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Adapted elements from a different working version of the solver from Wyatt - minor changes such as replacing trapz with sum and a few others to make the versions similar.
Added and tested 2D BdG solver - works until Matlab starts solving for the eigen-values and vectors.
Manual identification of values for the different parameters to obtain states close to the expected ground states - Code around the fmincon works as expected.
Modified Potentials class to have only either no potential or a harmonic one, as for other trapping potentials, the rest of the solver would need modification.
Major issue addressed - Vdk was not being recalculated during constrained optimization, this is has been rectified.
Corrected the lack of re-calculation of VDk with new variational parameters, changed plotting to accept folder path as argument, increased number of gpus to run solver on.
Cosmetic changes/additions, analysis script for variational solver, added save feature for all ells and E_vs_iter.
Modifications to save different runs submitted via a single file to cluster in different folders, parameters changed to look deep in the phase diagram for the different phases.