Angular analysis of B+->K*+(K+pi0)mumu
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//Class containing value and errors used for efficienceis
//Renata Kopecna
#include "GlobalFunctions.hh"
#include "Paths.hpp"
#include "Design.hpp"
#include "MassFit.cpp"
using namespace std;
using namespace RooFit;
using namespace RooStats;
/// class EffandError()
/// Used for storing efficiency + hiighError - lowError
/// GetEfficiency
/// Reads two given files, reads the yields (TVectorDouble) from them
/// getTruthMatchingEfficiencySimple
/// Returns EffAndError for Truthmatching/selected,
/// either per year or per run
/// getBDTEfficiencySimple
/// Returns EffAndError for a given TMVAresponse cut,
/// done not by fitting the mass peak but by a simple count,
/// either per year or per run
/// getSelectionEfficiencySimple
/// Returns EffAndError for a given year and Run
/// from generated and selected TM events
//Define EffAndError class
class EffAndError{
double value;
double highError;
double lowError;
EffAndError(){ //default constructor
value = 0;
highError = 0;
lowError = 0;
EffAndError(double val){ //default constructor
value = val;
highError = 0;
lowError = 0;
EffAndError(double val,double highErr, double lowErr){ //default constructor
value = val;
highError = highErr;
lowError = lowErr;
~EffAndError(); //destuctor
string mainSignalShape = "OneCB";
//Calculate efficiency from two files
EffAndError GetEfficiency(TFile *fitFileNumerator, string nameNumerator, TFile *fitFileDenominator, string nameDenominator){
if (fitFileNumerator == NULL){
coutERROR("File " + string(fitFileNumerator->GetPath()) + " not opened!");
return EffAndError(0,0,0);
if (fitFileDenominator == NULL){
coutERROR("File " + string(fitFileDenominator->GetPath()) + " not opened!");
return EffAndError(0,0,0);
// Get yield for numerator data
TVectorD *SigYieldNumeratorVec = (TVectorD*)fitFileNumerator->Get("yield");
double SigYieldNumerator = (*SigYieldNumeratorVec)[0];
// Get yield for denominator data
TVectorD *SigYieldDenominatorVec = (TVectorD*)fitFileDenominator->Get("yield");
double SigYieldDenominator = (*SigYieldDenominatorVec)[0];
double efficiency = SigYieldNumerator/SigYieldDenominator;
coutDebug("Yield from " + nameNumerator + " fit:\t" + to_string(SigYieldNumerator));
coutDebug("Yield from " + nameDenominator + " fit:\t" + to_string(SigYieldDenominator));
coutInfo("Efficiency:\t" + to_string(efficiency));
//EffAndError result = EffAndError(efficiency,EffErrHi,EffErrLo);
EffAndError result = EffAndError(efficiency,0.0,0.0);
coutDebug("Efficiency succesfully calculated" );
return result;
//Get efficiency from counts in MC (TM is possible since background in non-TMed sample is hard to model anyway)
EffAndError getTMEfficiencySimple(string year, int Run, bool UseOnlyMuMuEvents, bool PHSP, bool KshortDecaysInVelo, bool RemoveMultiple, bool weighted, string sExtraVar, int nExtraBin, string customTMbranch, bool gammaTM){ //TODO: add customTMbranch and gammaTM
gROOT->SetBatch(); //ROOT stops plotting canvases
EffAndError eff = EffAndError(1.0,0.0,0.0);
bool useRefChannel = !PHSP && !UseOnlyMuMuEvents;
//check if using reference channel for not available years
if (!checkYear(std::stoi(year),true,useRefChannel,PHSP)) return eff;
//load the tree from the file
TChain * T = new TChain("DecayTreeTruthMatched");
std::vector<string> years;
if (Run == 0)years.push_back(year); //If Run==0, calculate efficiecny for separate year
else years = yearsMC(useRefChannel,PHSP,Run); //Otherwise combine the years together
for (auto& yr : years){
coutDebug("Adding " + GetBDToutputFile(yr,getRunID(yr),true,useRefChannel,PHSP,KshortDecaysInVelo,false,false));
bool useExtraVar = useExtraVarBool(sExtraVar); //perform once so it doesn't have to run through all the ifs every time
TMefficiencyClass extraVar = useExtraVar ? TMefficiencyClass(sExtraVar) : TMefficiencyClass();
