PhD thesis of Renata Kopečná Angular analysis of B+->K*+(K+pi0)mu+mu- decay with the LHCb experiment
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collaboration = {Belle collaboration},
title = "{Experimental constraints on the spin and parity of the $Z$(4430)$^+$}",
eprint = "1306.4894",
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reportNumber = "BELLE-PREPRINT-2013-12, KEK-PREPRINT-2013-22",
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title = "{Measurement of the branching fraction and $CP$ asymmetry in $B^{+}\rightarrow J/\psi \rho^{+}$ decays}",
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year = "2019"
author = "Aaij, Roel and others",
collaboration = {LHCb collaboration},
title = "{Observation of the resonant character of the $Z(4430)^-$ state}",
eprint = "1404.1903",
archivePrefix = "arXiv",
primaryClass = "hep-ex",
reportNumber = "LHCB-PAPER-2014-014, CERN-PH-EP-2014-061",
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volume = "95",
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author = "Aaij, R and others",
collaboration = {LHCb collaboration},
title = "{Measurement of the polarization amplitudes in $B^0 \to J/\psi K^{*}(892)^0$ decays}",
eprint = "1307.2782",
archivePrefix = "arXiv",
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reportNumber = "CERN-PH-EP-2013-104, LHCB-PAPER-2013-023",
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