PhD thesis of Renata Kopečná Angular analysis of B+->K*+(K+pi0)mu+mu- decay with the LHCb experiment
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1349 lines
60 KiB

%% mciteplus.sty
%% enhanced mcite
%% Version 1.1, 2008/09/30
%% Copyright (c) 2008 Michael Shell
%% Support site:
%% Legal Notice:
%% This code is offered as-is without any warranty either expressed or
%% implied; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
%% User assumes all risk.
%% In no event shall any contributor to this code be liable for any damages
%% or losses, including, but not limited to, incidental, consequential, or
%% any other damages, resulting from the use or misuse of any information
%% contained here.
%% All comments are the opinions of their respective authors.
%% This work is distributed under the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL)
%% ( ) version 1.3, and may be freely used,
%% distributed and modified. A copy of the LPPL, version 1.3, is included
%% in the base LaTeX documentation of all distributions of LaTeX released
%% 2003/12/01 or later.
%% Retain all contribution notices and credits.
%% ** Modified files should be clearly indicated as such, including **
%% ** renaming them and changing author support contact information. **
\ProvidesPackage{mciteplus}[2008/09/30 v1.1 enhanced mcite]
% package option conditionals
% use ds@ for chapterbibrootbib to keep option local
% first entry in citation or bibliography flag
% first head entry in citation or bibliography flag
% entry using star (is a tail) flag
% head declared more than once flag
% sublist block is open flag
% bst indicates that end punctuation would normally be used
% flag to indicate that the label widths have changed
% and that LaTeX has to be rerun
% flag to indicate the use of the first optional argument of a macro
% flag to indicate the use of the first optional argument of a macro (local, non user, use)
% flag to indicate the use of the second optional argument of a macro
% flag to indicate the use of the star form of a macro
% flag to indicate the use of the star form of the \cite forwarding macro
% flag to indicate the use of the sec ID argument for the \cite forwarding macro
% flag to indicate the use of the first optional argument of a bibitem
% flag to indicate the use of the first optional argument of the current head bibitem
% temporary token list
% macro to add (unexpanded) to token list
% temporary dimen registers
% temporary count registers
% count of entries
% count of sub items
% the default entry punctuation and separator
% the default sublist label, begin and end macros
% the default max width forms
% sample label which is forwarded to \thebibliography
\def\mcitebibsamplelabel{\rule{\mcitemaxwidthbibitem sp}{0.2pt}}
% Aux and track handles
% aux used by \mcite
% aux used within \mcitethebibliography
% current auxout in use
% This is the unique ID string used to track multiple bibliographies.
% for \mcitethebibliography
% current Track ID in use
% macros for letter code and string tests
% sets the punctuation bst hooks
% sets the actual punctuation used
% sets the sublabel bst hooks
% sets the actual sublabel used
% sublist mode flags, b and first forms should be set to false unless \@mcitesublistmode is also true
% reset entry counter flag
% error on unknown entries
% BST can request a sublist mode using \mciteSetBstSublistMode, but user requests can override it:
% d = default, use current settings
% n = no sublist
% s = sublist
% b = sublistb
% f = sublistfirst
% h = sublistfirst, including single heads
% note that the changes here are local and will not be remembered outside of the \mcitethebibliography environment
% only make changes if the user mode allows
\PackageError{mciteplus}{Unknown mode `#1' in argument to \protect\mciteSetBstSublistMode}%
{Only `d', `n', `s', `b', `f' and `h' are valid.}\relax
% User can specify a sublist mode:
% d = default, use current settings, allow BST to choose
% n = no sublist
% s = sublist
% b = sublistb
% f = sublistfirst
% h = sublistfirst, including single heads
\PackageError{mciteplus}{Unknown mode `#1' in argument to \protect\mciteSetSublistMode}%
{Only `d', `n', `s', `b', `f' and `h' are valid.}\relax
% checks to see if valid type in \@mciteformtypeArg (bibitem or subitem), errors if not
% #1 is name of calling macro
