import { fromHex, fromString } from '../src/bytes.js'; import { hash as slSha256 } from '@stablelib/sha256'; import { hash as slSha512 } from '@stablelib/sha512'; import valid from './fixtures/valid-multihash.js'; import invalid from './fixtures/invalid-multihash.js'; import { sha256, sha512 } from '../src/hashes/sha2-browser.js'; import { identity } from '../src/hashes/identity.js'; import { decode as decodeDigest, create as createDigest } from '../src/hashes/digest.js'; import chai from 'chai'; import chaiAsPromised from 'chai-as-promised'; chai.use(chaiAsPromised); const {assert} = chai; const sample = (code, size, hex) => { const toHex = i => { if (typeof i === 'string') return i; const h = i.toString(16); return h.length % 2 === 1 ? `0${ h }` : h; }; return fromHex(`${ toHex(code) }${ toHex(size) }${ hex }`); }; describe('multihash', () => { const empty = new Uint8Array(0); describe('encode', () => { it('valid', () => { for (const test of valid) { const {encoding, hex, size} = test; const {code, varint} = encoding; const buf = sample(varint || code, size, hex); assert.deepStrictEqual(createDigest(code, hex ? fromHex(hex) : empty).bytes, buf); } }); it('hash sha2-256', async () => { const hash = await sha256.digest(fromString('test')); assert.deepStrictEqual(hash.code, sha256.code); assert.deepStrictEqual(hash.digest, slSha256(fromString('test'))); const hash2 = decodeDigest(hash.bytes); assert.deepStrictEqual(hash2.code, sha256.code); assert.deepStrictEqual(hash2.bytes, hash.bytes); }); if (typeof navigator === 'undefined') { it('sync sha-256', () => { const hash = sha256.digest(fromString('test')); if (hash instanceof Promise) {'expected sync result'); } else { assert.deepStrictEqual(hash.code, sha256.code); assert.deepStrictEqual(hash.digest, slSha256(fromString('test'))); const hash2 = decodeDigest(hash.bytes); assert.deepStrictEqual(hash2.code, sha256.code); assert.deepStrictEqual(hash2.bytes, hash.bytes); } }); } it('hash sha2-512', async () => { const hash = await sha512.digest(fromString('test')); assert.deepStrictEqual(hash.code, sha512.code); assert.deepStrictEqual(hash.digest, slSha512(fromString('test'))); const hash2 = decodeDigest(hash.bytes); assert.deepStrictEqual(hash2.code, sha512.code); assert.deepStrictEqual(hash2.bytes, hash.bytes); }); it('hash identity async', async () => { const hash = await identity.digest(fromString('test')); assert.deepStrictEqual(hash.code, identity.code); assert.deepStrictEqual(identity.code, 0); assert.deepStrictEqual(hash.digest, fromString('test')); const hash2 = decodeDigest(hash.bytes); assert.deepStrictEqual(hash2.code, identity.code); assert.deepStrictEqual(hash2.bytes, hash.bytes); }); it('hash identity sync', () => { const hash = identity.digest(fromString('test')); assert.deepStrictEqual(hash.code, identity.code); assert.deepStrictEqual(identity.code, 0); assert.deepStrictEqual(hash.digest, fromString('test')); const hash2 = decodeDigest(hash.bytes); assert.deepStrictEqual(hash2.code, identity.code); assert.deepStrictEqual(hash2.bytes, hash.bytes); }); }); describe('decode', () => { for (const {encoding, hex, size} of valid) { it(`valid fixture ${ hex }`, () => { const {code, varint} = encoding; const bytes = sample(varint || code, size, hex); const digest = hex ? fromHex(hex) : empty; const hash = decodeDigest(bytes); assert.deepStrictEqual(hash.bytes, bytes); assert.deepStrictEqual(hash.code, code); assert.deepStrictEqual(hash.size, size); assert.deepStrictEqual(hash.digest, digest); }); } it('get from buffer', async () => { const hash = await sha256.digest(fromString('test')); assert.deepStrictEqual(hash.code, 18); }); }); describe('validate', async () => { it('invalid fixtures', async () => { for (const test of invalid) { const buff = fromHex(test.hex); assert.throws(() => decodeDigest(buff), test.message); } }); }); it('throw on hashing non-buffer', async () => { try { await sha256.digest('asdf'); } catch (error) { assert.match(String(error), /Unknown type, must be binary type/); } }); });