Update 'ParamValues Class'
@ -1,85 +1,121 @@
The parameter intitial values are set in [ParamValues::SetParamValues()](#void-paramvaluessetparamvalues).
# Structs
### struct FitValuesWithName
* **Private members:**
* **Public members:**
* string name
* double val
* double err
* **Functions:**
* *FitValuesWithName() //Default constructor
* **Parameters**
* string s_name
* double d_val
* double d_err
* **Return**
* Initialized FitValuesWithName
## Global variables:
### struct SavedFitValues
All values are initialized to their name as a string, value is set to 1.0, error is set to 1.0
* FitValuesWithName sig_mean
* FitValuesWithName sig_sigma
* FitValuesWithName sig_sigma2
* FitValuesWithName sig_alpha
* FitValuesWithName sig_alpha2
* FitValuesWithName sig_n
* FitValuesWithName sig_n2
* FitValuesWithName sig_f
* FitValuesWithName sig_effSigma
### struct SavedFitValuesBackground
All values are initialized to their name as a string, value is set to 1.0, error is set to 1.0
* FitValuesWithName bkg_mean
* FitValuesWithName bkg_sigma
* FitValuesWithName bkg_decay
* FitValuesWithName bkg_alpha
* FitValuesWithName bkg_alpha2
* FitValuesWithName bkg_n
* FitValuesWithName bkg_n2
* FitValuesWithName bkg_f
*class ParamValues: public SignalType
*public BackgroundType{
*struct FitValuesWithName{
*struct SavedFitValues {
*struct SavedFitValuesBackground {
# Classes
### ParamValues: public SignalType, public BackgroundType
* **Private members:**
* **Protected members:**
* string latexName
* double constrain
* double fix
* double ranges[2]
* **Public members:**
* string name
* double value
* double error
* **Functions:**
* **mValues()**
* **Parameters**
* }; //default constructor
* **Return**
* ParamValues(){}; //default constructor
* void SetParamValues(string s_string, bool fitRef=true)
* RooRealVar *getRooRealVar(string s_name, bool sig, bool fitRef=true)
* void printProperties()
* void setValuesAndErrors(bool sig)
* ~ParamValues(){}; //default destructor
**TODO** Link the function descriptions
# Functions and their parameters:
### void ParamValues::printProperties()
Prints the Name and LaTeX name of the parameter, whether it is fixed and/or constrained, its value and error and its range.
* **Parameters**
* **Return**
### void ParamValues::SetParamValues()
This is where the initial values of the parameters are defined. They can be changed later on. In this function the latex names used for plotting are also set.
* **Parameters**
* string s_string
* bool fitRef
* **Return**
### FitValuesWithName getSignalSavedFitValue()
Retrieves the signal-model parameter based on its name
* **Parameters**
* string s_name //This would have been so much nicer in Python
* string s_name
* **Return**
* Returns the parameter specified by s_name
### FitValuesWithName getBackgroundSavedFitValue()
Retrieves the background-model parameter based on its name
* **Parameters**
* string s_name //This would have been so much nicer in Python
* **Return**
* Returns the parameter specified by s_name
### RooRealVar \*ParamValues::getRooRealVar()
Creates an return a RooRealVar based on the parameter name. If the parameter is contrained, it also sets the gaussian constrains.
* **Parameters**
* string s_name
* bool sig
* bool fitRef
* **Return**
* New RooRealVar parameter created based on s_name
### void setSignalSavedFitValue()
Rewrites the signal-model parameter value and error.
* **Parameters**
* string s_name
* double d_val
* double d_err //This would have been so much nicer in Python
* **Return**
* double d_err
### void setBackgroundSavedFitValue()
Rewrites the background-model parameter value and error.
* **Parameters**
* string s_name
* double d_val
* double d_err //This would have been so much nicer in Python
* **Return**
* double d_err
### void ParamValues::setValuesAndErrors()
Sets the RooVar parameter in order to get the value needed by the constrains. Parameter `sig` decides whether it is a parameter form the signal or background model.
* **Parameters**
* bool sig
* **Return**
Reference in New Issue
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