Update 'Utils.hpp'
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ In this file, various helper functions are defined. Unfortunately, as we are try
## Global variables:
### Number of generated MC events
* double generated_basic_events = 10000.0
* double generated_basic_events_PHSP = 1000.0
* vector\<int> generated_signal_events_down
@ -10,11 +11,16 @@ In this file, various helper functions are defined. Unfortunately, as we are try
* vector\<int> generated_reference_events_down
* vector\<int> generated_reference_events_up
* vector\<int> generated_PHSP_events_down
* vector\<int> generated_PHSP_events_up
* vector\<int> generated_PHSP_events_up
### Generator tables
**TODO** Add linke
* vector\<double> gen_tables_signal_efficiency_down
* vector\<double> gen_tables_signal_efficiency_up
* vector\<double> gen_tables_reference_efficiency_down
* vector\<double> gen_tables_reference_efficiency_up
### Yields and their errors
Obsolete now, the numbers are not up to date!
* vector\<int> yield_signal_events
* vector\<int> yield_signal_events_err
* vector\<int> yield_reference_events
@ -195,15 +201,18 @@ In this file, various helper functions are defined. Unfortunately, as we are try
* **Return**
* A string combining [getFullCut()](#string-getfullcut), [getTMcut()](#string-gettmcut) and [getMultipleCut()](#string-getmultiplecut)
### string checkIf2015MC()
## Sanity checks
### string checkIf2015MC()
Buggy 2015 MC needs to be removed and replaced by 2016, hence check whether you are trying to load ot
* **Parameters**
* string year
* bool MC
* bool Reference
* bool PHSP
* **Return**
* 2015 the MC sample exists, otherwise 2016
### bool checkMC()
* **Parameters**
@ -212,82 +221,90 @@ In this file, various helper functions are defined. Unfortunately, as we are try
* bool PHSP
* bool mutuallyExclusive
* **Return**
* True if you are selecting a meaningful sample, otherwise false
### bool checkMC()
* **Parameters**
* bool ReferenceChannel
* bool PHSP
* **Return**
* True if !(ReferenceChannel && PHSP), else False
### bool checkQ2Range()
* **Parameters**
* bool UseOnlyJpsi
* bool UseOnlyMuMu
* **Return**
* False if you simultaneously require reference and rare Q2 region, true otherwise
### bool checkTM()
* **Parameters**
* bool MC
* bool &TM
* bool &nonTM
* bool Preselected
* **Return**
* True if you require meaningful sample to be truth matched, false otherwise
### bool checkKshort()
* **Parameters**
* bool &KshortDecaysInVelo
* **Return**
* Check you do not require LL tracks in the K+pi0 channel
### bool checkRefYear()
No reference MC available for 2017 and 2018
* **Parameters**
* string year
* **Return**
* True if year < 2017, false otherwise
### bool checkEntries()
* **Parameters**
* TTree \*tree
* **Return**
* False if the tree is empty, true otherwise.
### bool checkYear()
* **Parameters**
* int year
* bool MC
* bool ReferenceChannel
* bool PHSP
* **Return**
* True if you require a meaningful year for the given data sample, false otherwise
### bool checkRun()
* **Parameters**
* int Run
* **Return**
* True if the Run number is meaningful, false otherwise
## Names and tags
### string getTMtag()
* **Parameters**
* string customTMbranch
* **Return**
* Branch tag used in the truth matching branch
### string getTMtag()
* **Parameters**
* string customTMbranch
* bool gammaTM
* **Return**
* Branch tag used in the truth matching branch
### string getWeightName()
Weighting depends on the truth matching, hence each weight branch has a TM tag too
* **Parameters**
* string customTMbranch
* bool gammaTM
* **Return**
* Branch tag used in the weighting branch
### std::string getDataTypeTag()
@ -299,6 +316,7 @@ In this file, various helper functions are defined. Unfortunately, as we are try
* bool K1
* bool Inc
* **Return**
* Tag corresponding to the selected sample, eg "Data" or "MC BtoXMuMu"
### string getDataTypeTag()
@ -307,6 +325,7 @@ In this file, various helper functions are defined. Unfortunately, as we are try
* bool Reference
* bool PHSP
* **Return**
* Tag corresponding to the selected sample, calls [getDataTypeTag()](std-string-getdatatypetag)
### string getYearRunTag()
@ -314,17 +333,20 @@ In this file, various helper functions are defined. Unfortunately, as we are try
* int Run
* string year
* **Return**
* Tag with the given run or year
## Similarly populated bins
### void getSimilarlyPopulatedBins()
This function assumes the original bin width is one!!! Takes the histogram and rebins it in a way the final bins are simirarly populated.
