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2022-07-11 10:27:11 +02:00
/* globals describe, it */
import OLDCID from 'cids'
import { fromHex, toHex, equals } from '../src/bytes.js'
import { varint, CID } from 'multiformats'
import { base58btc } from 'multiformats/bases/base58'
import { base32 } from 'multiformats/bases/base32'
import { base64 } from 'multiformats/bases/base64'
import { sha256, sha512 } from 'multiformats/hashes/sha2'
import invalidMultihash from './fixtures/invalid-multihash.js'
import chai from 'chai'
import chaiAsPromised from 'chai-as-promised'
const { assert } = chai
const textEncoder = new TextEncoder()
describe('CID', () => {
describe('v0', () => {
it('handles B58Str multihash', () => {
const mhStr = 'QmdfTbBqBPQ7VNxZEYEj14VmRuZBkqFbiwReogJgS1zR1n'
const cid = CID.parse(mhStr)
assert.deepStrictEqual(cid.version, 0)
assert.deepStrictEqual(cid.code, 112)
assert.deepStrictEqual(cid.multihash.bytes, base58btc.baseDecode(mhStr))
assert.deepStrictEqual(cid.toString(), mhStr)
it('create by parts', async () => {
const hash = await sha256.digest(textEncoder.encode('abc'))
const cid = CID.create(0, 112, hash)
assert.deepStrictEqual(cid.code, 112)
assert.deepStrictEqual(cid.version, 0)
assert.deepStrictEqual(cid.multihash, hash)
assert.deepStrictEqual(cid.toString(), base58btc.baseEncode(hash.bytes))
it('create from multihash', async () => {
const hash = await sha256.digest(textEncoder.encode('abc'))
const cid = CID.decode(hash.bytes)
assert.deepStrictEqual(cid.code, 112)
assert.deepStrictEqual(cid.version, 0)
assert.deepStrictEqual(cid.multihash.digest, hash.digest)
assert.deepStrictEqual({ ...cid.multihash, digest: null }, { ...hash, digest: null })
assert.deepStrictEqual(cid.toString(), base58btc.baseEncode(hash.bytes))
it('throws on invalid BS58Str multihash ', async () => {
const msg = 'Non-base58btc character'
assert.throws(() => CID.parse('QmdfTbBqBPQ7VNxZEYEj14VmRuZBkqFbiwReogJgS1zIII'), msg)
it('throws on trying to create a CIDv0 with a codec other than dag-pb', async () => {
const hash = await sha256.digest(textEncoder.encode('abc'))
const msg = 'Version 0 CID must use dag-pb (code: 112) block encoding'
assert.throws(() => CID.create(0, 113, hash), msg)
// This was failing for quite some time, test just missed await so it went
// unnoticed. Not sure we still care about checking fourth argument.
// it('throws on trying to pass specific base encoding [deprecated]', async () => {
// const hash = await sha256.digest(textEncoder.encode('abc'))
// const msg = 'No longer supported, cannot specify base encoding in instantiation'
// assert.throws(() => CID.create(0, 112, hash, 'base32'), msg)
// })
it('throws on trying to base encode CIDv0 in other base than base58btc', async () => {
const mhStr = 'QmdfTbBqBPQ7VNxZEYEj14VmRuZBkqFbiwReogJgS1zR1n'
const cid = CID.parse(mhStr)
const msg = 'Cannot string encode V0 in base32 encoding'
assert.throws(() => cid.toString(base32), msg)
it('.bytes', async () => {
const hash = await sha256.digest(textEncoder.encode('abc'))
const codec = 112
const cid = CID.create(0, codec, hash)
const bytes = cid.bytes
const str = toHex(bytes)
assert.deepStrictEqual(str, '1220ba7816bf8f01cfea414140de5dae2223b00361a396177a9cb410ff61f20015ad')
it('should construct from an old CID', () => {
const cidStr = 'QmdfTbBqBPQ7VNxZEYEj14VmRuZBkqFbiwReogJgS1zR1n'
