Update 'GlobalFunctions.hh'

Renata Kopecná 2022-01-27 19:05:21 +01:00
parent 4ad204c6a4
commit 415ca089d5
2 changed files with 372 additions and 1 deletions

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GlobalFunctions.hh.md Normal file

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## Global variables:
* const bool SplitDDandLL = KshortChannel ? true : false //for pi0 SplitDDandLL is always false!
* const bool Kst2Kpluspi0Resolved = !KshortChannel //keep the old variables
* but set global!
* const bool Kst2Kpluspi0Merged = false
* const bool Kst2Kspiplus = KshortChannel
* const bool smallSample = false
### Paths
* const std::string path_to_data = "/auto/data/dgerick/B2Kstmumu"
* const std::string path_to_output_KshortPiplus = "/auto/data/dgerick/B2Kstmumu"
* const std::string path_to_output_KplusPizero = "/home/lhcb/kopecna/B2KstarMuMu/data"
* const std::string thePath = Kst2Kspiplus ? path_to_output_KshortPiplus : path_to_output_KplusPizero
### TODO
* const bool UseDTF = KshortChannel ? true : true //use mass and momenta of particles obtained by DTF?
* const bool UsePDGmIn4Dvectors = KshortChannel ? false : true
* const bool ReweightByRefChannel = KshortChannel ? true : true
* const bool AlwaysUseRefChannelData = KshortChannel ? true : true
* const bool Use2017 = KshortChannel ? true : true
* const bool Use2018 = KshortChannel ? true : true
* const bool UsePIDgen = KshortChannel ? true : false
* const UInt_t firstnBins = 75
* const UInt_t secondnBins = 50
* const double firstMCrange[2] = {-0.5
* 149.5}
* const std::string firstMClatex = KshortChannel ? "N^{Long}_{Tracks}" : "N^{Long}_{Tracks}"
* const bool UseBKGCAT = KshortChannel ? true : false
* const bool pi0TM = true
* const bool gammaTMdefault = false
* const bool SplitInQ2 = KshortChannel ? false : false
* TString TMVAmethod = KshortChannel ? "BDTG" : "MLP" //used TMVA method
* int verboseLevel = 2
### Cuts
* const double cut_DTF_status = 0.5
* const double cut_DTF_chi2 = 200.0
* const double K_star_plus_mass_difference = 100.0 //MeV //difference between K* mass and PDG K* mass
* const double cut_B_plus_M_low_basic = 4900. //MeV
* to account for cut on non-DTF mass in stripping
* const double cut_B_plus_M_low = KshortChannel ? 5150. : 5150. //MeV
* const double cut_B_plus_M_high = KshortChannel ? 6000. : 5800. //MeV
* const double B_plus_M_signal_window = KshortChannel ? 50. : 100 //MeV -- as PDGmass +/- the window
* const double cut_kin_Theta_low = 0.0
* const double cut_kin_Theta_up = 0.4
* const double cut_K_star_plus_pT = 1350.0 //MeV
* const double cut_B_plus_pT = 2000.0 //MeV
* const double cut_pi_zero_PT = 800.0 //MeV
* const double cut_B_plus_DIRA = 0.99996
* const double cut_muon_angle = 0.001
* const double cut_B_plus_FDCHI2 = 121.0
* const double cut_K_star_plus_FDCHI2 = 9.0
* const double cut_B_plus_ConePTasym = -0.5
* const double cut_DiMuon_M = 7100.0
* const double cut_muon_IPCHI2_OWNPV_low = 9.0
* const double cut_IPCHI2_OWNPV_low = 0.0
* const double cut_IPCHI2_OWNPV_high = 12.0
* const double cut_muon_ProbNNmu = 0.25
* const double cut_K_plus_ProbNNk = 0.25
* const double cut_gamma_CL = 0.15
# Classes
* struct SignalFitParameters{ //TODO: possibly add the K1 to ParamValues at some point
* struct FixedParameters{//TODO: possibly add the K1 to ParamValues at some point
* struct stat buffer
# Functions and their parameters:
### bool GetKSfromExePath()
* **Parameters**
* **Return**
### if ()
* **Parameters**
* getcwd
* **Return**
### const bool KshortChannel = GetKSfromExePath()
* **Parameters**
* ); // false := pi0 channel
* **Return**
### std::string TheDecay = ()
* **Parameters**
* KshortChannel ? "KshortPiplus" : "KplusPi0Resolved");
* **Return**
### const std::string firstMCweight = ()
* **Parameters**
* KshortChannel ? "nLongTracks" : "nLongTracks");