\PackageError{mciteplus}{Unknown form type `\@mciteformtypeArg' in argument to \protect#1}%
{Only `bibitem' and `subitem' are valid.}\relax
% sets the bst max width forms
% usage: \mciteSetBstMaxWidthForm[init]{type}{form}
% where type is bibitem or subitem
% if [init] not given, uses \mcitedefaultmaxwidth[TYPE]forminit
\expandafter\def\csname mcitebstmaxwidth\@mciteformtypeArg form\endcsname{#3}\relax
\expandafter\def\csname mcitebstmaxwidth\@mciteformtypeArg forminit\endcsname{#1}\relax
\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\def\expandafter\expandafter\csname mcitebstmaxwidth\@mciteformtypeArg forminit\endcsname\expandafter{\csname mcitedefaultmaxwidth\@mciteformtypeArg forminit\endcsname}\relax
% sets the max width forms
% usage: \mciteSetMaxWidthForm[init]{type}{form}
% where type is bibitem or subitem
% if [init] not given, uses \mcitebstmaxwidth[TYPE]forminit
\expandafter\def\csname mcitemaxwidth\@mciteformtypeArg form\endcsname{#3}\relax
\expandafter\def\csname mcitemaxwidth\@mciteformtypeArg forminit\endcsname{#1}\relax
\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\def\expandafter\expandafter\csname mcitemaxwidth\@mciteformtypeArg forminit\endcsname\expandafter{\csname mcitebstmaxwidth\@mciteformtypeArg forminit\endcsname}\relax
% initialize punctuation, sublist and maxwidth hooks
% punctuation controls
% default is to hook into the bst
% the default bst setting is to use the package defaults
% sublist controls
% default sublist mode is to use the defaults
% the default sublabel bst setting is to use the package defaults
% default sublabel setting is to hook into the bst settings
% max width form controls
% the default max width form bst settings is to use the package defaults
% the default max width form settings is to hook into the bst settings
% Defines a macro to track the status of entries. An example showing the
% format is \@mciteEntryStatus@1@Smith98
% where the 1 is the tracking ID, and Smith98 is the cite key.
% Possible values for this status macro are:
% 0 = not yet determined
% 1 = tail (tail entry following a head entry)
% 2 = head (head entry followed by one or more tails)
% 3 = single (head entry not followed by any tails)
% usage: \@mciteSetEntryStatus{track ID}{cite key}{status}
\def\@mciteSetEntryStatus#1#2#3{\expandafter\xdef\csname @mciteEntryStatus@#1@#2\endcsname{#3}\relax
%\typeout{SetEntryStatus: Track:`#1' Key:`#2' Status:`#3'}\relax
% used to obtain status of a given cite key
% usage: \@mciteGetEntryStatus*{track ID}{cite key}{status out}
% star form: no error checking
\def\@mciteGetEntryStatusStar#1#2#3{\expandafter\let\expandafter#3\csname @mciteEntryStatus@#1@#2\endcsname}
\def\@mciteGetEntryStatusNoStar#1#2#3{\expandafter\let\expandafter#3\csname @mciteEntryStatus@#1@#2\endcsname\relax
\PackageError{mciteplus}{Entry Status for cite key `#2' under tracking ID `#1' is undefined, treating it as a head entry}{I don't have a
record of the head/tail status of this citation. Possible reasons include the use
of a cite command that is not mciteplus aware, the use of `\string\nocite{*}', or a problem with the
tracking ID and/or aux file handles. `\string\mciteErrorOnUnknownfalse' can be used to disable this error message.}\relax
% set head key for given tail
% usage: \@mciteSetHeadofTail{track ID}{tail cite key}{head cite key}
\def\@mciteSetHeadofTail#1#2#3{\expandafter\xdef\csname @mciteHeadofTail@#1@#2\endcsname{#3}}
% get head key for given tail
% usage: \@mciteGetHeadofTail{track ID}{tail cite key}{head key out}
% star form: no error checking
\def\@mciteGetHeadofTailStar#1#2#3{\expandafter\let\expandafter#3\csname @mciteHeadofTail@#1@#2\endcsname}
\def\@mciteGetHeadofTailNoStar#1#2#3{\expandafter\let\expandafter#3\csname @mciteHeadofTail@#1@#2\endcsname\relax
\PackageError{mciteplus}{Head for tail cite key `#2' under tracking ID `#1' is undefined}{I don't have a
record of the head key of this citation.}\relax
% for debug status messages
% converts given status number to word description
Unknown\or Tail\or Head with tails\or Head without tails\else Invalid (#1)\fi}
% form that makes no distinction between status 2 or 3. Used with \cite debug as
% head status is not finalized till after the entry group
Unknown\or Tail\or Head\or Head\else Invalid (#1)\fi}
% usage:\mciteSetMaxWidth{track ID}{type}{width}
% Defines a macro to track the max width of a given label type.
