data analysis scripts
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  1. HOME=/work/leverington/beamprofilemonitor/hitdata/Scripts/Scripts_20171217
  2. mkdir -p $HOME/jobs #make the directory if it doesn't exist
  3. JOB_HOME=$HOME/jobs
  4. rm -rf $JOB_HOME/* #clean up the directory if it does exist
  5. cd $JOB_HOME
  6. for i in {1..49} #199
  7. do
  8. touch $JOB_HOME/runjob$
  9. echo "#!/bin/bash" >> $JOB_HOME/runjob$
  10. echo ". /local/" >> $JOB_HOME/runjob$
  11. echo ". /cvmfs/ -c x86_64-slc6-gcc49-opt" >> $JOB_HOME/runjob$
  12. # echo ". Geant4" >> $JOB_HOME/runjob$
  13. echo "source /cvmfs/" >> $JOB_HOME/runjob$
  14. #point to the correct CERN ROOT
  15. echo "source /cvmfs/ " >> $JOB_HOME/runjob$
  16. #include the gsl libraries
  17. echo "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/work/leverington/gsl-2.4/lib " >> $JOB_HOME/runjob$
  18. #execute this command
  19. echo "/work/leverington/beamprofilemonitor/hitdata/Scripts/Scripts_20171217/convert /work/leverington/beamprofilemonitor/hitdata/HIT_17_12_2017/ run$i" >> $JOB_HOME/runjob$
  20. qsub -l os=slc6 -l ujl=20 -cwd -j yes $JOB_HOME/runjob$
  21. sleep 7
  22. done