180 lines
5.2 KiB
180 lines
5.2 KiB
/* globals describe, it */
import * as codec from 'multiformats/codecs/json'
import * as dagPB from '@ipld/dag-pb'
import { sha256 as hasher } from 'multiformats/hashes/sha2'
import * as main from 'multiformats/block'
import { walk } from 'multiformats/traversal'
import { assert } from 'chai'
import { fromString } from '../src/bytes.js'
const { createLink, createNode } = dagPB
describe('traversal', () => {
describe('walk', async () => {
// Forming the following DAG for testing
// A
// / \
// B C
// / \ / \
// D D D E
const linksE = /** @type {[]} */([])
const valueE = createNode(fromString('string E qacdswa'), linksE)
const blockE = await main.encode({ value: valueE, codec, hasher })
const cidE = blockE.cid
const linksD = /** @type {[]} */([])
const valueD = createNode(fromString('string D zasa'), linksD)
const blockD = await main.encode({ value: valueD, codec, hasher })
const cidD = blockD.cid
const linksC = [createLink('link1', 100, cidD), createLink('link2', 100, cidE)]
const valueC = createNode(fromString('string C zxc'), linksC)
const blockC = await main.encode({ value: valueC, codec, hasher })
const cidC = blockC.cid
const linksB = [createLink('link1', 100, cidD), createLink('link2', 100, cidD)]
const valueB = createNode(fromString('string B lpokjiasd'), linksB)
const blockB = await main.encode({ value: valueB, codec, hasher })
const cidB = blockB.cid
const linksA = [createLink('link1', 100, cidB), createLink('link2', 100, cidC)]
const valueA = createNode(fromString('string A qwertcfdgshaa'), linksA)
const blockA = await main.encode({ value: valueA, codec, hasher })
const cidA = blockA.cid
* @param {import('multiformats').CID} cid
const load = async (cid) => {
if (cid.equals(cidE)) {
return blockE
if (cid.equals(cidD)) {
return blockD
if (cid.equals(cidC)) {
return blockC
if (cid.equals(cidB)) {
return blockB
if (cid.equals(cidA)) {
return blockA
return null
* @param {typeof load} load
* @param {string[]} arr
const loadWrapper = (load, arr = []) =>
* @param {import('multiformats').CID} cid
(cid) => {
return load(cid)
it('block with no links', async () => {
// Test Case 1
// Input DAG
// D
// Expect load to be called with D
const expectedCallArray = [cidD.toString()]
/** @type {string[]} */
const callArray = []
await walk({ cid: cidD, load: loadWrapper(load, callArray) })
expectedCallArray.forEach((value, index) => {
assert.deepStrictEqual(value, callArray[index])
it('block with links', async () => {
// Test Case 2
// Input
// C
// / \
// D E
// Expect load to be called with C, then D, then E
const expectedCallArray = [cidC.toString(), cidD.toString(), cidE.toString()]
/** @type {string[]} */
const callArray = []
await walk({ cid: cidC, load: loadWrapper(load, callArray) })
expectedCallArray.forEach((value, index) => {
assert.deepStrictEqual(value, callArray[index])
it('block with matching links', async () => {
// Test Case 3
// Input
// B
// / \
// D D
// Expect load to be called with B, then D
const expectedCallArray = [cidB.toString(), cidD.toString()]
/** @type {string[]} */
const callArray = []
await walk({ cid: cidB, load: loadWrapper(load, callArray) })
expectedCallArray.forEach((value, index) => {
assert.deepStrictEqual(value, callArray[index])
it('depth first with duplicated block', async () => {
// Test Case 4
// Input
// A
// / \
// B C
// / \ / \
// D D D E
// Expect load to be called with A, then B, then D, then C, then E
const expectedCallArray = [
/** @type {string[]} */
const callArray = []
await walk({ cid: cidA, load: loadWrapper(load, callArray) })
expectedCallArray.forEach((value, index) => {
assert.deepStrictEqual(value, callArray[index])
it('null return', async () => {
/** @type {[]} */
const links = []
const value = createNode(fromString('test'), links)
const block = await main.encode({ value, codec, hasher })
const cid = block.cid
const expectedCallArray = [cid.toString()]
/** @type {string[]} */
const callArray = []
await walk({ cid, load: loadWrapper(load, callArray) })
expectedCallArray.forEach((value, index) => {
assert.deepStrictEqual(value, callArray[index])