% An example showing the format is \@mciteMaxWidthStore@main@bibitem
% which is set globally
% we don't use @ in the macro name as this cmd appears in the aux
\expandafter\xdef\csname @mciteMaxWidthStore@#1@\@mciteformtypeArg\endcsname{#3}}
% usage:\mciteGetMaxWidth{track ID}{type}{out macro}
% reads the stored max width of the given label type into the out macro
% which is set globally
\expandafter\global\expandafter\let\expandafter#3\csname @mciteMaxWidthStore@#1@\@mciteformtypeArg\endcsname}
% usage:\mciteSetMaxCount{track ID}{type}{count}
% Defines a macro to track the max count of a given label type.
% An example showing the format is \@mciteMaxCountStore@main@bibitem
% which is set globally
% we don't use @ in the macro name as this cmd appears in the aux
\expandafter\xdef\csname @mciteMaxCountStore@#1@\@mciteformtypeArg\endcsname{#3}}
% usage:\mciteGetMaxCount{track ID}{type}{out macro}
% reads the stored max count of the given label type into the out macro
% which is set globally
\expandafter\global\expandafter\let\expandafter#3\csname @mciteMaxCountStore@#1@\@mciteformtypeArg\endcsname}
% sets \mcitemaxcountbibitem and \mcitemaxcountsubitem via \mciteGetMaxCount globally
% sets them to zero if \mciteGetMaxCount returns \relax
% clears \@mcitecorrectmaxcountbibitem and \@mcitecorrectmaxcountsubitem
% uses \@mcitecurtrackID
% usage: \@mciteMaxCountUpdate
% updates \@mcitecorrectmaxcountsubitem
% no need for \@mcitecorrectmaxcountbibitem as this is carried by the counter itself
% usage: \@mciteMaxCountAuxWrite uses \@mcitecurauxout and \@mcitecurtrackID
% writes \mciteSetMaxCount{track ID}{type}{count} to \@mcitecurauxout
% and warns if correct values do not match \mcitemaxcountbibitem, \mcitemaxcountsubitem
\@latex@warning@no@line{Mciteplus max count has changed}\global\@mciteLaTeXreruntrue
\@latex@warning@no@line{Mciteplus max count has changed}\global\@mciteLaTeXreruntrue
% usage: \@mciteMaxWidthInitialize{type}
% sets \mcitemaxwidth[TYPE] via \GetMaxWidth globally
% if \GetMaxWidth returns \relax, sets them to the width (without sp units at end) of \mcitebstmaxwidth[TYPE]forminit
% as evaluated when bibitem and subitem counters are both = 1
% clears \@mcitecorrectmaxwidth[TYPE] globally to 0
% uses \@mcitecurtrackID
\expandafter\mciteGetMaxWidth\expandafter{\expandafter\@mcitecurtrackID\expandafter}\expandafter{\expandafter\@mcitemaxwidthinitializetypeArg\expandafter}\expandafter{\csname mcitemaxwidth#1\endcsname}\relax
\expandafter\ifx\csname mcitemaxwidth#1\endcsname\relax
% set counters to 1 locally
\csname c@mcitebibitemcount\endcsname 1\relax
\csname c@mcitesubitemcount\endcsname 1\relax
\settowidth{\@mcitetmpdima}{\csname mcitemaxwidth#1forminit\endcsname}\relax
\expandafter\xdef\csname mcitemaxwidth#1\endcsname{\the\@mcitetmpcnta}\relax
\expandafter\xdef\csname @mcitecorrectmaxwidth#1\endcsname{0}}
% usage: \@mciteMaxWidthUpdate{type}
% globally updates \@mcitecorrectmaxwidth[TYPE] based on \mcitemaxwidth[TYPE]form
\settowidth{\@mcitetmpdima}{\csname mcitemaxwidth#1form\endcsname}\relax
\@mcitetmpcntb=\csname @mcitecorrectmaxwidth#1\endcsname\relax
\expandafter\xdef\csname @mcitecorrectmaxwidth#1\endcsname{\the\@mcitetmpcnta}\relax
% usage: \@mciteMaxWidthAuxWrite uses \@mcitecurauxout and \@mcitecurtrackID
% writes \mciteSetMaxWidth{track ID}{type}{correct width in sp}
% for both bibitem and subitem to \@mcitecurauxout
% and warns if correct values do not match \mcitemaxwidthbibitem, \mcitemaxwidthsubitem
\@latex@warning@no@line{Mciteplus max width has changed}\global\@mciteLaTeXreruntrue
\@latex@warning@no@line{Mciteplus max width has changed}\global\@mciteLaTeXreruntrue
% empty \mciteheadlist in case someone trys to access it before a \cite
% default wrappers for \cite and \nocite, package hooks (e.g., multibbl) can change these later
% \mcite was undocumented in mcite.sty. We don't need it and it will not work with
% some multibibliography packages. So, we'll not use them.
