# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Tue Aug 17 15:17:44 2021 @author: Joschka """ import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import logging as log from scipy import special as sp import matplotlib #matplotlib.use('Qt5Agg') #matplotlib.use('Agg') #get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'qt') # get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') import time from src import physical_constants as cs #logger = log.getLogger('example') #log.setLevel(log.info) log.basicConfig(level = log.ERROR, format = '%(message)s') # TODO: Docstrings for every function # TODO: Implement conventions class BCoil: def __init__(self, HH, distance, radius, layers, windings, wire_width, wire_height, insulation_thickness=0. , is_round=False, winding_scheme=False): """ Creates object that represents a configuration of two coils, with symmetry axis = z :param HH: HH = 1 --> current in same direction, homogeneous field, HH = -1 --> current in opposite direction, quadrupole field :param distance: distance between center of coils :param radius: radius to center of coil :param layers: number of radial (horizontal) layers :param windings: number of axial (vertical) layers :param wire_width: width of conductive wire core :param wire_height: height of conductive wire core :param insulation_thickness: thickness of wire insulation :param is_round: True --> Round wire, False --> rectangular wire :param winding_scheme: 0: standard, layer on layer, 1: with offset (for round wires primarily), 2: like 1, but alternatingly 8 --> 7 windings per layer """ if not is_round: if winding_scheme == 1 or winding_scheme == 2: log.warning('Is there a reason you want to wind a not round wire like that?') if is_round: if wire_width != wire_height: log.error('Wire is round but width != height') self.HH = HH self.distance = distance * 1e-3 self.radius = radius * 1e-3 self.layers = layers self.windings = windings self.wire_width = wire_width * 1e-3 self.wire_height = wire_height * 1e-3 self.insulation_thickness = insulation_thickness * 1e-3 self.is_round = is_round self.winding_scheme = winding_scheme def get_wire_area(self): """ calculates wire area in m^2 :return: float """ if self.is_round: return np.pi * (self.wire_width / 2) ** 2 return self.wire_width * self.wire_height def get_N(self): """ Calculates number of windings """ N = self.layers * self.windings if self.winding_scheme == 2: N -= self.windings//2 return N def get_wire_length(self): """ :return: Approximate length of wire per coil (m) """ return self.get_N() * 2 * self.radius * np.pi def get_tot_wire_height(self): """ returns wire height incl. insulation""" return self.wire_height + 2 * self.insulation_thickness def get_tot_wire_width(self): """ returns wire width incl. insulation""" return self.wire_width + 2 * self.insulation_thickness def get_coil_height(self): if self.winding_scheme == 1: return self.get_tot_wire_height() * (self.windings + 0.5) return self.get_tot_wire_height() * self.windings def get_coil_width(self): if self.winding_scheme == 1 or self.winding_scheme == 2: if self.is_round: log.info("Coil width: Be aware of the fact that this is an idealized situation of coil winding (slope " "of windings changes each layer)") return self.layers * self.get_tot_wire_width() - (self.layers - 1) * ( 2 - np.sqrt(3)) * self.get_tot_wire_width() / 2 # width is reduced due to winding offset return