const oldCid = CID.parse(cidStr)
const newCid = CID.asCID(oldCid)
assert.deepStrictEqual(/** @type {CID} */(newCid).toString(), cidStr)
it('inspect bytes', () => {
const byts = fromHex('1220ba7816bf8f01cfea414140de5dae2223b00361a396177a9cb410ff61f20015ad')
const inspected = CID.inspectBytes(byts.subarray(0, 10)) // should only need the first few bytes
version: 0,
codec: 0x70,
multihashCode: 0x12,
multihashSize: 34,
digestSize: 32,
size: 34
}, inspected)
describe('decodeFirst', () => {
it('no remainder', () => {
const byts = fromHex('1220ba7816bf8f01cfea414140de5dae2223b00361a396177a9cb410ff61f20015ad')
const [cid, remainder] = CID.decodeFirst(byts)
assert.deepStrictEqual(cid.toString(), 'QmatYkNGZnELf8cAGdyJpUca2PyY4szai3RHyyWofNY1pY')
assert.deepStrictEqual(remainder.byteLength, 0)
it('remainder', () => {
const byts = fromHex('1220ba7816bf8f01cfea414140de5dae2223b00361a396177a9cb410ff61f20015ad0102030405')
const [cid, remainder] = CID.decodeFirst(byts)
assert.deepStrictEqual(cid.toString(), 'QmatYkNGZnELf8cAGdyJpUca2PyY4szai3RHyyWofNY1pY')
assert.deepStrictEqual(toHex(remainder), '0102030405')
describe('v1', () => {
it('handles CID String (multibase encoded)', () => {
const cidStr = 'zdj7Wd8AMwqnhJGQCbFxBVodGSBG84TM7Hs1rcJuQMwTyfEDS'
const cid = CID.parse(cidStr)
assert.deepStrictEqual(cid.code, 112)
assert.deepStrictEqual(cid.version, 1)
assert.deepStrictEqual(cid.toString(), base32.encode(cid.bytes))
it('handles CID (no multibase)', () => {
const cidStr = 'bafybeidskjjd4zmr7oh6ku6wp72vvbxyibcli2r6if3ocdcy7jjjusvl2u'
const cidBuf = fromHex('017012207252523e6591fb8fe553d67ff55a86f84044b46a3e4176e10c58fa529a4aabd5')
const cid = CID.decode(cidBuf)
assert.deepStrictEqual(cid.code, 112)
assert.deepStrictEqual(cid.version, 1)
assert.deepStrictEqual(cid.toString(), cidStr)
it('create by parts', async () => {
const hash = await sha256.digest(textEncoder.encode('abc'))
const cid = CID.create(1, 0x71, hash)
assert.deepStrictEqual(cid.code, 0x71)
assert.deepStrictEqual(cid.version, 1)
equalDigest(cid.multihash, hash)
it('can roundtrip through cid.toString()', async () => {
const hash = await sha256.digest(textEncoder.encode('abc'))
const cid1 = CID.create(1, 0x71, hash)
const cid2 = CID.parse(cid1.toString())
assert.deepStrictEqual(cid1.code, cid2.code)
assert.deepStrictEqual(cid1.version, cid2.version)
assert.deepStrictEqual(cid1.multihash.digest, cid2.multihash.digest)
assert.deepStrictEqual(cid1.multihash.bytes, cid2.multihash.bytes)
const clear = { digest: null, bytes: null }
assert.deepStrictEqual({ ...cid1.multihash, ...clear }, { ...cid2.multihash, ...clear })
/* TODO: after i have a keccak hash for the new interface
it('handles multibyte varint encoded codec codes', () => {
const ethBlockHash = textEncoder.encode('8a8e84c797605fbe75d5b5af107d4220a2db0ad35fd66d9be3d38d87c472b26d', 'hex')
const hash = keccak256.digest(ethBlockHash)
const cid1 = CID.create(1, 0x90, hash)
const cid2 = CID.parse(cid1.toString())
assert.deepStrictEqual(cid1.code, 0x90)
assert.deepStrictEqual(cid1.version, 1)
assert.deepStrictEqual(cid1.multihash, hash)
assert.deepStrictEqual(cid2.code, 0x90)
assert.deepStrictEqual(cid2.version, 1)
assert.deepStrictEqual(cid2.multihash, hash)
it('.bytes', async () => {
const hash = await sha256.digest(textEncoder.encode('abc'))
const code = 0x71
const cid = CID.create(1, code, hash)