% mcite version of \cite
% mcite version of \nocite
% mciteplus \cite wrappers
% usage: \mciteCiteA*{aux out}{track ID}{prehandler}{posthandler}{fwd macro}*[opt1][opt2]{cite list}
% \mciteCiteB*{aux out}{track ID}{prehandler}{posthandler}{fwd macro}*[opt1][opt2]{sec ID}{cite list}
% B form is for \cite that use two arguments, such as that of multibbl.sty
% processes cite list and fowards arguments and list of heads to specified \cite macro
% star form means no default \mciteDoList processing
% execute the user's pre-handler code
% star form means no mcite default processing
% the user will have to do all of this in their handler
% otherwise, process the cite list and set the forward cite list to the list of heads
% optional additional calls to do lists for duplicate/global bibliographies
% execute the user's post-handler code
% build the forwarding macro and arguments list
% forward to the "real" \cite
% mciteplus engine
% processes cite list, records status of keys and writes tail (and head)
% citations to aux file
% list of heads is output to \mciteheadlist for forwarding to \cite
% usage: \mciteDoList{aux out}{track ID}{cite list}
% use noauxwrite for aux out to disable writes to aux
% flag to determine if mciteDoList should write to aux file
\newif\if@mciteDoListwriteaux \@mciteDoListwriteauxtrue
\def\@mciteDoList#1{\let\@mcitecurhead\relax % reset current head
% disable aux writes if aux parameter is "noauxwrite"
% ignore empty keys
% warn about \nocite{*}
\typeout{** WARNING: mciteplus: Wildcard `*' citation entry declared. BibTeX will add untracked entries to the bibliography.}\relax
% add * to the head list
\else % key is not empty
% get entry status
% if entry status is undefined, set status number code to undetermined and update \@mcitecurstatus
\if@mcitestarentry % if declared to be a tail
\if@mcitefirstheadentry % tail cannot be declared until after a head
\PackageError{mciteplus}{Tail `\@mcitecurkey' is declared without a valid head}{You have to
declare a head citation before entering tail citations in cite list.}\relax
\ifnum\@mcitecurstatus>1\relax % cannot have been previously declared as a head
\PackageError{mciteplus}{Tail citation `\@mcitecurkey' has previously been declared as a head}{Declare
each citation entry as a head or a tail, but not both.}\relax
\if@mciteheadredeclared % the current head has been redeclared, OK with some restrictions
\ifnum\@mcitecurstatus=0\relax % cannot add new tails to previous group definitions
\PackageError{mciteplus}{New tail citation `\@mcitecurkey' cannot be added to the already existing
definition of group of head `\@mcitecurhead'}{You cannot define a group,
then reissue the head and add new tail citations.}\relax
\ifnum\@mcitecurstatus=1\relax % OK to respecify tails as long as they already belong to this group,
% this allows for overall (global) bibliographies
% Note: We don't/can't catch the case of repeated tail declarations under a redeclared head.
% Not a mandatory error anyway.
% tail cannot have been declared in definition of another group
\PackageError{mciteplus}{Tail citation `\@mcitecurkey' is not allowed in group of head
`\@mcitecurhead' as this tail has already been declared in group
of head `\@mciteheadofcurkey'}{You cannot have a tail citation
that appears in more than one citation group.}\relax
\else % head not redeclared
\ifnum\@mcitecurstatus=1\relax % the current head has not been declared before, so neither should any of its tails
% tail cannot be declared twice in initial definition, this is an optional error
\PackageError{mciteplus}{Tail citation `\@mcitecurkey' has been declared more than once in
definition of group for head `\@mcitecurhead'}{Each tail
citation can only be specified once in the definition
of a group.}\relax
% tail cannot have been declared in definition of another group
\PackageError{mciteplus}{Tail citation `\@mcitecurkey' is not allowed in group of head
`\@mcitecurhead' as this tail has already been declared in group
of head `\@mciteheadofcurkey'}{You cannot have a tail citation
that appears in more than one citation group.}\relax
\fi% end if head redeclared
% if not declared before, process as a valid tail
% record type as tail
% write out tail citation to aux as it will not be forwarded to \cite
% record head for this tail
% change current head from code 3 (single) to 2 (one or more tails)
\else % is declared to be a head
\edef\@mcitecurhead{\@mcitecurkey}\relax % this is our new current head
% add to the head list
\ifnum\@mcitecurstatus=1\relax % cannot have previously been used as a tail
\PackageError{mciteplus}{Head citation `\@mcitecurkey' has previously been declared
as a tail of `\@mciteheadofcurkey'}{Declare each citation
entry as a head or a tail, but not both.}\relax
\@mciteheadredeclaredfalse % assume not redeclared
\ifnum\@mcitecurstatus>1\relax % has already been declared?
