PhD thesis of Renata Kopečná Angular analysis of B+->K*+(K+pi0)mu+mu- decay with the LHCb experiment
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  4. {\Huge \textbf{Dissertation}}\\[4ex]
  5. {\Large submitted to the}\\[3ex]
  6. {\LARGE \textsc Combined Faculty of Mathematics, Engineering and Natural Sciences }\\[4ex]
  7. %\\[0.2cm] \\[0.2cm]Engineering}\\[2ex]
  8. {\LARGE of Heidelberg University, Germany}\\[3ex]
  9. {\Large for the degree of Doctor of Natural Sciences }\\
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  19. {\large \bf Put forward by}\\ [4ex]
  20. {\Large \bf \myName}\\ [6ex]
  21. {\large \bf Born: The Czech Republic}\\[2ex]
  22. {\large \bf Oral examination: 15th of December 2021}\\
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  32. {\large \bf Referees: Prof. Dr. Stephanie Hansmann-Menzemer}\\
  33. {\large \bf Prof. Dr. Klaus Reygers~~~~~~~~~~}
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