const bytes = cid.bytes
const str = toHex(bytes)
assert.deepStrictEqual(str, '01711220ba7816bf8f01cfea414140de5dae2223b00361a396177a9cb410ff61f20015ad')
it('should construct from an old CID without a multibaseName', () => {
const cidStr = 'bafybeidskjjd4zmr7oh6ku6wp72vvbxyibcli2r6if3ocdcy7jjjusvl2u'
const oldCid = CID.parse(cidStr)
const newCid = CID.asCID(oldCid)
assert.deepStrictEqual(/** @type {CID} */(newCid).toString(), cidStr)
describe('utilities', () => {
const h1 = 'QmdfTbBqBPQ7VNxZEYEj14VmRuZBkqFbiwReogJgS1zR1n'
const h2 = 'QmdfTbBqBPQ7VNxZEYEj14VmRuZBkqFbiwReogJgS1zR1o'
const h3 = 'zdj7Wd8AMwqnhJGQCbFxBVodGSBG84TM7Hs1rcJuQMwTyfEDS'
it('.equals v0 to v0', () => {
const cid1 = CID.parse(h1)
assert.deepStrictEqual(cid1.equals(CID.parse(h1)), true)
assert.deepStrictEqual(cid1.equals(CID.create(cid1.version, cid1.code, cid1.multihash)), true)
const cid2 = CID.parse(h2)
assert.deepStrictEqual(cid1.equals(CID.parse(h2)), false)
assert.deepStrictEqual(cid1.equals(CID.create(cid2.version, cid2.code, cid2.multihash)), false)
it('.equals v0 to v1 and vice versa', () => {
const cidV1 = CID.parse(h3)
const cidV0 = cidV1.toV0()
assert.deepStrictEqual(cidV0.equals(cidV1), false)
assert.deepStrictEqual(cidV1.equals(cidV0), false)
assert.deepStrictEqual(cidV1.multihash, cidV0.multihash)
it('.equals v1 to v1', () => {
const cid1 = CID.parse(h3)
assert.deepStrictEqual(cid1.equals(CID.parse(h3)), true)
assert.deepStrictEqual(cid1.equals(CID.create(cid1.version, cid1.code, cid1.multihash)), true)
it('.isCid', () => {
assert.ok(!CID.isCID(textEncoder.encode('hello world')))
it('works with deepEquals', () => {
const ch1 = CID.parse(h1)
// @ts-expect-error - '_baseCache' is private
ch1._baseCache.set('herp', 'derp')
assert.deepStrictEqual(ch1, CID.parse(h1))
assert.notDeepEqual(ch1, CID.parse(h2))
describe('throws on invalid inputs', () => {
const parse = [
'hello world',
for (const i of parse) {
const name = `CID.parse(${JSON.stringify(i)})`
it(name, async () => assert.throws(() => CID.parse(i)))
const decode = [
textEncoder.encode('hello world'),
for (const i of decode) {
const name = `CID.decode(textEncoder.encode(${JSON.stringify(i.toString())}))`
it(name, async () => assert.throws(() => CID.decode(i)))
const create = [
...[...parse, ...decode].map(i => [0, 112, i]),
...[...parse, ...decode].map(i => [1, 112, i]),
[18, 112, 'QmaozNR7DZHQK1ZcU9p7QdrshMvXqWK6gpu5rmrkPdT3L']
for (const [version, code, hash] of create) {
const form = JSON.stringify(hash.toString())
const mh = hash instanceof Uint8Array ? `textEncoder.encode(${form})` : form
const name = `CID.create(${version}, ${code}, ${mh})`
// @ts-expect-error - version issn't always 0|1
it(name, async () => assert.throws(() => CID.create(version, code, hash)))
it('invalid fixtures', async () => {
for (const test of invalidMultihash) {
const buff = fromHex(`0171${test.hex}`)
assert.throws(() => CID.decode(buff), new RegExp(test.message))
describe('idempotence', () => {
const h1 = 'QmdfTbBqBPQ7VNxZEYEj14VmRuZBkqFbiwReogJgS1zR1n'
const cid1 = CID.parse(h1)
const cid2 = CID.asCID(cid1)
it('constructor accept constructed instance', () => {
assert.deepStrictEqual(cid1 === cid2, true)
describe('conversion v0 <-> v1', () => {
it('should convert v0 to v1', async () => {
const hash = await sha256.digest(textEncoder.encode(`TEST${}`))
