diff --git a/GlobalFunctions.hh.md b/GlobalFunctions.hh.md index 00e8f6f..8162be3 100644 --- a/GlobalFunctions.hh.md +++ b/GlobalFunctions.hh.md @@ -32,14 +32,14 @@ ### Weighting options -const std::string firstMCweight = (KshortChannel ? "nLongTracks" : "nLongTracks") //Name of the branch of the first weight -const std::string seconMCweight = KshortChannel ? (UseDTF ? "B_plus_PT_DTF" : "B_plus_PT") : (UseDTF ? "B_plus_PT_DTF" : "B_plus_PT") //Name of the branch of the second weight -const UInt_t firstnBins = 75 //number of bins in the weighting histogram -const UInt_t secondnBins = 50 //number of bins in the weighting histogram -const double firstMCrange[2] = {-0.5, 149.5} //range of the weighting histogram -const double seconMCrange[2] = {TMath::Log(1500.), TMath::Log(50000.)} //range of the weighting histogram -const std::string firstMClatex = KshortChannel ? "N^{Long}_{Tracks}" : "N^{Long}_{Tracks}" //Latex names of the weight histogram -const std::string seconMClatex = KshortChannel ? "p_{T}(B^{+}) ( MeV/c )" : "p_{T}(B^{+}) ( MeV/c )" //Latex names of the weight histogram +* const std::string firstMCweight = (KshortChannel ? "nLongTracks" : "nLongTracks") //Name of the branch of the first weight +* const std::string seconMCweight = KshortChannel ? (UseDTF ? "B_plus_PT_DTF" : "B_plus_PT") : (UseDTF ? "B_plus_PT_DTF" : "B_plus_PT") //Name of the branch of the second weight +* const UInt_t firstnBins = 75 //number of bins in the weighting histogram +* const UInt_t secondnBins = 50 //number of bins in the weighting histogram +* const double firstMCrange[2] = {-0.5, 149.5} //range of the weighting histogram +* const double seconMCrange[2] = {TMath::Log(1500.), TMath::Log(50000.)} //range of the weighting histogram +* const std::string firstMClatex = KshortChannel ? "N^{Long}_{Tracks}" : "N^{Long}_{Tracks}" //Latex names of the weight histogram +* const std::string seconMClatex = KshortChannel ? "p_{T}(B^{+}) ( MeV/c )" : "p_{T}(B^{+}) ( MeV/c )" //Latex names of the weight histogram ### Truth-matching options * const bool UseBKGCAT = KshortChannel ? true : false //Use background category from [TupleToolMCBackgroundInfo](https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LHCb/TupleToolMCBackgroundInfo)