\@mciteheadredeclaredtrue % OK, but do not allow any new future tails for this head
% if not declared before, set as a head, single. Will later change to code 2 if tails are found.
% write out head citation to aux.
% This will result in the entry appearing twice in the aux file as the
% entry will be part of the \mciteheadlist which will be forwarded to \cite.
% However, we need to write this out now to preserve the order of the citations.
% this is the new current head
\fi % fi not headredeclared
\fi % fi tail or head
% debug report
\edef\@mcitedebugheadoftail{Head of this tail: `\@mcitecurhead'}\relax
\typeout{** Mciteplus Debug: Citation Entry: `\@mcitecurkey' TrackID: `\@mcitecurtrackID'
Auxout: \ifx\@mcitecurauxout\@mciteMacronoauxwrite `none (\@mciteMacronoauxwrite)' \else `\the\@mcitecurauxout' \fi
Status: `\@mciteStatusNumToWordH{\@mcitecurstatus}' \@mcitedebugheadoftail}\relax
% end debug report
\fi % only nonempty
}% end do loop
% hook to allow for a redo. Useful for global bibliographies
% determines if an entry starts with an *, removes the * from the start of the entry name
% and sets \@mcitestarentry and \@mcitecurkey accordingly
% writes current key citation to aux. We put this in a macro because some packages
% may fiddle with \if@filesw (making it a macro rather than an if), tripping up
% TeX's parser if \if@filesw is ever within another conditional as is the case
% within \@mciteDoList
% custom \ref command displays \mcitesubrefform when
% \ref'd
% prefix to reference labels to avoid namespace clash
% default to using the actual sublist form.
% give user access to sublist \ref and \pageref
% usage: \mciteSubRef[track ID]{cite key}
% for debug, head of tail lookup
% mciteplus version of \bibitem
% support the optional arg of \bibitem[]{} as well
% build the forwarding macro: \mciteOrgbibitem{#2} or \mciteOrgbibitem[#1]{#2}
% build the command. we need a global def here so that the changes will persist in spite
% of a later closed sublist
% on the very first \bibitem initialize the maxwidths
% we do this here so that the bibstyle can have its say on the forminit
% get status of entry and process accordingly
% status get may happen inside a list, so make the changes to \@mcitecurstatus global
% debug report
\edef\@mcitedebugheadoftail{Head of this tail: `\@mcitecurheadlookup' (from citation), `\@mcitecurhead' (in bibliography)}\relax
\typeout{** Mciteplus Debug: \string\mcitebibitem\space Entry: `\mciteBibitemArgI' TrackID: `\@mcitecurtrackID'
Status: `\@mciteStatusNumToWord{\@mcitecurstatus}' \@mcitedebugheadoftail}\relax
% end debug report
\ifnum\@mcitecurstatus=1\relax % if a tail
% error if a tail starts the bibliography
\PackageError{mciteplus}{Bibliography begins with a tail entry `\mciteBibitemArgI'}{For sorting
bibstyles, you must set the `mcitetail' BibTeX database field
for each tail entry and use a bibstyle that understands that field.}\relax
% open sublist if needed
\else% is head
% close sublist if open
% watch out with variables as this will close off local changes
% addtocounter and setcounter make global changes
% record current head key and argument info
% note: with \mcitebibitem mcitebibitemcount advances with heads
% and holds the current head count until the next \mcitebibitem
% However, at the end of the \mcitebibitem, mcitesubitemcount
% is one more than the number of subitems as the label is
% rendered before updating the counter.
