Add 'Design.cpp'
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In this file, the functions used to make pretty plots (creating and defining canvases, histograms, graphs, ....) are defined. Please refer to [[Selection-code|Selection code]] page for more details how to include the file into ROOT.
Most of these functions are overloaded as ROOT was not always happy at compilation with using eg TH1 for TH1D and TH1F.
# Functions and their parameters:
### void design_markers()
Takes an existing histogram/TEfficiency, defines marker style. The histogram markers and lines are set to have selected color.
Sets it's x-axis title to xaxis_name and y-axis name to yaxis_name. Sets the title and label offsets.
* **Parameters**
* TH1F \*histogram OR TH1D \*histogram OR TEfficiency \*histogram
* string xaxis_name
* string yaxis_name
* Color_t color
### void design_lines()
Takes an existing histogram, defines line style. The histogram lines are set to have selected color.
Sets it's x-axis title to xaxis_name and y-axis name to yaxis_name. Sets the title and label offsets.
* **Parameters**
* TH1F \*histogram OR TH1D \*histogram OR TH1 \*histogram
* string xaxis_name
* string yaxis_name
* Color_t color
### void design_filled_plot()
Takes an existing histogram, defines line width and the fill style. The histogram lines and fill are set to have selected color.
Sets it's x-axis title to xaxis_name and y-axis name to yaxis_name. Sets the title and label offsets.
* **Parameters**
* TH1F \*histogram OR TH1D \*histogram
* string xaxis_name
* string yaxis_name
* Color_t fill_color
* int fill_style
### void design_filled_plot()
Calls `design_filled_plot()` defined above and on top sets the line color.
* **Parameters**
* TH1F \*histogram OR TH1D \*histogram
* string xaxis_name
* string yaxis_name
* Color_t fill_color
* int fill_style
* Color_t line_color
### void design_canvas()
Takes an existing canvas and sets the margins.
* **Parameters**
* TCanvas \*canvas
### void design_canvas()
Takes an existing canvas, sets the margins and the title.
* **Parameters**
* TCanvas \*canvas
* string title
### void design_canvas_Bmass()
Takes an existing canvas and sets the margins. Used for B mass plots.
* **Parameters**
* TCanvas \*canvas
### void design_canvas_Bmass()
Takes an existing canvas, sets the margins and the title. Used for B mass plots.
* **Parameters**
* TCanvas \*canvas
* string title
### TCanvas \*c_TH2F()
Creates a 750x700 canvas, sets the margins, returns the canvas.
* **Parameters**
* string c_name
* **Return**
* Returns a 750x700 TCanvas.
### void design_canvas_TH2F()
Takes an existing canvas and sets the margins. Used for 2D plots.
* **Parameters**
* TCanvas \*canvas
### void design_canvas_fancy()
Takes an existing canvas and sets the margins. Used for fancier plots.
* **Parameters**
* TCanvas \*canvas
### void design_TH2F()
* **Parameters**
* TH2F \*histogram OR TH2D \*histogram
* string xaxis_name
* string yaxis_name
* string zaxis_name
### void design_TH2F()
* **Parameters**
* TH2F \*histogram OR TH2D \*histogram
* string xaxis_name
* string yaxis_name
* string zaxis_name
* int palette
### void design_TH2F_ratio()
* **Parameters**
* TH2F \*histogram OR TH2D \*histogram
* string xaxis_name
* string yaxis_name
* string zaxis_name
* int palette
### void design_function()
* **Parameters**
* TF1 \*graph
* Color_t color
* **Return**
### void design_function()
* **Parameters**
* TF1 \*graph
* Color_t color
* int style
* **Return**
### void design_TH1F()
* **Parameters**
* TH1F \*histogram
* string xaxis_name
* string yaxis_name
* Color_t color
* **Return**
### void design_TH1D()
* **Parameters**
* TH1D \*histogram
* string xaxis_name
* string yaxis_name
* Color_t color
* **Return**
### void design_TH1F()
* **Parameters**
* TH1F \*histogram
* string xaxis_name
* string yaxis_name
* Color_t color
* int marker_style
* **Return**
### void design_TH1D()
* **Parameters**
* TH1D \*histogram
* string xaxis_name
* string yaxis_name
* Color_t color
* int marker_style
* **Return**
### void design_TH1F()
* **Parameters**
* TH1F \*histogram
* string xaxis_name
* string yaxis_name
* Color_t color
* int marker_style
* double x_low
* double x_up
* double y_low
* double y_up
* **Return**
### void design_TH1D()
* **Parameters**
* TH1D \*histogram
* string xaxis_name
* string yaxis_name
* Color_t color
* int marker_style
* double x_low
* double x_up
* double y_low
* double y_up
* **Return**
### TLine \*design_cut_line()
* **Parameters**
* float x1
* float y1
* float x2
* float y2
* Color_t color
* **Return**
### TLine \*design_ratio_line()
* **Parameters**
* float x1
* float x2
* Color_t color
* **Return**
### TLine \*design_veto_line()
* **Parameters**
* float x1
* float y1
* float x2
* float y2
* Color_t color
* **Return**
### bool DesignCorrelationPlots()
* **Parameters**
* TH2F \*h_corr
* **Return**
### TCanvas \*c_Correlation()
* **Parameters**