self.get_tot_wire_width() * self.layers def get_zmin(self): return self.distance / 2 - self.get_coil_height() / 2 def get_zmax(self): return self.distance / 2 + self.get_coil_height() / 2 def get_radius(self): return self.radius def get_R_inner(self): return self.radius - self.get_coil_width() / 2 def get_R_outer(self): return self.radius + self.get_coil_width() / 2 def set_R_outer(self, R_outer): R_outer *= 1e-3 self.radius = R_outer - self.get_coil_width() / 2 def set_R_inner(self, R_inner): R_inner *= 1e-3 self.radius = R_inner + self.get_coil_width() / 2 def set_d_min(self, d_min): d_min *= 1e-3 self.distance = d_min + self.get_coil_height() def set_d_max(self, d_max): d_max *= 1e-3 self.distance = d_max - self.get_coil_height() def winding_raster(self): """ generates raster of flowing currents :param raster_value: wire height/raster_value is distance between rastered points in one wire :return: 2 dim array [[z1,R1], [z2,R2], ...] """ outer_raster = np.zeros((self.get_N(), 2)) it = 0 z_start = self.get_zmin() + self.get_tot_wire_height() / 2 # (distance_coils/2 - windings * wire_height/2 + wire_height/2)*1e-3 R_start = self.get_R_inner() + self.get_tot_wire_width() / 2 # (R_inner + wire_width/2 ) for xx in range(0, self.layers): for zz in range(0, self.windings): if self.winding_scheme == 2 and xx % 2 == 1 and zz == self.windings-1: continue # leave out every last winding in every second layer z_pos = z_start + zz * self.get_tot_wire_height() R_pos = R_start + xx * self.get_tot_wire_width() # correct for different winding techniques and round wire if self.winding_scheme == 1 or self.winding_scheme == 2: if xx % 2 == 1: z_pos += self.get_tot_wire_height() / 2 if self.is_round: R_pos -= xx * ((2 - np.sqrt(3)) * self.get_tot_wire_width() / 2) outer_raster[it] = [z_pos, R_pos] #print(outer_raster[it]) it += 1 return outer_raster def inner_raster(self, raster_value): """ Gives back inner raster for one wire around 0,0 Args: raster_value (int): if N produces a N x N raster for rectangular and cut out of this for round Returns: array containing raster around 0,0 [[z_pos_in_1,r_pos_in_1],...] """ # TODO: Less important, but rastering for round wires could be improved if raster_value == 0: raster_value = 1 log.info("raster value is 0 increased to 1") if raster_value == 1: return [0,0] if self.is_round & (raster_value % 2 == 0): raster_value += 1 log.info(f"for round wire rastering works better with uneven rastering value --> rastering value set to: {raster_value}") inner_raster = np.zeros((raster_value ** 2, 2)) it = 0 for xx_in in range(0, raster_value): for zz_in in range(0, raster_value): z_pos_in = - self.wire_height / 2 + zz_in * self.wire_height / (raster_value - 1) r_pos_in = - self.wire_width / 2 + xx_in * self.wire_width / (raster_value - 1) inner_raster[it] = [z_pos_in, r_pos_in] it += 1 # delete points out of round geometry if self.is_round: delete_list = [] for i in range(0, len(inner_raster)): abs = np.sqrt(inner_raster[i, 0] ** 2 + inner_raster[i, 1] ** 2) if abs > self.wire_width / 2: delete_list.append(i) inner_raster = np.delete(inner_raster, delete_list, axis=0) return inner_raster def full_raster(self, raster_value): """ Args: raster_value: rastering value Returns: [ wire 1:[[z_in1,r_in2], [z_in2,r_in,2],...],wire 2:[ [,] , ]...]