% check and update the bibitem label width
\ifnum\@mcitecurstatus=2\relax % if head with tails
% open sublist if needed
\ifnum\@mcitecurstatus=3\relax % if head without tails
% open sublist if needed
\fi% if tail or head
% End of \bibitem marker from bibstyle
% hook inserted at the end of bibitem group, before the sublist is closed
% hook inserted at the end of bibitem group, after the sublist is closed
% hook inserted at \mcitethebibliography
% hook to allow insertion of custom code at end of mcitethebibliography
% hook to allow insertion of custom code at end of endmcitethebibliography
% hook to allow insertion of custom code at end of thebibliography
% Bibdecl for package hooks
% single use internal BIB hook, is automatically reset to \relax at end of \mcitethebibliography
% mciteplus version of \thebibliography
% set these to something so that init forms that reference them won't choke
% note: pkg and user hooks may update tracking ID
% we initialize here to get a valid \mcitemaxwidthbibitem for \mcitebibsamplelabel
% but we will reinitialize again at the first \bibitem so that any BST changes can take affect
% debug report
\typeout{** Mciteplus Debug: \string\mcitethebibliography\space TrackID: `\@mcitecurtrackID' Auxout: `\the\@mcitecurauxout'}\relax
% end debug report
% close sublist if open
% globally clear oneshot decl
% restore original \bibitem as some \endthebibliography tack notes at the end (e.g., REVTeX)
% we'll add them to the count with mcite's counters and continue to track the bibitem width
% update max count for possible \endthebibliography tack notes
% write correct max counter to aux and warn if changed
% write correct max widths to aux and warn if changed
% debug report
\typeout{** Mciteplus Debug: \string\endmcitethebibliography^^J
Current Max bibitem count: `\mcitemaxcountbibitem'^^J
Correct Max bibitem count: `\arabic{mcitebibitemcount}'^^J^^J
Current Max subitem count: `\mcitemaxcountsubitem'^^J
Correct Max subitem count: `\@mcitecorrectmaxcountsubitem'^^J^^J
Current Max bibitem width: `\mcitemaxwidthbibitem'(sp)^^J
Correct Max bibitem width: `\@mcitecorrectmaxwidthbibitem'(sp)^^J^^J
Current Max subitem width: `\mcitemaxwidthsubitem'(sp)^^J
Correct Max subitem width: `\@mcitecorrectmaxwidthsubitem'(sp)}^^J
% warn at end if any \mcitethebibliography requires a rerun due to a max width/count change
\AtEndDocument{\if@mciteLaTeXrerun\@latex@warning@no@line{Rerun to ensure correct mciteplus label max width/count}\fi}
% always ensure \mciteSetMaxWidth{}{}{} and \mciteSetMaxCount{}{}{} are defined in the .aux,
% lest the package be unloaded and the initial .aux still refers to it.
% hook into system only after all packages have been loaded
% hook into system \cite unless user says otherwise
% special \if macros needed for PKG hooks
% we've got to define these here to shield the \ifcontinuouslabels
% and and \fi from TeX's scanner when multibib is *not* loaded
% as \ifcontinuouslabels will not be defined and TeX would still
% see the \fi when skipping over the code.
% multibib
\typeout{** WARNING: mciteplus is using \string\mciteResetBibitemCounttrue, but multibib was not invoked with `resetlabels' option.}
\typeout{** WARNING: mciteplus is using \string\mciteResetBibitemCountfalse, but multibib was invoked with `resetlabels' option.}
% bibunits global copy list handler
% natbib command names
% if natbib loaded, save originals at start
\expandafter\ifx\csname ver@natbib.sty\endcsname\relax\else
\expandafter\let\expandafter\@mcitetmpA\csname \@mcitecurcmdname\endcsname
\expandafter\let\csname mciteOrg\@mcitecurcmdname\endcsname\@mcitetmpA}}
% *** External Package Hooks ***
\if@OPTIONmcitenohooks\else% hook into packages
% *** natbib.sty hooks
\expandafter\ifx\csname ver@natbib.sty\endcsname\relax\else
\typeout{** mciteplus: Detected natbib.sty. Invoking hooks.}\relax
% reroute original cite macro \X through \mciteCiteA
% \X -> \mciteCiteA{\mciteauxout}{\mcitetrackID}{\relax}{\relax}{\mciteOrgX}
\expandafter\@mcitetmptoksA\expandafter=\expandafter{\csname mciteOrg\@mcitecurcmdname\endcsname}\relax
\expandafter\edef\csname \@mcitecurcmdname\endcsname{\noexpand\mciteCiteA{\noexpand\mciteauxout}{\noexpand\mcitetrackID}{\relax}{\relax}{\the\@mcitetmptoksA}}\relax
\fi % if natbib.sty detected
% *** cite.sty hooks
\expandafter\ifx\csname ver@cite.sty\endcsname\relax\else
\typeout{** mciteplus: Detected cite.sty. Invoking hooks.}\relax
% This will still work even though cite.sty routes \citex through \citen.
% The double calls to mciteplus will be OK as the second call to mciteplus
% will only have a head list of already defined entries and so it will do nothing
% other than write the list to the aux again.
% Not the most elegant approach though.
% Handle the aliases as well.
\fi % if cite.sty detected
% *** drftcite.sty hooks
\expandafter\ifx\csname ver@drftcite.sty\endcsname\relax\else
\typeout{** mciteplus: Detected drftcite.sty. Invoking hooks.}\relax
% As with cite.sty, this will still work even though drftcite.sty
% routes \citex through \citen.