* string type
* **Return**
### bool designVariablesSignalVsBackground()
* **Parameters**
* TH1F \*h_variableS
* TH1F \*h_variableB
* **Return**
### bool designResponseSignalVsBackground()
* **Parameters**
* TH1F \*h_responseS
* TH1F \*h_responseB
* string method
* **Return**
### bool designOvertraining()
* **Parameters**
* TH1F \*h_responseS
* TH1F \*h_responseB
* **Return**
### TCanvas \*c_VariablesSignalVsBackground()
* **Parameters**
* string variable
* **Return**
### TCanvas \*c_Efficiency()
* **Parameters**
* string c_name
* **Return**
### bool designEfficiency()
* **Parameters**
* TH1F \*h_efficiencySignal
* TH1F \*h_efficiencyBackground
* TH1F \*h_purity
* TH1F \*h_significance
* string method
* **Return**
### TPaveText \*significanceText()
* **Parameters**
* double xmin
* int nSig
* int nBkg
* double maxSignificance
* double maxSignificanceMLPcut
* **Return**
### TPaveText \*text_effFromPi0()
* **Parameters**
* double yieldSig
* double yieldBkg
* double ymax
* **Return**
### TCanvas \*c_ROCplot()
* **Parameters**
* string c_name
* **Return**
### void designROC()
* **Parameters**
* TH1F\* h_ROC
* int index
### TCanvas \*c_L0MuonEff()
* **Parameters**
* string c_name
* **Return**
### void designL0MuonEffHistos()
* **Parameters**
* TH1D \*L0MuonEffData
* TH1D \*L0MuonEffMC
* TH1D \*L0MuonEffRatio
### TCanvas \* designL0MuonEfficiencies()
* **Parameters**
* string year
* string magnet
* TH1D \*L0MuonEffData
* TH1D \*L0MuonEffMC
* TH1D \*L0MuonEffRatio
* string extraString
### void designBasicEfficiency()
* **Parameters**
* TGraphErrors \*graph
* string title
* string xAxisName
* string effName
* double lowRange
* double highRange
### void designBasicEfficiency()
* **Parameters**
* TGraphErrors \*graph
* string title
* string xAxisName
* string effName
* double lowRange
* double highRange
* Color_t color
### void designMultiGraphEfficiency()
* **Parameters**
* TMultiGraph \*graph
* string title
* string xAxisName
* string effName
* double lowRange
* double highRange
### TCanvas \*c_canvas()
* **Parameters**
* string name
* **Return**
### void designTGraph()
* **Parameters**
* TGraphErrors \*graph
* string title
* string xAxisName
* string yAxisName
* Color_t color
* Int_t markerStyle
### TH1D \*generalHistogram()
* **Parameters**
* string hist_name
* string title
* int nBins
* double low_edge
* double high_edge
* string xaxis_name
* string yaxis_name
* Color_t color
* **Return**
### TH1D \*BmassHistogram()
* **Parameters**
* string hist_name
* string title
* string xaxis_name
* Color_t color
* **Return**
### void TM_canvas()
* **Parameters**
* string name
* TH1D \*all
* TH1D \*TMed
* TH1D \*notTMed
* string year
* bool ReferenceChannel
* bool PHSP
* bool B0
* bool K1
* bool Inc
### void designMultiGraph()
* **Parameters**
* TMultiGraph \*multGraph
* string name
* string xaxis_name
* string yaxis_name
* double lowx
* double highx
* double lowy
* double highy
### void designMultiGraph()
* **Parameters**
* TMultiGraph \*multGraph
* string name
* string xaxis_name
* string yaxis_name
### void addYearTag()
* **Parameters**
* Float_t x = 0.6
* Float_t y = 0.85
* string year = ""
* int Run = 0
* Int_t color = 1
* Float_t Scaling = 1.0
### void addAnyTag()
* **Parameters**
* Float_t x = 0.6
* Float_t y = 0.85
* string text = ""
* Int_t color = 1
* Float_t Scaling = 1.0
### TCanvas \*c_for_TH2D()
* **Parameters**
* string name
* **Return**
### bool designTH2D()
* **Parameters**
* TH2F \*hist
* **Return**
### TH1D \*hist_cosThetaK()
* **Parameters**
* string hist_name
* string title
* Color_t color
* bool cos
* **Return**
### TH1D \*hist_cosAngle()
* **Parameters**
* string angle
* string hist_name
* string title
* Color_t color
* bool cos
* bool norm
* **Return**
### void designMassFitFrame()
* **Parameters**
* RooPlot\* frame
* float pullHeight
### void designPullFrame()
* **Parameters**
* RooPlot \*pullFrame
* RooPlot \*frame_m
* float pullHeight
### TLine \*threeSigmaLine ()
* **Parameters**
* bool plus
* **Return**
### void drawKolmogorovTest()
* **Parameters**
* TH1D \*hist_nTracks
* TH1D \* hist_nTracks_MC
* string canvasPath
* string TMtype
### void drawWeightRatio()
* **Parameters**
* TH1D \*hist_w
* string canvasPath
* bool is2D
* string TMtype
### void drawWeightCorrelation()
* **Parameters**
* TH2D \*hCorrelationCheck
* double CorrelationCoefficent
* string canvasPath
### void designYieldGraph()
* **Parameters**
* TGraphErrors \*graph
* int Run
* string year
* string tag
* string basicPath
* TFile \*TGraphOutput
* bool fineScan
### void design_YieldInQ2()
* **Parameters**
* int Run
* TGraphErrors \*graphSig
* TGraphErrors \*graphBkg
* TGraphErrors \*graphSignificance
* TGraphErrors \*CMS
* bool fixRange
### void design_SignificanceInQ2()
* **Parameters**
* int Run
* TGraphErrors \*graphSignificance
* TGraphErrors \*CMS
* bool fixRange
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