...] """ outer_ras = self.winding_raster() inner_ras = self.inner_raster(raster_value) full_ras = np.zeros((len(outer_ras), len(inner_ras), 2)) for i in range(0, len(full_ras)): full_ras[i] = outer_ras[i] + inner_ras return full_ras def plot_raster(self, raster_value = 100): full_structure = self.full_raster(raster_value) * 1e3 if self.get_coil_width() > self.get_coil_height(): extension = self.get_coil_width() else: extension = self.get_coil_height() extension *= 1e3 plt.figure(77, figsize=(5, 5)) plt.scatter(full_structure[:, :, 1], full_structure[:, :, 0], linewidths=0.001) plt.xlabel("radius [mm]") plt.ylabel("z position [mm]") plt.axvline(x=self.get_R_inner()*1e3-0.1, lw = 5,color = "red") plt.xlim(1e3 * self.get_R_inner() - 0.5, 1e3 * self.get_R_inner() + extension + 0.5) plt.ylim(1e3 * self.get_zmin() - 0.5, 1e3 * self.get_zmin() + extension + 0.5) plt.show() def print_info(self): print(" ") # print(f"{self.get_zmin()}") # print(self.__name__) print( f"HH = {self.HH}, Distance = {self.distance * 1e3} mm, z_min = {self.get_zmin() * 1e3} mm, z_max = {self.get_zmax() * 1e3} mm") print( f"Radius = {self.radius * 1e3} mm, Radius_inner = {self.get_R_inner() * 1e3} mm, Radius_outer = {self.get_R_outer() * 1e3:.2f} mm") print( f"Coil width = {self.get_coil_width() * 1e3} mm, Coil height = {self.get_coil_height() * 1e3} mm" ) print( f"layers = {self.layers}, windings = {self.windings}, wire_width = {self.wire_width * 1e3}, wire_height = {self.wire_height * 1e3} mm, round wire = {self.is_round} ") print(" ") def print_basic_info(self): print( f"HH = {self.HH}, Distance = {self.distance * 1e3} mm, Radius = {self.radius * 1e3} mm,layers = {self.layers}, windings = {self.windings}, round wire = {self.is_round}") def B_field_ideal_z(self, I_current, z_arg): """ Calculate B-field for ideal point like wires with R_radius and d_distance HH = +1 --> Helmholtz configuration, HH = -1 --> Anti Helmholtz configuration z_arg in mm """ z_SI = z_arg * 1e-3 N_windings = self.layers * self.windings B = cs.mu_0 * N_windings * I_current / 2 * self.radius ** 2 * ( 1 / (self.radius ** 2 + (z_SI - self.distance / 2) ** 2) ** (3 / 2) + self.HH * 1 / ( self.radius ** 2 + (z_arg + self.distance / 2) ** 2) ** (3 / 2)) B *= 1e4 # conversion Gauss return B @staticmethod def k_sq(R_loop, z_loc, r, z): """ Argument for elliptic integrals""" return (4 * R_loop * r) / ((R_loop + r) ** 2 + (z - z_loc) ** 2) @staticmethod def B_z_loop(I_current, R_loop, z_loc, r, z): """calculate z-component of B-field at position r and z for each individual loop""" B_z = 2e-7 * I_current * 1 / ((R_loop + r) ** 2 + (z - z_loc) ** 2) ** (1 / 2) * ( sp.ellipk(BCoil.k_sq(R_loop, z_loc, r, z)) + sp.ellipe(BCoil.k_sq(R_loop, z_loc, r, z)) * ( R_loop ** 2 - r ** 2 - (z - z_loc) ** 2) / ((R_loop - r) ** 2 + (z - z_loc) ** 2)) B_z *= 1e4 # conversion to gauss return B_z @staticmethod def B_r_loop(I_current, R_loop, z_loc, r, z): """calculate r-component of B-field at position r and z for each individual loop""" B_r = 2e-7 * I_current / r * (z - z_loc) / ((R_loop + r) ** 2 + (z - z_loc) ** 2) ** (1 / 2) * ( -sp.ellipk(BCoil.k_sq(R_loop, z_loc, r, z)) + sp.ellipe(BCoil.k_sq(R_loop, z_loc, r, z)) * ( R_loop ** 2 + r ** 2 + (z - z_loc) ** 2) / ((R_loop - r) ** 2 + (z - z_loc) ** 2)) B_r *= 1e4 # conversion to gauss return B_r def B_field(self, I_current, x, z, raster=10): """ Returns B_z along z-axis and B_x along x-axis, HH = +1 --> Helmholtz configuration, HH = -1 --> Anti Helmholtz configuration """ x_SI = x * 1e-3 z_SI = z * 1e-3 if x[0] <= 0: # divide array into positive and negative