from ROOT import gROOT, TFile, gStyle from ROOT import kFALSE, kTRUE from ROOT import RooPlot, RooHist from ROOT import TPaveText, TGraph, TCanvas, TLatex, TF1, TH1D, gPad from ROOT import kBlack, kBlue, kRed from math import exp,log import collections #To select subsets of dictionaries verbose = True def isMatched(name): return ("matched" in name) def isFull(name): return ("full" in name) def rangeMass(method): if (method == "Long"): return [2625.0,3575.0] if (method == "Velo"): return [2925.0,3275.0] if (method == "T"): return [2625.0,3575.0] def binEdges(name): nameTmp = name.replace(" ","") #Remove spaces, they are useless #split makes a list, first part we throw away #Then we split the string of binLowGetObject("frame_J_psi_1S_M_81423c40",f) # f->Print() # RooHist *h = frame->getHist("h_MatchedETA0") # TGraph *g = f->getCurve("totalShape_Norm[J_psi_1S_M]") # TPaveText* pt = (TPaveText*)f->getObject(2) return #Plot() Plot(method="Long",var="Full") Plot(method="Velo",var="Full") Plot(method="T",var="Full")