// Set cuts on the tree
string massCut = "";
if (UseDTF) massCut = " ( B_plus_M_DTF > " + to_string(PDGMASS.B_PLUS-100) +" && B_plus_M_DTF <" + to_string(PDGMASS.B_PLUS+100)+ ") ";
else massCut = " ( B_plus_M > " + to_string(PDGMASS.B_PLUS-100) +" && B_plus_M <" + to_string(PDGMASS.B_PLUS+100)+ ") ";
coutDebug("Mass cut: " +massCut);
string sCut = getFinalCut(true, false, false, customTMbranch, gammaTM, UseOnlyMuMuEvents, useRefChannel, false, false, useExtraVar, extraVar, nExtraBin, -1, RemoveMultiple);
coutDebug("sCut: " + sCut);
sCut.append(" && ");
if (weighted) sCut = getWeightName(customTMbranch,gammaTM)+"*(" + sCut + ")";
coutDebug("First cut: " + sCut);
//Get number of entries before TM
TH1F *h_noTM = new TH1F("h_noTM","h_noTM",1002,-1.0,1.0);
T->Draw(TMVAmethod+"response >> h_noTM", sCut.c_str());
sCut = getFinalCut(true, true, false, customTMbranch, gammaTM, UseOnlyMuMuEvents, useRefChannel, false, false, useExtraVar, extraVar, nExtraBin, -1, RemoveMultiple);
sCut.append(" && ");
if (weighted) sCut = getWeightName(customTMbranch,gammaTM)+ "*(" + sCut + ")";
coutDebug("Second cut: " + sCut);
//Get number of entries after the BDT cut
TH1F *h_TM = new TH1F("h_TM","h_TM",1002,-1.0,1.0);
T->Draw(TMVAmethod+"response >>h_TM", sCut.c_str());
//Calculate efficiency and its binomial error
double passEntries = h_TM->Integral();
double nentries = h_noTM->Integral();
double effErrHi = TMath::Sqrt(passEntries*(1.0-passEntries/nentries))/nentries;
eff.value = passEntries/ nentries;
coutDebug("All MC entries: " + to_string(nentries));
coutDebug("MC entries passing TM: " + to_string(passEntries));
coutDebug("TM efficiency: " + to_string(eff.value));
eff.highError = effErrHi;
eff.lowError = effErrHi;
delete T;
return eff;
EffAndError getBDTEfficiencySimple(string year, Double_t TMVAcut, int Run, bool UseOnlyMuMuEvents,bool PHSP,
bool KshortDecaysInVelo, bool IncludeMultipleEff, bool weighted, string sExtraVar, int nExtraBin){ //TODO: check weight
EffAndError eff = EffAndError(1.0,0.0,0.0);
bool useRefChannel = !PHSP && !UseOnlyMuMuEvents;
//check if using reference channel for not available years
if (!checkYear(std::stoi(year),true,useRefChannel,PHSP)) return eff;
//Get low TMVA response lower boundary
double lowBDTcut = -1.0; //check if at lower limit
if (TMVAmethod == "MLP") lowBDTcut = 0.0;
if (TMVAcut == lowBDTcut){
coutERROR("BDT cut is 100% effective at "+ to_string(lowBDTcut) + "! returning efficiency 1+-0.");
return eff;
//load the tree from the file
TChain * T = new TChain("DecayTreeTruthMatched");
std::vector<string> years;
if (Run == 0){ //If Run==0, calculate efficiecny for separate year
else years = yearsMC(useRefChannel,PHSP,Run); //Otherwise combine the years together
for (auto& yr : years){
int RunID = (yr == "2011" || yr == "2012") ? 1:2;
bool useExtraVar = useExtraVarBool(sExtraVar); //perform once so it doesn't have to run through all the ifs every time
TMefficiencyClass extraVar = useExtraVar ? TMefficiencyClass(sExtraVar) : TMefficiencyClass();
gROOT->SetBatch(); //ROOT stops plotting canvases
// Set cuts on the tree
TString massCut = "";
if (UseDTF) massCut = " ( B_plus_M_DTF > " + to_string(PDGMASS.B_PLUS-100) +" && B_plus_M_DTF <" + to_string(PDGMASS.B_PLUS+100)+ ") ";
else massCut = " ( B_plus_M > " + to_string(PDGMASS.B_PLUS-100) +" && B_plus_M <" + to_string(PDGMASS.B_PLUS+100)+ ") ";
//add vetos
string sCut = getFinalCut(true, true, false, "", gammaTMdefault, UseOnlyMuMuEvents, useRefChannel, false, false, useExtraVar, extraVar, nExtraBin, lowBDTcut, !IncludeMultipleEff);
string LLorDD = string("&& (KshortDecayInVeLo == ") + (KshortDecaysInVelo ? "1":"0") + ")";
sCut.append(" && ");
if(Kst2Kspiplus) sCut.append(LLorDD);
if (weighted) sCut = getWeightName("",gammaTMdefault)+"*(" + sCut + ")";
coutDebug("Using cut: "+sCut);
//TODO!!!!! Naming convension for including multiple efficiency!!!!!