values x_negative = np.abs([el for el in x_SI if el < 0]) x_positive = np.array([el for el in x_SI if el > 0]) x_zero = np.array([el for el in x_SI if el == 0]) B_z = np.zeros(len(z)) B_x_pos = np.zeros(len(x_positive)) B_x_neg = np.zeros(len(x_negative)) B_x_zero = x_zero # 0 in x-array --> field is zero at this position calc_raster = self.full_raster(raster) if self.get_N() != len(calc_raster): log.error("N is not equal length of raster") rastering_value = len(calc_raster[0]) I_current /= rastering_value # divide current into smaller currents for mapping the whole wire # start = time.time() for wire in range(0, self.get_N()): for ii in range(0, rastering_value): # extract position information out of raster z_pos = calc_raster[wire, ii, 0] r_pos = calc_raster[wire, ii, 1] B_z += BCoil.B_z_loop(I_current, r_pos, z_pos, 0, z_SI) + BCoil.B_z_loop(self.HH * I_current, r_pos, -z_pos, 0, z_SI) B_x_pos += BCoil.B_r_loop(I_current, r_pos, z_pos, x_positive, 0) + BCoil.B_r_loop( self.HH * I_current, r_pos, -z_pos, x_positive, 0) B_x_neg += BCoil.B_r_loop(I_current, r_pos, z_pos, x_negative, 0) + BCoil.B_r_loop( self.HH * I_current, r_pos, -z_pos, x_negative, 0) B_x_neg *= -1 # B_x_neg is pointing in opposite x_direction B_x = np.concatenate((B_x_neg, B_x_zero, B_x_pos)) # end = time.time() # print(f"time = {end - start} s") return B_z, B_x def B_tot_along_axis(self, I_current, x, z, raster=10): """ return B_tot_z, B_tot_x Returns B_tot_z along z-axis and B_tot_x along x-axis, HH = +1 --> Helmholtz configuration, HH = -1 --> Anti Helmholtz configuration """ # Convert axis to SI units x_SI = x * 1e-3 z_SI = z * 1e-3 if x[0] <= 0: x_neg = np.abs([el for el in x_SI if el < 0]) x_pos = np.array([el for el in x_SI if el > 0]) x_zero = np.array([el for el in x_SI if el == 0]) B_tot_z = np.zeros(len(z)) B_x_pos = np.zeros(len(x_pos)) B_x_neg = np.zeros(len(x_neg)) B_x_zero = x_zero # If there is a zero in the x-array it is assured that the x component of the field at this point is zero B_z_x = np.zeros(len(x_SI)) # dividing each wire into 10 x 10 raster calc_raster = self.full_raster(raster) if self.get_N() != len(calc_raster): log.error("N is not equal length of raster") rastering_value = len(calc_raster[0]) I_current /= rastering_value # divide current into smaller currents for mapping the whole wire # start = time.time() for wire in range(0, self.get_N()): for ii in range(0, rastering_value): # extract position information out of raster z_pos = calc_raster[wire, ii, 0] r_pos = calc_raster[wire, ii, 1] # z-field along z-axis (x-Field always zero) B_tot_z += BCoil.B_z_loop(I_current, r_pos, z_pos, 0, z_SI) + BCoil.B_z_loop( self.HH * I_current, r_pos, -z_pos, 0, z_SI) # x-field along x-axis B_x_pos += BCoil.B_r_loop(I_current, r_pos, z_pos, x_pos, 0) + BCoil.B_r_loop( self.HH * I_current, r_pos, -z_pos, x_pos, 0) B_x_neg += BCoil.B_r_loop(I_current, r_pos, z_pos, x_neg, 0) + BCoil.B_r_loop( self.HH * I_current, r_pos, -z_pos, x_neg, 0) # B_z along x-axis: B_z_x += BCoil.B_z_loop(I_current, r_pos, z_pos, x_SI, 0) + BCoil.B_z_loop(self.HH * I_current, r_pos, -z_pos, x_SI, 0) B_x_neg *= -1 # B_x_neg is pointing in opposite x_direction # B_x_x = np.zeros(len(x_SI)) B_x_x = np.concatenate((B_x_neg, B_x_zero, B_x_pos)) B_tot_x = np.sqrt(B_x_x ** 2 + B_z_x ** 2) B_tot_z = np.abs(B_tot_z) return B_tot_z, B_tot_x def B_multiple_3d(self, I_current, x, z, raster=4): z_start = self.get_zmin() + self.wire_height / 2 R_start = self.get_R_inner() + self.wire_width / 2 x_SI = x * 1e-3 z_SI = z * 1e-3 B = np.zeros([len(z_SI), len(x_SI), 2]) calc_raster = self.full_raster(raster) if self.get_N() != len(calc_raster): log.error("N is not equal length of raster") rastering_value = len(calc_raster[0]) # TODO: why division by zero? I_current /= rastering_value # divide current into smaller currents for mapping the whole wire # start = time.time() for el in range(0,len(x_SI)): for wire in range(0, self.get_N()): for ii in range(0, rastering_value): # extract position information out of raster z_pos = calc_raster[wire, ii, 0] r_pos = calc_raster[wire, ii, 1] # compute z-value of field B[:, el, 1] += BCoil.B_z_loop(I_current, r_pos, z_pos, np.abs(x_SI[el]), z_SI) + BCoil.B_z_loop(self.HH * I_current, r_pos, -z_pos, np.abs(x_SI[el]), z_SI) # compute x-value if x_SI[el] < 0: B[:, el, 0] -= BCoil.B_r_loop(I_current, r_pos, z_pos, -x_SI[el], z_SI) + BCoil.B_r_loop(self.HH * I_current, r_pos, -z_pos, -x_SI[el], z_SI) elif x_SI[el] > 0: B[:, el, 0] += BCoil.B_r_loop(I_current, r_pos, z_pos, x_SI[el], z_SI) + BCoil.B_r_loop( self.HH * I_current, r_pos, -z_pos, x_SI[el], z_SI) elif x_SI[el] == 0: B[:, el, 0] = 0 return B @staticmethod def B_tot_3d(B): return np.sqrt(B[:, :, 0] ** 2 + B[:, :, 1] ** 2) def plot_3d(self, I_current, x_lim, z_lim): x = np.arange(-x_lim, x_lim, 5) z = np.arange(-z_lim, z_lim, 5) x_m, z_m = np.meshgrid(x, z) if self.is_round: B = self.B_multiple_3d(I_current, x, z, raster=3) else: B = self.B_multiple_3d(I_current, x, z, raster=2) B_tot = BCoil.B_tot_3d(B) for xx in range(0, len(x)): for zz in range(0, len(z)): if B_tot[xx, zz] > 15: B[xx, zz, :] /= B_tot[xx, zz] / 15 plt.figure(33) plt.quiver(x_m, z_m, B[:, :, 0], B[:, :, 1]) plt.xlabel("x-axis [mm]") plt.ylabel("z-axis [mm]") plt.show() def curv(B_f, z): return np.gradient(np.gradient(B_f, z), z) * 1e2 def grad(B_f, z): return np.gradient(B_f, z) * 1e1 def B_quick_plot(self, I_current, abs = True, x_lim = 50, z_lim = 50, nr_points = 200): x = np.linspace(-x_lim, x_lim, nr_points) z = np.linspace(-z_lim, z_lim, nr_points) if abs: B_z, B_x = self.B_tot_along_axis(I_current, x, z) else: B_z, B_x = self.B_field(I_current, x, z) plt.figure(11) plt.plot(z, B_z, linestyle="solid", label=r"$B_{tot}$ along z-axis") plt.plot(x, B_x, label = r"$B_{tot}$ along x-axis") plt.title("B-field") plt.ylabel(r"B-field [G]") plt.xlabel("x-axis / z-axis [mm]") plt.legend() plt.show() def B_grad_quick_plot(self, I_current, x_lim = 50, z_lim = 50, nr_points = 200): x = np.linspace(-x_lim, x_lim, nr_points) z = np.linspace(-z_lim, z_lim, nr_points) B_z, B_x = self.B_field(I_current, x, z) # TODO: Think about Gradient calculation of tot B_field B_z = BCoil.grad(B_z, z) B_x = BCoil.grad(B_x, x) plt.figure(12) plt.plot(z, B_z, linestyle="solid", label=r"$B_{tot}$ along z-axis") plt.plot(x, B_x, label=r"$B_{tot}$ along x-axis") plt.title("Gradient of B-field") plt.ylabel(r"B-field [G]") plt.xlabel("x-axis / z-axis [mm]") plt.legend() plt.show() def B_curv_quick_plot(self, I_current, x_lim=50, z_lim=50, nr_points=200): x = np.linspace(-x_lim, x_lim, nr_points) z = np.linspace(-z_lim, z_lim, nr_points) B_z, B_x = self.B_field(I_current, x, z) B_z = BCoil.curv(B_z, z) B_x = BCoil.curv(B_x, x) plt.figure(13) plt.plot(z, B_z, linestyle="solid", label=r"$B_{tot}$ along z-axis") plt.plot(x, B_x, label=r"$B_{tot}$ along x-axis") plt.title("Curvature of