\fi % if drftcite.sty detected
% *** chapterbib hooks
\expandafter\ifx\csname ver@chapterbib.sty\endcsname\relax\else
\typeout{** mciteplus: Detected chapterbib.sty. Invoking hooks.}\relax
% one gotcha is that LaTeX closes and reopens \@partaux so aux handle number
% does not change
% make a second set of entry status macros for the duplicate bibliographies
% produced under the duplicate option. Won't hurt anything if the duplicate
% bibliography is not used. Note that chapterbib uses the .bbl suffix for
% \@currentipfile when reading the duplicate bibliographies.
% create third set only when chapterbib is using the rootbib option.
% We can't just write this out all the time because the rootbib option can
% cause a conflict in the mciteplus status of a key if that same key is
% used in different parts of the document. And we can't test for the use of
% the chapterbib rootbib option because chapterbib is rerun without the
% rootbib option.
\fi % if chapterbib detected
% *** multibib hooks
\expandafter\ifx\csname ver@multibib.sty\endcsname\relax\else
\typeout{** mciteplus: Detected multibib.sty. Invoking hooks.}\relax
% internally braced \nocite with \@aux handler as needed by multibib
% usage: \@mciteMULTIBIBgroupedOrgNocite{multibib section name}{cite list}
\def\@mciteMULTIBIBgroupedOrgNocite#1#2{{\expandafter\let\expandafter\@auxout\csname @auxout#1\endcsname
% forward to original \newcites and let it do its thing first
% now redo some of what it did our way
% build auxout names and track ID
\edef\@mcitetempauxout{\csname @auxout\@mciteCurRefName\endcsname}\relax
% reroute original \citeX through \mciteCiteA using \@mciteCurRefName in aux and track
% \citeX -> \mciteCiteA{\@auxoutX}{multibibX}{\relax}
% {\let\@citex\mb@@citex\let\@newciteauxhandle\@auxoutX}
% {\mciteOrgcite}
% basic command name list
% add natbib names if natbib is loaded
\expandafter\ifx\csname ver@natbib.sty\endcsname\relax\else
% install multibib \citeX internals into handler
\let\noexpand\@newciteauxhandle\csname @auxout\@mciteCurRefName\endcsname}}\relax
% forward to standard \cite (\mciteOrgcite), can't go through current \cite
% as that goes through mcite again and would write entries to standard aux
\expandafter\@mciteAppendToTmpToksA\expandafter{\expandafter{\csname mciteOrg\@mcitecurcmdname\endcsname}}\relax
% define new \citeX wrapper
\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\def\expandafter\expandafter\csname \@mcitecurcmdname\@mciteCurRefName\endcsname
}% \do for \@mciteMULTIBIBCiteCmdList
% reroute original \nociteX through \mciteCiteA using \@mciteCurRefName in aux and track
% \nociteX -> \mciteCiteA{\@auxoutX}{multibibX}{\relax}
% {\relax}
% {\@mciteMULTIBIBgroupedOrgNocite}
% forward to standard \@mciteMULTIBIBgroupedOrgNocite, can't go through current \nocite
% as that goes through mcite again and would write entries to standard aux also because
% multibib changes \@auxout, we need to use the internally grouped version with
% the \@aux handler in it
% define new \nociteX wrapper
\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\def\expandafter\expandafter\csname nocite\@mciteCurRefName\endcsname
% now reroute \bibliographyX
% save as \@mciteOrgMULTIBIBbibliographyX
\expandafter\let\expandafter\@mcitetemp\csname bibliography\@mciteCurRefName\endcsname
\expandafter\let\csname @mciteOrgMULTIBIBbibliography\@mciteCurRefName\endcsname\@mcitetemp
\@mcitetmptoksA=\expandafter{\csname @mciteOrgMULTIBIBbibliography\@mciteCurRefName\endcsname}\relax
\expandafter\edef\csname bibliography\@mciteCurRefName\endcsname{\def\@mciteoneshotBIBdecl{\def\noexpand\@mcitecurtrackID{\@mcitetemptrackID}}\the\@mcitetmptoksA}\relax
% we depend on the default \mciteauxout and \mcitetrackID for \cite, \nocite and \mcite
}% end ref name do loop
}% end def \@mcitePKGnewcites
% setup multibib BIB hooks
% no need to install bibliography wrapper uaing \@auxoutX as multibbl wrapper alters
% \@auxout to point to \@auxoutX before starting \mcitethebibliography
% Thus, the default bibteckID will work.