const cid = (CID.create(0, 112, hash)).toV1()
assert.deepStrictEqual(cid.version, 1)
it('should convert v1 to v0', async () => {
const hash = await sha256.digest(textEncoder.encode(`TEST${}`))
const cid = (CID.create(1, 112, hash)).toV0()
assert.deepStrictEqual(cid.version, 0)
it('should not convert v1 to v0 if not dag-pb codec', async () => {
const hash = await sha256.digest(textEncoder.encode(`TEST${}`))
const cid = CID.create(1, 0x71, hash)
assert.throws(() => cid.toV0(), 'Cannot convert a non dag-pb CID to CIDv0')
it('should not convert v1 to v0 if not sha2-256 multihash', async () => {
const hash = await sha512.digest(textEncoder.encode(`TEST${}`))
const cid = CID.create(1, 112, hash)
assert.throws(() => cid.toV0(), 'Cannot convert non sha2-256 multihash CID to CIDv0')
it('should return assert.deepStrictEqual instance when converting v1 to v1', async () => {
const hash = await sha512.digest(textEncoder.encode(`TEST${}`))
const cid = CID.create(1, 112, hash)
assert.deepStrictEqual(cid.toV1() === cid, true)
it('should return assert.deepStrictEqual instance when converting v0 to v0', async () => {
const hash = await sha256.digest(textEncoder.encode(`TEST${}`))
const cid = CID.create(0, 112, hash)
assert.deepStrictEqual(cid.toV0() === cid, true)
describe('caching', () => {
it('should cache CID as buffer', async () => {
const hash = await sha256.digest(textEncoder.encode(`TEST${}`))
const cid = CID.create(1, 112, hash)
assert.deepStrictEqual(cid.bytes, cid.bytes)
it('should cache string representation when it matches the multibaseName it was constructed with', async () => {
const hash = await sha256.digest(textEncoder.encode('abc'))
const cid = CID.create(1, 112, hash)
// @ts-expect-error - _baseCache is private
assert.deepStrictEqual(cid._baseCache.size, 0)
assert.deepStrictEqual(cid.toString(base64), 'mAXASILp4Fr+PAc/qQUFA3l2uIiOwA2Gjlhd6nLQQ/2HyABWt')
// @ts-expect-error - _baseCache is private
assert.deepStrictEqual(cid._baseCache.get(base64.prefix), 'mAXASILp4Fr+PAc/qQUFA3l2uIiOwA2Gjlhd6nLQQ/2HyABWt')
// @ts-expect-error - _baseCache is private
assert.deepStrictEqual(cid._baseCache.has(base32.prefix), false)
const base32String = 'bafybeif2pall7dybz7vecqka3zo24irdwabwdi4wc55jznaq75q7eaavvu'
assert.deepStrictEqual(cid.toString(), base32String)
// @ts-expect-error - _baseCache is private
assert.deepStrictEqual(cid._baseCache.get(base32.prefix), base32String)
assert.deepStrictEqual(cid.toString(base64), 'mAXASILp4Fr+PAc/qQUFA3l2uIiOwA2Gjlhd6nLQQ/2HyABWt')
it('should cache string representation when constructed with one', () => {
const base32String = 'bafybeif2pall7dybz7vecqka3zo24irdwabwdi4wc55jznaq75q7eaavvu'
const cid = CID.parse(base32String)
// @ts-expect-error - _baseCache is private
assert.deepStrictEqual(cid._baseCache.get(base32.prefix), base32String)
it('toJSON()', async () => {
const hash = await sha256.digest(textEncoder.encode('abc'))
const cid = CID.create(1, 112, hash)
const json = cid.toJSON()
assert.deepStrictEqual({ ...json, hash: null }, { code: 112, version: 1, hash: null })
assert.ok(equals(json.hash, hash.bytes))
it('isCID', async () => {
const hash = await sha256.digest(textEncoder.encode('abc'))
const cid = CID.create(1, 112, hash)
assert.strictEqual(OLDCID.isCID(cid), false)
it('asCID', async () => {
const hash = await sha256.digest(textEncoder.encode('abc'))
