PhD thesis of Renata Kopečná Angular analysis of B+->K*+(K+pi0)mu+mu- decay with the LHCb experiment
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38 lines
915 B

  1. char *method = "Long"
  2. TH2D *R =(TH2D*) _file0->Get("Ratio")
  3. gStyle->SetPalette(kRainBow)
  4. gStyle->SetPaintTextFormat("1.4f")
  5. gStyle->SetOptStat(0)
  6. TCanvas *C = new TCanvas("c_Long", "c_Long", 10,10,1000,600)
  7. C->cd()
  8. C->SetBottomMargin(0.15)
  9. C->SetRightMargin(0.11)
  10. C->SetLeftMargin(0.1)
  11. TLatex *tex = new TLatex()
  12. tex->SetNDC(True)
  13. tex->SetTextFont(132)
  14. tex->SetTextSize(0.06)
  15. tex->SetTextAlign(33)
  16. TLatex *method_tex = new TLatex()
  17. method_tex->SetNDC(True)
  18. method_tex->SetTextFont(132)
  19. method_tex->SetTextSize(0.06)
  20. method_tex->SetTextAlign(13)
  21. R->Draw("AXIS")
  22. C->SetLogx()
  23. R->SetContour(100)
  24. R->Draw("COLZTEXTE")
  25. tex->DrawLatex(200000, 5.15, "LHCb preliminary")
  26. method_tex->DrawLatex(6000, 5.15, "Long efficiency ratio")
  27. C->SaveAs("/home/renata/Documents/LHCb/Dizertacka/figures/TrackEff/PossibleCorrectResults/2018_25ns/Data2018_25ns_MC2018_25nsSim09h_WG/Ratio_Long_P-ETA_pretty.eps","eps")