54 lines
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54 lines
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function VDk = VDcutoff(kr, kz, Rmax, Zmax, Nr)
% makes the dipolar direct interaction matrix, size numel(kr) * numel(kz)
% Rmax and Zmax are the interaction cutoffs. I use 4*(where the density goes to 10^-4 of its peak)
% VDk needs to be multiplied by Cdd
% approach is that of Lu, PRA 82, 023622 (2010)
% blame Danny Baillie, 9 Aug 2011
% accuracy inputs for numerical integration
Nr = 5e4;
Nz = 64;
farRmultiple = 2000;
% analytical transform without cutoff
[KR, KZ]=ndgrid(kr,kz);
Ksq = KR.^2 + KZ.^2;
cossq = KZ.^2./Ksq;
VDk = cossq-1/3;
% analytical cutoff for slice 0<z<Zmax, 0<r<Inf Ronen, PRL 98, 030406 (2007)
sinsq = 1 - cossq;
VDk = VDk + exp(-Zmax*KR).*( sinsq .* cos(Zmax * KZ) - sqrt(sinsq.*cossq).*sin(Zmax * KZ) );
% midpoint grids for the integration over 0<z<Zmax, Rmax<r<farRmultiple*Rmax (i.e. starts at Rmax)
r = ((1:Nr)'-0.5)*dr+Rmax;
z = ((1:Nz)-0.5)*dz;
[R, Z] = ndgrid(r,z);
Rsq = R.^2 + Z.^2;
% real space interaction to be transformed
igrandbase = (1 - 3*Z.^2./Rsq)./Rsq.^(3/2);
% do the Fourier transform numerically
% prestore to ensure each besselj is only calculated once
% cell is faster than (:,:,krn) slicing
Nkr = numel(kr);
besselr = cell(Nkr,1);
for krn = 1:Nkr
besselr{krn} = repmat(r.*besselj(0,kr(krn)*r),1,Nz);
for kzn = 1:numel(kz) % what goes wrong when kzn = 33?
igrandbasez = repmat(cos(kz(kzn)*z),Nr,1) .* igrandbase;
for krn = 1:Nkr
igrand = igrandbasez.*besselr{krn};
VDk(krn,kzn) = VDk(krn,kzn) - sum(igrand(:))*dz*dr;
% why are so few z values used?
% are the z and kz values without the bounds intended? |