161 lines
5.7 KiB
161 lines
5.7 KiB
import numpy as np
import csv
import sys, os
#Easier to just have the full csv file parses here
from putIntoSlides_Utils import *
from putIntoSlides import *
PATH = "../2021_08_17_internalPenguin/"
NAME = "jobs.csv"
VERB = False
#Read the lines from CSV files
def get_arr_from_CSV(filePath, fileName):
with open(filePath+fileName) as csvfile:
csvreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"')
tmp_list = []
for row in csvreader:
arr_jobs = np.array(tmp_list)
return arr_jobs
#First line are the option names
def getNameList(arr_jobs):
return arr_jobs[0]
#The rest is actual job parameters
def getJobArray(arr_jobs):
return arr_jobs[1:]
#Get the jobID
def getJobID(job_list, name_list):
return job_list[name_list=='JobID']
def getJob(arr_jobs, jobID):
names = getNameList(arr_jobs)
jobs = getJobArray(arr_jobs)
mask = np.array(jobs[:,names=='JobID']==str(jobID)).T[0]
if (mask.sum()!=1):
if (VERB): print("jobID",jobID,"not valid, skipping.")
return []
return jobs[mask,:][0]
def isFloat(tag):
if (tag=="FLO"): return True
if (tag=="CON"): return True
return False #Either it is NNN or FIX, so don't plot
def isFix(tag):
if(tag=="FIX"): return True
else: return False
def isConstrained(tag):
if(tag=="CON"): return True
else: return False
def isRef(job_list,name_list):
return bool(int(job_list[name_list=='ref']))
def isWeighted(job_list,name_list):
return bool(int(job_list[name_list=='w']))
def ctkFit(job_list,name_list):
return int(job_list[name_list=='ctkFit'])
def ctkGen(job_list,name_list):
return int(job_list[name_list=='ctkGen'])
def ctkLimit(job_list,name_list):
return float(job_list[name_list=='ctkLimit'])
def sWave(job_list,name_list):
return bool(int(job_list[name_list=='sWave']))
def sigOnly(job_list,name_list):
return bool(int(job_list[name_list=='sigOnly']))
def bkgOnly(job_list,name_list):
return bool(int(job_list[name_list=='bkgOnly']))
def stat(job_list,name_list):
return int(job_list[name_list=='STAT'])
def getPlotVarList(job_list,name_list):
#Check all fix/constrain/float options and create a list of all variables accordingly
var_list = []
if (isFloat(job_list[name_list=='ang'])): var_list = var_list + ANG_PARAMS
if (isFloat(job_list[name_list=='Bmass'])): var_list.append("m_b")
if (isFloat(job_list[name_list=='fSig'])): var_list.append("f_sig")
if (isFloat(job_list[name_list=='mass'])): var_list = var_list + MASS_PARAMS[1:]#First one is Bmass
if (isFloat(job_list[name_list=='bkg_ang'])):
var_list = var_list + ["cbkgctl1","cbkgctl2"]
for x in range(1,ctkFit(job_list,name_list)+1):
if (isFloat(job_list[name_list=='bkg_mass'])): var_list.append("m_lambda")
#if (isFix(job_list[name_list=='gammaStar'])): var_list.append("") TODO
#if (isFix(job_list[name_list=='gammaStarP'])): var_list.append("") TODO
#if (isFix(job_list[name_list=='bkg_Kstar'])): var_list.append("") TODO
if (sWave(job_list,name_list)):
if (isFloat(job_list[name_list=='FS'])): var_list.append("FS")
if (isFloat(job_list[name_list=='s_ang'])): var_list = var_list + SWAVE_PARAMS[1:] #First one is FS
if (VERB): print(var_list)
return var_list
#TODO: not ideal to be a global, but whatever now
READFILE = get_arr_from_CSV(filePath=PATH,fileName=NAME)
def toyPullsFancy(bin,jobID):
job = getJob(READFILE,jobID)
if (len(job) ==0): return
all_vars_list = getPlotVarList(job_list=job, name_list=NAMES)
figName = "/__LOOP___bin" + str(bin) +"_Signal_HighBmass_Pulls"
outFolder = "outputs/"+str(jobID)+"/"
Path(outFolder).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
title = str(jobID) + ", bin " + str(bin)
make_figure_slides(TOYS_FIG_FOLDER + str(jobID),figName,
all_vars_list, title,
figsPerSlide, figsPerRow,
def makeSlides(jobID):
job = getJob(READFILE,jobID)
if (len(job) ==0): return
nBins = 1 if (isRef(job,NAMES)) else 5
#Open the tex file
outputFile = "outputs/"+str(jobID)+"_all"
print ("\\input{"+outputFile+"}")
f = open(outputFile+".tex",'w')
print("\\begin{frame}{Job "+str(jobID)+"}",file=f)
if (isRef(job,NAMES)): print ("\\item Reference",file=f)
if (isWeighted(job,NAMES)): print ("\\item Weighted",file=f)
print ("\\item ctk poly gen: "+str(ctkGen(job,NAMES)),file=f)
print ("\\item ctk poly fit: "+str(ctkFit(job,NAMES)),file=f)
print ("\\item ctk limit: "+str(ctkLimit(job,NAMES)),file=f)
if (sigOnly(job,NAMES)): print ("\\item Only signal",file=f)
if (bkgOnly(job,NAMES)): print ("\\item Only bkg",file=f)
if (sWave(job,NAMES)): print ("\\item sWave included",file=f)
if (stat(job,NAMES)!=1): print("\\item "+str(stat(job,NAMES))+"times rare stats",file=f)
for b in range(0,nBins):
sys.stdout = open(os.devnull, 'w') #Block printout
sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ #Enable printout
for x in range(325,400):
makeSlides(x) |