class IncompatibleCID {
* @param {number} version
* @param {number} code
* @param {import('multiformats/hashes/interface').MultihashDigest} multihash
constructor (version, code, multihash) {
this.version = version
this.code = code
this.multihash = multihash
this.asCID = this
get [Symbol.for('@ipld/js-cid/CID')] () {
return true
const version = 1
const code = 112
const incompatibleCID = new IncompatibleCID(version, code, hash)
assert.strictEqual(incompatibleCID.toString(), '[object Object]')
// @ts-expect-error - no such method
assert.strictEqual(typeof incompatibleCID.toV0, 'undefined')
const cid1 = /** @type {CID} */(CID.asCID(incompatibleCID))
assert.ok(cid1 instanceof CID)
assert.strictEqual(cid1.code, code)
assert.strictEqual(cid1.version, version)
assert.ok(equals(cid1.multihash.bytes, hash.bytes))
const cid2 = CID.asCID({ version, code, hash })
assert.strictEqual(cid2, null)
const duckCID = { version, code, multihash: hash }
// @ts-expect-error - no such property
duckCID.asCID = duckCID
const cid3 = /** @type {CID} */ (CID.asCID(duckCID))
assert.ok(cid3 instanceof CID)
assert.strictEqual(cid3.code, code)
assert.strictEqual(cid3.version, version)
assert.ok(equals(cid3.multihash.bytes, hash.bytes))
const cid4 = CID.asCID(cid3)
assert.strictEqual(cid3, cid4)
const cid5 = /** @type {CID} */(CID.asCID(new OLDCID(1, 'raw', Uint8Array.from(hash.bytes))))
assert.ok(cid5 instanceof CID)
assert.strictEqual(cid5.version, 1)
assert.ok(equals(cid5.multihash.bytes, hash.bytes))
assert.strictEqual(cid5.code, 85)
* @param {CID} x
* @param {CID} y
const digestsame = (x, y) => {
// @ts-ignore - not sure what this supposed to be
assert.deepStrictEqual(x.hash, y.hash)
assert.deepStrictEqual(x.bytes, y.bytes)
if (x.multihash) {
equalDigest(x.multihash, y.multihash)
const empty = { hash: null, bytes: null, digest: null, multihash: null }
assert.deepStrictEqual({ ...x, ...empty }, { ...y, ...empty })
* @typedef {import('multiformats/hashes/interface').MultihashDigest} MultihashDigest
* @param {MultihashDigest} x
* @param {MultihashDigest} y
const equalDigest = (x, y) => {
assert.deepStrictEqual(x.digest, y.digest)
assert.deepStrictEqual(x.code, y.code)
assert.deepStrictEqual(x.digest, y.digest)
describe('CID.parse', async () => {
it('parse 32 encoded CIDv1', async () => {
const hash = await sha256.digest(textEncoder.encode('abc'))
const cid = CID.create(1, 112, hash)
const parsed = CID.parse(cid.toString())
digestsame(cid, parsed)
it('parse base58btc encoded CIDv1', async () => {
const hash = await sha256.digest(textEncoder.encode('abc'))
const cid = CID.create(1, 112, hash)
const parsed = /** @type {CID} */(CID.parse(cid.toString(base58btc)))
digestsame(cid, parsed)
it('parse base58btc encoded CIDv0', async () => {
const hash = await sha256.digest(textEncoder.encode('abc'))
const cid = CID.create(0, 112, hash)
const parsed = CID.parse(cid.toString())
digestsame(cid, parsed)
it('fails to parse base64 encoded CIDv1', async () => {
const hash = await sha256.digest(textEncoder.encode('abc'))
const cid = CID.create(1, 112, hash)
const msg = 'To parse non base32 or base58btc encoded CID multibase decoder must be provided'
assert.throws(() => CID.parse(cid.toString(base64)), msg)
it('parses base64 encoded CIDv1 if base64 is provided', async () => {
const hash = await sha256.digest(textEncoder.encode('abc'))