% warn if a mismatch between the settings of mciteplus entry label counter resets and those of multibib
% reroute all \newcites calls through \@mciteMULTIBIBnewcites
\fi% if multibib detected
% *** multibbl hooks
\expandafter\ifx\csname ver@multibbl.sty\endcsname\relax\else
\typeout{** mciteplus: Detected multibbl.sty. Invoking hooks.}\relax
% for checking that the user has called \newbibliography before \cite.
\def\@mciteMULTIBBLcheckAuxDefined{\expandafter\ifx\csname\mciteCiteSecIDArg @auxfile\endcsname\relax
\PackageError{mciteplus}{multibbl: Bibliography `\mciteCiteSecIDArg' has not been defined}{Use multibbl's \string\newbibliography\space to
declare this bibliography before using it in \string\cite.}\relax
%\cite -> \mciteCiteB{\secID@auxfile}{multibbl\secID}{create aux track arguments}{\relax}{\mciteOrgcite}}
%\cite -> \mciteCiteB{\secID@auxfile}{multibbl\secID}{create aux track arguments}{\relax}{\mciteOrgcite}}
% we use prehandler to set aux and track arguments to use mciteCiteSecIDArg
\def\@mciteCiteWrapper{\mciteCiteB{Bogus auxout}{Bogus trackID}{\relax
\def\mciteCiteAuxArg{\csname \mciteCiteSecIDArg @auxfile\endcsname}\relax
% nocite
\def\@mciteNociteWrapper{\mciteCiteB{Bogus auxout}{Bogus trackID}{\relax
\def\mciteCiteAuxArg{\csname \mciteCiteSecIDArg @auxfile\endcsname}\relax
% hook into bibliography at start of document, use one shot interface for single use setup of the aux and track ID
% we need to update \mcitethebibliography's tracking ID, to reflect what multibbl is using,
% multibbl.sty does not read in non-main aux files. We use the one shot so that the definition is cleared
% after each bibliography (but in this case it would be anyway as it is defined inside the
% \bibliography environment).
\fi% if multibbl detected
% *** bibunits hooks
\expandafter\ifx\csname ver@bibunits.sty\endcsname\relax\else
\typeout{** mciteplus: Detected bibunits.sty. Invoking hooks.}\relax
% have to restore main track ID for global bibliography when using \bibliographyunit
\fi% if bibunits detected
% *** backref.sty (from hyperref) hooks
\expandafter\ifx\csname ver@backref.sty\endcsname\relax\else
\typeout{** mciteplus: Detected backref.sty. Invoking hooks.}\relax
% disable backref's \bibitem intercept within mcitethebibliography
% and install our own
\def\mciteBACKREFform{{}\ \BR@backref{\@mcitecurhead}}
\fi % if backref.sty detected
% *** citeref.sty hooks
\expandafter\ifx\csname ver@citeref.sty\endcsname\relax\else
\typeout{** mciteplus: Detected citeref.sty. Invoking hooks.}\relax
% disable citeref's \bibitem intercepts within mcitethebibliography
% and install our own
\fi % if citeref.sty detected
% *** detect attempts to use incompatible packages ***
% might be best not to lockout amsrefs and biblatex - maybe somebody wants
% and knows how to use them "in parallel" with mciteplus
% *** incompatible with bibtopic.sty
\expandafter\ifx\csname ver@bibtopic.sty\endcsname\relax\else
\PackageError{mciteplus}{Bibtopic.sty cannot be used with mciteplus.sty}{These two packages won't work together.}\relax
% *** incompatible with inlinebib.sty
\expandafter\ifx\csname ver@inlinebib.sty\endcsname\relax\else
\PackageError{mciteplus}{inlinebib.sty cannot be used with mciteplus.sty}{These two packages won't work together.}\relax
% *** incompatible with jurabib.sty
\expandafter\ifx\csname ver@jurabib.sty\endcsname\relax\else
\PackageError{mciteplus}{jurabib.sty cannot be used with mciteplus.sty}{These two packages won't work together.}\relax
% *** incompatible with opcit.sty
\expandafter\ifx\csname ver@opcit.sty\endcsname\relax\else
\PackageError{mciteplus}{opcit.sty cannot be used with mciteplus.sty}{These two packages won't work together.}\relax
% *** incompatible with splitbib.sty
\expandafter\ifx\csname ver@splitbib.sty\endcsname\relax\else
\PackageError{mciteplus}{Splitbib.sty cannot be used with mciteplus.sty}{These two packages won't work together.}\relax
\fi % if hooks enabled