
181 lines
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2022-07-11 10:27:11 +02:00
const {Readable} = require('stream');
* @type {WeakMap<Blob, {type: string, size: number, parts: (Blob | Buffer)[] }>}
const wm = new WeakMap();
async function * read(parts) {
for (const part of parts) {
if ('stream' in part) {
yield *;
} else {
yield part;
class Blob {
* The Blob() constructor returns a new Blob object. The content
* of the blob consists of the concatenation of the values given
* in the parameter array.
* @param {(ArrayBufferLike | ArrayBufferView | Blob | Buffer | string)[]} blobParts
* @param {{ type?: string }} [options]
constructor(blobParts = [], options = {}) {
let size = 0;
const parts = => {
let buffer;
if (element instanceof Buffer) {
buffer = element;
} else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(element)) {
buffer = Buffer.from(element.buffer, element.byteOffset, element.byteLength);
} else if (element instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
buffer = Buffer.from(element);
} else if (element instanceof Blob) {
buffer = element;
} else {
buffer = Buffer.from(typeof element === 'string' ? element : String(element));
// eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/explicit-length-check
size += buffer.length || buffer.size || 0;
return buffer;
const type = options.type === undefined ? '' : String(options.type).toLowerCase();
wm.set(this, {
type: /[^\u0020-\u007E]/.test(type) ? '' : type,
* The Blob interface's size property returns the
* size of the Blob in bytes.
get size() {
return wm.get(this).size;
* The type property of a Blob object returns the MIME type of the file.
get type() {
return wm.get(this).type;
* The text() method in the Blob interface returns a Promise
* that resolves with a string containing the contents of
* the blob, interpreted as UTF-8.
* @return {Promise<string>}
async text() {
return Buffer.from(await this.arrayBuffer()).toString();
* The arrayBuffer() method in the Blob interface returns a
* Promise that resolves with the contents of the blob as
* binary data contained in an ArrayBuffer.
* @return {Promise<ArrayBuffer>}
async arrayBuffer() {
const data = new Uint8Array(this.size);
let offset = 0;
for await (const chunk of {
data.set(chunk, offset);
offset += chunk.length;
return data.buffer;
* The Blob interface's stream() method is difference from native
* and uses node streams instead of whatwg streams.
* @returns {Readable} Node readable stream
stream() {
return Readable.from(read(wm.get(this).parts));
* The Blob interface's slice() method creates and returns a
* new Blob object which contains data from a subset of the
* blob on which it's called.
* @param {number} [start]
* @param {number} [end]
* @param {string} [type]
slice(start = 0, end = this.size, type = '') {
const {size} = this;
let relativeStart = start < 0 ? Math.max(size + start, 0) : Math.min(start, size);
let relativeEnd = end < 0 ? Math.max(size + end, 0) : Math.min(end, size);
const span = Math.max(relativeEnd - relativeStart, 0);
const parts = wm.get(this).parts.values();
const blobParts = [];
let added = 0;
for (const part of parts) {
const size = ArrayBuffer.isView(part) ? part.byteLength : part.size;
if (relativeStart && size <= relativeStart) {
// Skip the beginning and change the relative
// start & end position as we skip the unwanted parts
relativeStart -= size;
relativeEnd -= size;
} else {
const chunk = part.slice(relativeStart, Math.min(size, relativeEnd));
added += ArrayBuffer.isView(chunk) ? chunk.byteLength : chunk.size;
relativeStart = 0; // All next sequental parts should start at 0
// don't add the overflow to new blobParts
if (added >= span) {
const blob = new Blob([], {type: String(type).toLowerCase()});
Object.assign(wm.get(blob), {size: span, parts: blobParts});
return blob;
get [Symbol.toStringTag]() {
return 'Blob';
static [Symbol.hasInstance](object) {
return (
object &&
typeof object === 'object' &&
typeof === 'function' && === 0 &&
typeof object.constructor === 'function' &&
Object.defineProperties(Blob.prototype, {
size: {enumerable: true},
type: {enumerable: true},
slice: {enumerable: true}
module.exports = Blob;