* **Return**
### const std::string seconMCweight = KshortChannel ? ()
* **Parameters**
* UseDTF ? "B_plus_PT_DTF" : "B_plus_PT") :
* **Return**
### const double seconMCrange[2] = {TMath::Log()
* **Parameters**
* 1500.)
* TMath::Log
* **Return**
### const std::string seconMClatex = KshortChannel ? "p_{T}()
* **Parameters**
* B^{+})
* **Return**
### const std::string TMtag = UseBKGCAT ? "" : "_TM" + std::string()
* **Parameters**
* pi0TM ? "" : "_noPi0TM");
* **Return**
### const std::string TMbranch = "TMed" + std::string()
* **Parameters**
* UseBKGCAT ? "BKGCAT" : "") + std::string
* **Return**
### const std::string gammaTMbranch = "TM_gammas" + std::string()
* **Parameters**
* pi0TM ? "" : "_noPi0");
* **Return**
### bool isTM()
* **Parameters**
* std::string customTMbranch
* bool TM
* bool gammaTM
* int gTM
* **Return**
### inline bool exists_test ()
* **Parameters**
* const std::string& name
* **Return**
### return ()
* **Parameters**
* stat
* **Return**
### //verboseLevel 4: cout Errors ()
* **Parameters**
* always cout errors)
* **Return**
### void setVerboseLevel()
* **Parameters**
* int level
* **Return**
### bool set_gErrorIgnoreLevel()
* **Parameters**
* **Return**
### bool get_gErrorIgnoreLevel = set_gErrorIgnoreLevel()
* **Parameters**
* );
* **Return**
### void coutTest()
* **Parameters**
* string message
* **Return**
### void coutDebug()
* **Parameters**
* string message
* **Return**
### void coutInfo()
* **Parameters**
* string message
* **Return**
### void coutWarning()
* **Parameters**
* string message
* **Return**
### void coutERROR()
* **Parameters**
* string message
* **Return**
### double get_cut_B_plus_M_low()
* **Parameters**
* int Run = 2 //setting lower B mass cut for different run/years
* **Return**
### double get_cut_B_plus_M_low()
* **Parameters**
* std::string year = "2015"
* **Return**
### bool IsDST()
* **Parameters**
* std::string year
* bool MC
* bool ReferenceChannel
* bool PHSP
* **Return**
### void addLHCbtag()
* **Parameters**
* Float_t x = 0.6
* Float_t y = 0.85
* std::string suffix = ""
* Int_t color = 1
* Float_t Scaling = 1.0
* **Return**
### std::string Float2Comma()
* **Parameters**
* Float_t f
* Int_t d
* **Return**
### if()
* **Parameters**
* d > 5
* **Return**
### if()
* **Parameters**
* d <= 0)return out;
* **Return**
### for()
* **Parameters**
* Int_t n = 0; n <= d; n++
* **Return**
### N[n] = static_cast<Int_t>()
* **Parameters**
* **Return**
### for()
* **Parameters**
* Int_t m = 0; m < n; m++)N[n] -= N[m] \* TMath::Power
* **Return**
### if()
* **Parameters**
* n != 0)out.append
* **Return**
### bool replace()
* **Parameters**
* std::string& str
* const std::string& from
* const std::string& to
* **Return**
### void printVector ()
* **Parameters**
* std::vector<int> vector
* **Return**
### void printVector ()
* **Parameters**
* std::vector<double> vector
* **Return**
### void printVector ()
* **Parameters**
* std::vector<float> vector
* **Return**
### void printVector ()
* **Parameters**
* std::vector<string> vector
* **Return**
### std::vector<string> yearsMC ()
* **Parameters**
* bool Reference = false
* bool PHSP = false
* int Run = 1
* **Return**
### std::vector<string> yearsData ()
* **Parameters**
* int Run = 1
* **Return**
### std::vector<string> yearsVector ()
* **Parameters**
* bool MC = false
* bool Reference = false
* bool PHSP = false
* int Run = 1
* **Return**
### std::vector<int> yearsVectorInt()
* **Parameters**
* bool MC = false
* bool Reference = false
* bool PHSP = false
* int Run = 1
* **Return**
### std::vector<string> yearsInc()
* **Parameters**
* int Run
* **Return**
### std::vector<string> yearsBkgMC()
* **Parameters**
* bool Reference
* bool B0
* bool K1
* bool Inc
* int Run
* **Return**
### int getRunID()
* **Parameters**
* string year
* **Return**