it is either "down" or "up"

  • string year
    Year of the sample, 2011, 2012, 2015, 2016, 2017 or 2018

  • int Run
    1 or 2: Run 1 is 2011+2012, Run 2 is 2015+2016+2017+2018

  • bool MC
    false = use data
    true = use MC

  • bool ReferenceChannel
    false = use the signal Q2 region
    true = use the Jpsi Q2 region

  • bool PHSP
    false = do not use PHSP MC
    true = use PHSP MC\

  • bool B0
    false = do not use the B0toKstMuMu sample or B0toKstJpsi sample (depends on bool ReferenceChannel)
    true = use the B0toKstMuMu sample or B0toKstJpsi sample (depends on bool ReferenceChannel)\

  • bool K1
    false = do not use the B0toK1MuMu or B0toK1Jpsi sample (depends on bool ReferenceChannel)
    true = use the B0toK1MuMu or B0toK1Jpsi sample (depends on bool ReferenceChannel)\

  • bool Inc
    false = do not use the B0toXMuMu or B0toXJpsi sample (depends on bool ReferenceChannel)
    true = use the B0toXMuMu or B0toXJpsi sample (depends on bool ReferenceChannel)\



This fuction takes the preselected data files, adds a branch for the TruthMatching variables and saves the files again. Since root does not allow to just add a branch easily, it creates a new file with a new name, deletes the old one and lastly renames the new file to match the original tuple file.

  • Parameters: year, magnet
  • Return: 1 if everything is okay; 0 if something failed


Performs copyDataForTMVA() for all years and polarities.


Loops over all .root-files created by subjobs in ganga and converts them into one tuple, saving them in a folder defined in Paths.hpp. Trigger, kinematic, PID and some more cuts are applied. Q^2-Binning is applied, Kshort becomes extra branch for decay inside or outside of VELO. Histograms of inv. mass distributions and more are created and saved in separate .root-file

  • Parameters: year, magnet, MC, ReferenceChannel, PHSP, B0, K1, Inc
  • Return: 1 if everything is okay 0, if something failed


Executes preSelection() for all years and polarities for a given Run

  • Parameters: MC, ReferenceChannel, PHSP, B0, K1, Inc, Run


Executes runAllYearsAndMagPol() for data for a given Run

  • Parameters: Run


Executes runAllYearsAndMagPol() for Signal MC for a given Run

  • Parameters: Run


Executes runAllYearsAndMagPol() for Ref MC for a given Run

  • Parameters: Run


Executes runAllYearsAndMagPol() for PHSP MC for a given Run

  • Parameters: Run


Executes runAllYearsAndMagPol() for B0toKstMuMu MC sample or B0toKstJpsi MC sample for a given Run

  • Parameters: Run, ReferenceChannel


Executes runAllYearsAndMagPol() for BtoK1MuMu sample or BtoK1Jpsi sample MC

  • Parameters: ReferenceChannel


Executes runAllYearsAndMagPol() for BtoXJpsi MC for a given Run

  • Parameters: Run


Executes runAllB0MC(), runAllK1MC() and runAllIncMC() for both Runs and Jpsi and MuMu

  • Parameters:

Functions not used/created by me


Return the exact events numbers for every MagDown and MagUp, Year and TCK configuration.



Selected histograms generated in the preSelection() function are plotted and nicely formatted before saved as .eps file