* **Parameters**
* TH1D \*histogram
* int desiredBins
* int nBins
* **Return**
### void getSimilarlyPopulatedBinsVar()
Reads a TTree, fills in the histogram based on the input parameters with `var`, modifies it to be simirarly populated, and exits. The histogram is ont saved anywhere though.
* **Parameters**
* string var
* int nBins
@ -336,13 +358,14 @@ In this file, various helper functions are defined. Unfortunately, as we are try
* int Run
* bool ReferenceChannel
* bool PHSP
* **Return**
## Getting results from a RooFit file
### RooFitResult\* getResult()
* **Parameters**
* TFile \*fitFile
* **Return**
* Retureves the RooFitResult from the fitFile
### RooRealVar\* getVarFromResult()
@ -350,92 +373,94 @@ In this file, various helper functions are defined. Unfortunately, as we are try
* RooFitResult \*fitResult
* string name
* **Return**
* Retrieves the RooRealVar from the RooFitResult based on the name
### double getBplusMeanFromResult()
* **Parameters**
* TFile\* fitFile
* **Return**
* Reads the mass mean from the mass fit file
### double getSigYield()
* **Parameters**
* TFile \*fitFile
* **Return**
* signal yield from the mass fitFile
### double getSigYieldErr()
* **Parameters**
* TFile \*fitFile
* **Return**
* signal yield error from the mass fitFile
### double getBkgYield()
* **Parameters**
* TFile \*fitFile
* **Return**
* background yield from the mass fitFile
### double getBkgYieldErr()
* **Parameters**
* TFile \*fitFile
* **Return**
* background yield error from the mass fitFile
### double getEffSigma()
* **Parameters**
* TFile \*fitFile
* **Return**
* effective sigma from the mass fitFile
## histogram/graph helpers
### TH1D \*convertTGraph()
* **Parameters**
* TGraph \*graph
* **Return**
* Returns a histogram created from a TGraph
## Numbers of generated events
### double get_generated_events()
* **Parameters**
* bool PHSP
* **Return**
* Returns the scale used to calculate the efficiencies
### int get_position_from_year()
The yields and generator efficiencies are saved in vectors for each year, 2011, 2012, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018. This converts the year string to the correct postiion in the vector.
* **Parameters**
* string year
* **Return**
* position in the vector where to look a for given year
### int get_gen_evts()
* **Parameters**
* string year
* string year/int Run
* bool ReferenceChannel
* bool PHSP
* **Return**
* The number of generated events for the given year/Run
### int get_gen_evts()
* **Parameters**
* int Run
* bool ReferenceChannel
* bool PHSP
* **Return**
### int get_selected_evts()
* **Parameters**
* string year
* bool ReferenceChannel
* bool PHSP
* **Return**
### int get_selected_evts()
* **Parameters**
* int Run
* string year/int Run
* bool ReferenceChannel
* bool PHSP
* **Return**
* The number of selected events for the given year/Run
### int get_selected_evts_err()
@ -444,40 +469,31 @@ In this file, various helper functions are defined. Unfortunately, as we are try
* bool ReferenceChannel
* bool PHSP
* **Return**
* The error of the number of selected events for the given year
### double get_selection_efficiency()
* **Parameters**
* string year
* string year/int Run
* bool ReferenceChannel
* bool PHSP
* **Return**
* The selection efficiency for the given year
### double get_selection_efficiency()
* **Parameters**
* int Run
* bool ReferenceChannel
* bool PHSP
* **Return**
### double get_tables_eff()
* **Parameters**
* string year
* bool ReferenceChannel //Get efficiency in a year as an average between up and down
* string year/int Run
* bool ReferenceChannel
* **Return**
* Generator efficiency in a yearPrun as an average between up and down
### double get_tables_eff()
* **Parameters**
* int Run
* bool ReferenceChannel //Get efficiency of a run as an average between years
* **Return**
### void print_all_yields_and_efficiencies()
Print the number of generated events, selected events and the selection efficiency for the given year.
* **Parameters**
* bool ReferenceChannel
* bool PHSP
* **Return**
Reference in New Issue
Block a user