11 Absorption Imaging Class
Jianshun Gao edited this page 2022-07-22 17:33:26 +02:00

This is a class for getting data of absorption imaging form three standard images (with atoms, without atoms, dark).


  • self.path (unkown): path of the hdf5 file, produced by lyse moduel in LabScript.
  • self.data_handle (class): handle of lyse.Run(self.path) in LabScript.
  • self.camera_orientation (string): see the defination of absorption_imaging.__init__
  • self.camera_label (string): see the defination of absorption_imaging.__init__
  • self.image_atoms (2D numpy array): storing the data of the fist image.
  • self.image_background (2D numpy array): similar to previous one
  • self.image_dark (2D numpy array): similar to previous one
  • self.image_absorption (2D numpy array): similar to previous one. (The OD number)
  • self.detuning (float): laser beam detuning in Hz!!!
  • self.intensity (float): laser beam intersity at atom cloud in (W/m^2)
  • self.beam_energy (float): The laser beam energy shooting on the camera during exposure.
  • self.atom_number (float): The number of atoms.
  • self.transition (class): see the defination of absorption_imaging.__init__
  • self.camera (class): see the defination of absorption_imaging.__init__


Functions Usage
absorption_imaging.__init__ Initialization of the class
absorption_imaging.set_image_name Set the name of images been read in hfd5 file
absorption_imaging.get_image_absorption Calculte the absorption imaging
absorption_imaging.get_atom_number Calculte the atom number accoring to the absorption imaging
absorption_imaging.plot_result Ploting the result
absorption_imaging.get_beam_power Calculate the laser pulse power shooting on camera


dylab.absorption_imaging(data_path, camera_orientation, camera_label, transition=None, camera=None, detuning=None, intensity=None)

Initialization function of the absorption imaging class.

The path of those three standard pictures should be "camera_orientation\camera_label". The defult name of them are "atoms", "background" and "dark". If you would like to change their name for different configuration, plase use function absorption_imaging.set_image_name()

Just for get the absorption imaging, it doesn't require any information about camera and transition. But any further calculation, it has to call "transition" and "camera"

__enter__ and __exit__ functions is defined. But be careful, __enter__ function will calculate the atom number.


  • data_path (unknown, necessary): The path of hdf5 file provided by lyse moduel in LabScript.
  • camera_orientation (string, necessary): Name of the camare group in hdf5 file.
  • camera_label (string, necessary): Name of the imaging group in hdf5 file.
  • transition (objet of class dylab.TransitionClass.Transition, optional): A constant dictionary class storing the information of transition.
  • camera (object of class dylab.Camera.*, optional): A constant dictionary class storing the information of camera.
  • detuning (float, optional): Detuning of the laser beam.
  • Intensity (float, optional): Laser beam intensity at the position of atom cloud!


dylab.absorption_imaging.set_image_name(image, name)

It can set the searching name of those three satandard images. The defualt names are "atoms", "background" and "dark".


  • image (string, necessary): The contents of dictionary storing the name of those three images. It has to be one of "atoms", "background" and "dark".
  • name (string, necessary): The new searching name.


  • Nothing



It will calculate the absorption imaging and update the value storing in self.absorption_imaging, integrating in __enter__ function


  • Nothing


  • self.image_absorption (2D numpy array, optional): A two deminsional numpy array, which stores the calculation result. It will also update the value storing in self.image_absorption, so it not necessary to pick up the returned handle.



It will return the value storing in self.aton_number. If there is no value, it will calculate the atom number and update the value storing in self.aton_number. It is also possible to force the program do the calculation and updating, even there is already an avaliable result.


  • force_to_run (boolean, optionla): if it is true, the program will ingorn the value storing in self.aton_number, then redo the calculation.


  • self.atom_number (float, optional): The number of atoms. It will also update the value storing in self.aton_number, so it not necessary to pick up the returned value.


dylab.absorption_imaging.absorption_imaging.plot_result(vmin=None, vmax=None)

It can plot the results with jet colormap. Meanwhile, it is possible to change the colorbar range of the absorption imaging.


  • vmin (float, optionla): The lower limitation of the colorbar range of the absorption imaging.
  • vmax (float, optionla): The upper limitation of the colorbar range of the absorption imaging.


  • Nothing (except a figure window)



It can calculate the laser beam power shooting on the camera during exposure.


  • laser_pulse_duration (float, necessary): The duration of laser pulse.


  • self.beam_energy / laser_pulse_duration (float, necessary): It will return the calculation result and update the value in self.beam_energy