PhD thesis of Renata Kopečná Angular analysis of B+->K*+(K+pi0)mu+mu- decay with the LHCb experiment
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

91 lines
3.2 KiB

from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
def RunTag(Run):
return "Run"+str(Run)
def RunTagEff(Run,RunEff, onlyAngles):
onlyAngTag = "_OnlyAngles" if onlyAngles else ""
if (Run==-1): return onlyAngTag +"_AllPDFs"
if (Run == RunEff):
if (Run == "1"): return "_OnlyRun1"
if (Run == "2"): return "_OnlyRun2"
else: return "_" + RunTag(Run) + onlyAngTag + "_AllPDFs"
else: return "_Run"+(RunEff)
def RunList():
return ["1","2","12"]
def RunDict():
return{ "1" : ["1"],
"2" : ["2"],
"12": ["1","2"]
def binTag(nBins):
if (nBins==1): return "_1BIN"
elif (nBins==4): return "_ALLBINS"
else: return "_"+str(nBins)+"BINS"
def binTagFull(nBins, bin):
return binTag(nBins) + "_bin"+str(bin)
def binTitle(nBins,bin):
return str(bin+1)+"/" + str(nBins) + " bin" + ("" if nBins==1 else "s")
def rareJpsiTag(isRef):
if (isRef): return "_Jpsi"
else: return "_Signal"
def foldTag(fold):
if (fold == -1): return ""
else: return "_folding"+str(fold)
def toyTag(toy):
if (toy): return"_FinalToys"
else: return ""
def plotBkgTag(fullBkg):
if (fullBkg): return "_incBkg"
else: return ""
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# #
# Main part of the plot maker! #
# #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
def make_figure(folder, mainName,
figsPerFigure, figsPerRow,
figType, outputFile):
#Get width of the pic based on the number of plots per row
picWidth = 0.95/figsPerRow
#Pass in the mainName of the figure with __LOOP__ where the loop should happen
lineList = []
for num,x in enumerate(listOfEntries,start =1):
name = mainName.replace("__LOOP__",x,1)
newLine = "\\\\" if (num%figsPerRow==0) else "" #Put // at the end of each row
lineList.append("\t\\includegraphics[width=" + "%.2f" %picWidth +"\\textwidth]{" + folder + name + figType + "}"+newLine)
#Open the file
f = open(outputFile,'w')
for num,line in enumerate(lineList, start = 1):
if ((num-1)%figsPerFigure==0): #Print the begining of a Figure
print("\\begin{figure}[hbt!]",file = f) #TODO: Replace the list of titles by something sensible
print("\\centering",file = f)
print(line, file =f) #Print the includegraphics
if (num%figsPerFigure==0): #Print the end of a Figure
print("\\captionof{figure}[FILL ME]{FILL ME}\\label{fig:"+label+"}",file = f)
print("\\end{figure}",file = f)
print("%-----------------------------------------",file = f)
print("",file = f)
if (len(lineList)%figsPerFigure !=0):
print("\\captionof{figure}[FILL ME]{FILL ME}\\label{fig:"+label+"}",file = f)
print("\\end{figure}",file = f)
#Drop everything before the last "/" and after "." in the file name and print