const cid = CID.create(1, 112, hash)
const parsed = CID.parse(cid.toString(base64), base64)
digestsame(cid, parsed)
it('inspect bytes', () => {
const byts = fromHex('01711220ba7816bf8f01cfea414140de5dae2223b00361a396177a9cb410ff61f20015ad')
const inspected = CID.inspectBytes(byts.subarray(0, 10)) // should only need the first few bytes
version: 1,
codec: 0x71,
multihashCode: 0x12,
multihashSize: 34,
digestSize: 32,
size: 36
}, inspected)
describe('decodeFirst', () => {
it('no remainder', () => {
const byts = fromHex('01711220ba7816bf8f01cfea414140de5dae2223b00361a396177a9cb410ff61f20015ad')
const [cid, remainder] = CID.decodeFirst(byts)
assert.deepStrictEqual(cid.toString(), 'bafyreif2pall7dybz7vecqka3zo24irdwabwdi4wc55jznaq75q7eaavvu')
assert.deepStrictEqual(remainder.byteLength, 0)
it('remainder', () => {
const byts = fromHex('01711220ba7816bf8f01cfea414140de5dae2223b00361a396177a9cb410ff61f20015ad0102030405')
const [cid, remainder] = CID.decodeFirst(byts)
assert.deepStrictEqual(cid.toString(), 'bafyreif2pall7dybz7vecqka3zo24irdwabwdi4wc55jznaq75q7eaavvu')
assert.deepStrictEqual(toHex(remainder), '0102030405')
it('new CID from old CID', async () => {
const hash = await sha256.digest(textEncoder.encode('abc'))
const cid = /** @type {CID} */ (CID.asCID(new OLDCID(1, 'raw', Uint8Array.from(hash.bytes))))
assert.deepStrictEqual(cid.version, 1)
equalDigest(cid.multihash, hash)
assert.deepStrictEqual(cid.code, 85)
it('util.inspect', async () => {
const hash = await sha256.digest(textEncoder.encode('abc'))
const cid = CID.create(1, 112, hash)
// @ts-expect-error - no such method is known
assert.deepStrictEqual(typeof cid[Symbol.for('nodejs.util.inspect.custom')], 'function')
// @ts-expect-error - no such method is known
assert.deepStrictEqual(cid[Symbol.for('nodejs.util.inspect.custom')](), 'CID(bafybeif2pall7dybz7vecqka3zo24irdwabwdi4wc55jznaq75q7eaavvu)')
describe('deprecations', async () => {
it('codec', async () => {
const hash = await sha256.digest(textEncoder.encode('abc'))
const cid = CID.create(1, 112, hash)
assert.throws(() => cid.codec, '"codec" property is deprecated, use integer "code" property instead')
// @ts-expect-error - 'string' is not assignable to parameter of type 'number'
assert.throws(() => CID.create(1, 'dag-pb', hash), 'String codecs are no longer supported')
it('multibaseName', async () => {
const hash = await sha256.digest(textEncoder.encode('abc'))
const cid = CID.create(1, 112, hash)
assert.throws(() => cid.multibaseName, '"multibaseName" property is deprecated')
it('prefix', async () => {
const hash = await sha256.digest(textEncoder.encode('abc'))
const cid = CID.create(1, 112, hash)
assert.throws(() => cid.prefix, '"prefix" property is deprecated')
it('toBaseEncodedString()', async () => {
const hash = await sha256.digest(textEncoder.encode('abc'))
const cid = CID.create(1, 112, hash)
// @ts-expect-error - deprecated
assert.throws(() => cid.toBaseEncodedString(), 'Deprecated, use .toString()')
it('invalid CID version', async () => {
const encoded = varint.encodeTo(2, new Uint8Array(32))
assert.throws(() => CID.decode(encoded), 'Invalid CID version 2')
it('buffer', async () => {
const hash = await sha256.digest(textEncoder.encode('abc'))
const cid = CID.create(1, 112, hash)
assert.throws(() => cid.buffer, 'Deprecated .buffer property, use .bytes to get Uint8Array instead')