diff --git a/Efficiency.cpp.md b/Efficiency.cpp.md index 8e871de..05dd0ae 100644 --- a/Efficiency.cpp.md +++ b/Efficiency.cpp.md @@ -1,48 +1,61 @@ +The efficiency class and helper functions are saved in a [[separate file|Efficiency-Class]]. In this file, the functions for saving and plotting the efficiencies are defined. + ## Global variables: -* double defaultBDTstep = 0.005 +* double defaultBDTstep = 0.005 //Step in what the MVA response is calculated + +# Functions +## Helpers -# Functions and their parameters: ### Double_t getLowBDTcut() * **Parameters** * bool fineScan * **Return** + * The lower value od the MVA response used in the efficiency scans ### TH1D \*convertTGraph() * **Parameters** * TGraphErrors \*effGraph * **Return** + * A histogram created from TGraphErrors, ROOT cannot do it on its own + +## L0Muon trigger efficiency ### TH1D \* getL0MuonEfficiency() - +Returns the efficiency of the B\_plus\_L0MuonDecision_TOS trigger line * **Parameters** * string year * string magnet * bool MC * bool ReferenceChannel * bool PHSP - * bool useDimuon + * bool useDimuon (if True, also check B\_plus\_L0DiMuonDecision_TOS) * **Return** + * Histogram with the L0Muon efficiency for the given sample. ### int getAllL0MuonEfficiencies() - -* **Parameters** +Calls [getL0MuonEfficiency()](#th1d-getl0muonefficiency) for data, signal MC, reference MC and PHSP MC. Plots them and their ratios, saves the histograms. +* **Parameters** * string year * string magnet * bool useDimuon * **Return** + * 1 if everything is fine, 0 if something fails ### int getAllL0MuonEfficienciesAllYears() - +Calls [getAllL0MuonEfficiencies()](#int-getalll0muonefficiencies) for all years. * **Parameters** * int Run * string magnet * bool useDimuon * **Return** + * 1 if everything is fine, 0 if something fails + +## MVA efficiency scans ### int ScanBDTEfficiency() @@ -57,6 +70,7 @@ * bool IncludeMultipleEff * bool weighted * **Return** + * 1 if everything is fine, 0 if something fails ### int ScanBDTEfficiencyAllYears() @@ -66,6 +80,7 @@ * bool weighted * bool IncludeMultipleEff * **Return** + * 1 if everything is fine, 0 if something fails ### int ScanMultipleCandidatesEfficiencyAllYearsAllSamples() @@ -73,6 +88,7 @@ * bool weighted * bool IncludeMultipleEff * **Return** + * 1 if everything is fine, 0 if something fails ### int ScanBDTEfficiencyAllSig () @@ -83,6 +99,7 @@ * bool RemoveMultiple * bool weighted * **Return** + * 1 if everything is fine, 0 if something fails ### int ScanBDTEfficiencyAllPHSP() @@ -93,6 +110,7 @@ * bool RemoveMultiple * bool weighted * **Return** + * 1 if everything is fine, 0 if something fails ### int ScanBDTEfficiencyAllRef () @@ -103,12 +121,14 @@ * bool RemoveMultiple * bool weighted * **Return** + * 1 if everything is fine, 0 if something fails ### int ScanBDTEfficiencyAll() * **Parameters** * * **Return** + * 1 if everything is fine, 0 if something fails ### int plotBDTEfficiency() @@ -123,6 +143,7 @@ * bool weighted * string sExtraVar * **Return** + * 1 if everything is fine, 0 if something fails ### int plotBDTEffciencyInAngles() @@ -130,158 +151,9 @@ * string year * int Run * **Return** + * 1 if everything is fine, 0 if something fails -### void ScanKshortBDTGcutOverQ2() - -* **Parameters** - * -* **Return** - -### plotBDTEfficiency() - -* **Parameters** - * "2011" - * 1 - * 0.8 - * true - * false - * false - * false - * true - * "q2"); //Run1 DD -* **Return** - -### plotBDTEfficiency() - -* **Parameters** - * "2011" - * 1 - * 0.5 - * true - * false - * true - * false - * true - * "q2"); //Run1 LL -* **Return** - -### plotBDTEfficiency() - -* **Parameters** - * "2011" - * 2 - * 0.65 - * true - * false - * false - * false - * true - * "q2"); //Run2 DD -* **Return** - -### plotBDTEfficiency() - -* **Parameters** - * "2011" - * 2 - * 0.4 - * true - * false - * true - * false - * true - * "q2"); //Run2 LL -* **Return** - -### void GetKshortBDTeffForJpsi() - -* **Parameters** - * -* **Return** - -### EffAndError effRun1DD = EffAndError() - -* **Parameters** - * ); -* **Return** - -### EffAndError effRun1LL = EffAndError() - -* **Parameters** - * ); -* **Return** - -### EffAndError effRun2DD = EffAndError() - -* **Parameters** - * ); -* **Return** - -### EffAndError effRun2LL = EffAndError() - -* **Parameters** - * ); -* **Return** - -### effRun1DD = getBDTEfficiencySimple() - -* **Parameters** - * "2011" - * 0.8 - * 1 - * false - * false - * false - * false - * true - * "" - * 0); -* **Return** - -### effRun1LL = getBDTEfficiencySimple() - -* **Parameters** - * "2011" - * 0.5 - * 1 - * false - * false - * true - * false - * true - * "" - * 0); -* **Return** - -### effRun2DD = getBDTEfficiencySimple() - -* **Parameters** - * "2011" - * 0.65 - * 2 - * false - * false - * false - * false - * true - * "" - * 0); -* **Return** - -### effRun2LL = getBDTEfficiencySimple() - -* **Parameters** - * "2011" - * 0.4 - * 2 - * false - * false - * true - * false - * true - * "" - * 0); -* **Return** +## Selection efficiency ### TGraphErrors \*getSelectionEffTGraph() @@ -326,6 +198,7 @@ * string customTMbranch * bool gammaTM * **Return** + * 1 if everything is fine, 0 if something fails ### int plotSelectionEfficiencyAllYearsAll() @@ -336,6 +209,7 @@ * string customTMbrach * bool gammaTM * **Return** + * 1 if everything is fine, 0 if something fails ### // TGraphErrors \*effGraphPHSP = getSelectionEffTGraph() @@ -360,12 +234,16 @@ * bool weighted * string sExtraVar * **Return** + * 1 if everything is fine, 0 if something fails ### int plotSelectionEfficiencyAll() * **Parameters** * bool full * **Return** + * 1 if everything is fine, 0 if something fails + +## Truth matching efficiency ### TGraphErrors \*getTMeffTGraph() @@ -387,6 +265,7 @@ * string customTMbrach * bool gammaTM * **Return** + * 1 if everything is fine, 0 if something fails ### int plotTruthMatchingEfficiencyAllYearsAll() @@ -394,6 +273,7 @@ * bool gammaTM * string customTMbranch * **Return** + * 1 if everything is fine, 0 if something fails ### TGraphErrors \*getTMeffTGraph() @@ -420,6 +300,9 @@ * string customTMbranch * bool gammaTM //TODO sigEff * **Return** + * 1 if everything is fine, 0 if something fails + +## Running everything ### int runAllEff()