B-field") plt.ylabel(r"Curv. B-field [G/cm$^2$]") plt.xlabel("x-axis / z-axis [mm]") plt.legend() plt.show() def Bz_plot_HH_comp(self, Coil2, I_current, x, z): B_z, B_x = self.B_field(I_current, x, z) B_z_2, B_x_2 = Coil2.B_field(I_current, x, z) B_z_curvature = np.gradient(np.gradient(B_z, z), z) * 1e2 B_z_curvature_2 = np.gradient(np.gradient(B_z_2, z), z) * 1e2 plt.figure(100, figsize=(13, 10)) # plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 15}) plt.suptitle("Helmholtz coil field B_z along z-axis") # Field plot ########################## plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) plt.plot(z, B_z, linestyle="solid", label=r"$B_z$") plt.plot(z, B_z_2, linestyle="solid", label=r"$B_{z2}$") # plt.xlim(-0.01,0.01) plt.title("B-field") plt.ylabel(r"$B_z$ [G]") plt.xlabel("z-axis [mm]") plt.legend() plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) plt.plot(z, B_z_curvature, linestyle="solid", label=r"$\nabla_z^2 B_z$") plt.plot(z, B_z_curvature_2, linestyle="solid", label=r"$\nabla_z^2 B_{z2}$") plt.ylabel(r"$\nabla_z^2 B_z [G/cm^2]$") plt.xlabel("z-axis [mm]") plt.xlim(-10, 10) plt.title("Curvature of B-field") plt.legend(loc='lower right') plt.show() def cooling(self, I_current, T): """ Print current density and power Parameters ---------- I_current : current in A T : temperature in degree Celsius Returns ------- None. """ j_dens = I_current / self.get_wire_area() * 1e-6 Power = self.resistance(T) * I_current ** 2 print(f"current density = {j_dens} A/mm^2") print(f"Power = {Power} W") def power(self, I_current, T): P = self.resistance(T) * I_current ** 2 return P def inductivity(self): return cs.mu_0 * (self.layers * self.windings) ** 2 * self.radius ** 2 * np.pi / self.get_coil_height() def induct_perry(self): """ Calculates inductance of rectangular coil via empirical formular by perry """ L = 4 * np.pi * (self.windings * self.layers) ** 2 * (1e2 * self.radius) ** 2 / ( 0.2317 * 100 * self.radius + 0.44 * 100 * self.get_coil_height() + 0.39 * 100 * self.get_coil_width()) return L * 1e-9 @staticmethod def resistivity_copper(T): R_ref = cs.rho_copper_20 T_ref = 20 # degree celsius alpha = 0.00393 R = R_ref * (1 + alpha * (T - T_ref)) return R def resistance(self, T): """ Calculates resistance of one coil of configuration Parameters ---------- T : double temperature in degree Celsius Returns ------- double resistance in Ohm """ return BCoil.resistivity_copper(T) * self.get_wire_length() / self.get_wire_area() def main(): HH_Coil = BCoil(HH=-1, distance=50, radius=40, layers=7, windings=7, wire_height=0.5, wire_width=0.5, insulation_thickness=0.1, is_round = True, winding_scheme=2) #HH_Coil.get_coil_width() #ras = HH_Coil.full_raster(raster_value = 3) # print(HH_Coil.is_round) #print(HH_Coil.winding_raster()) HH_Coil.plot_raster(30) print(HH_Coil.get_N()) # # HH_Coil.B_quick_plot(1.25, abs = False) # HH_Coil.B_grad_quick_plot(1.25) # HH_Coil.B_curv_quick_plot(1.25) # if True & 1 == 1: # print("test") #print(ras) # x = np.linspace(-50, 50, 300) # z = np.linspace(-50, 50, 300) # Bz, Bx = HH_Coil.B_tot_along_axis(1.25, x, z) # # Bz, Bx = HH_Coil.B_tot_along_axis(1.25, x, z) # # #print(Bx) # # #print(Bz) # plt.plot(x,Bx,label = "Bx") # plt.plot(z,Bz, label = "Bz") # plt.legend() # plt.show() # # HH_Coil.plot_raster(3) # ras = HH_Coil.full_raster(10) #HH_Coil.plot_3d(1.25,50,50) #main() if __name__ == "__main__": log.info("Run main Coil class") main()