//Get number of entries before the BDT cut
TH1F *h_BDTresponseMCAll = new TH1F("h_"+TMVAmethod+"responseAll","h_"+TMVAmethod+"responseAll",1002,lowBDTcut,1.0);
T->Draw(TMVAmethod+"response >> h_"+TMVAmethod+"responseAll", sCut.c_str());
sCut = getFinalCut(true, true, false, "", gammaTMdefault, UseOnlyMuMuEvents, useRefChannel, false, false, useExtraVar, extraVar, nExtraBin, TMVAcut, true);
sCut.append(" && ");
if (Kst2Kspiplus) sCut.append(LLorDD);
if (weighted) sCut = getWeightName("",gammaTMdefault)+"*(" + sCut + ")";
coutDebug("Using cut: "+sCut);
//Get number of entries after the BDT cut
TH1F *h_BDTresponseMCtmp = new TH1F("h_"+TMVAmethod+"response","h_"+TMVAmethod+"response",1002,lowBDTcut,1.0);
T->Draw(TMVAmethod+"response >> h_"+TMVAmethod+"response", sCut.c_str());
//Calculate efficiency and its binomial error
double passEntries = h_BDTresponseMCtmp->Integral();
double nentries = h_BDTresponseMCAll->Integral();
double effErrHi = TMath::Sqrt(passEntries*(1.0-passEntries/nentries))/nentries;
eff.value = passEntries/ nentries;
coutDebug("All MC entries: " + to_string(nentries));
coutDebug("MC entries passing TMVA cut " + to_string(TMVAcut) + ": " + to_string(passEntries));
coutDebug("TMVA cut" + to_string(TMVAcut) + " efficiency: " + to_string(eff.value));
eff.highError = effErrHi;
eff.lowError = effErrHi;
delete T;
coutDebug("BDT efficiency for cut at " + to_string(TMVAcut) + " calculated!" );
return eff;
//Get selection efficiency from counts in MC
EffAndError getSelectionEfficiencySimple(bool full, string year, int Run, bool UseOnlyMuMuEvents, bool useRefChannel, bool PHSP, bool KshortDecaysInVelo, bool RemoveMultiple, bool weighted, string sExtraVar, int nExtraBin, string customTMbranch, bool gammaTM){ //For studies on variables
gROOT->SetBatch(); //ROOT stops plotting canvases
EffAndError eff = EffAndError(1.0,0.0,0.0);
//check if using reference channel for not available years
if (!checkYear(std::stoi(year),true,useRefChannel,PHSP)) return eff;
//Scaling factor, pretty much the number of generated events
//For easier division it's a double right away
double scale = get_generated_events(PHSP);
std::vector<string> years;
if (Run == 0)years.push_back(year); //If Run==0, calculate efficiecny for separate year
else years = yearsMC(useRefChannel,PHSP,Run); //Otherwise combine the years together
//load the tree from the file
TChain * T = new TChain("DecayTreeTruthMatched");
for (auto& yr : years){
coutDebug("Adding " + GetBDToutputFile(yr,getRunID(yr),true,useRefChannel,PHSP,KshortDecaysInVelo,false,false));
//Kst2Kpluspi0Resolved case
TChain* OG = 0;
OG=new TChain("DecayTree");
coutDebug("Adding " + GetGenLevelFile(useRefChannel,PHSP));
coutERROR("Not implemented yet.");
return EffAndError();
bool useExtraVar = useExtraVarBool(sExtraVar); //perform once so it doesn't have to run through all the ifs every time
TMefficiencyClass extraVar = useExtraVar ? TMefficiencyClass(sExtraVar) : TMefficiencyClass();
// Set cuts on the tree
string massCut = "";
if (UseDTF) massCut = " ( B_plus_M_DTF > " + to_string(PDGMASS.B_PLUS-100) +" && B_plus_M_DTF <" + to_string(PDGMASS.B_PLUS+100)+ ") ";
else massCut = " ( B_plus_M > " + to_string(PDGMASS.B_PLUS-100) +" && B_plus_M <" + to_string(PDGMASS.B_PLUS+100)+ ") ";
coutDebug("Mass cut: " +massCut);
string sCut = getFinalCut(true, true, false, customTMbranch, gammaTM, UseOnlyMuMuEvents, useRefChannel, false, false, useExtraVar, extraVar, nExtraBin, -1, RemoveMultiple);
sCut.append(" && ");
if (weighted) sCut = getWeightName(customTMbranch,gammaTM)+ "*(" + sCut + ")";
coutDebug("Full cut: " + sCut);
string minCut = getFinalCut(true,false,false,"",false,UseOnlyMuMuEvents,useRefChannel,false,false, useExtraVar, extraVar, nExtraBin, -1.0, false);
//Get number of entries before anything
coutDebug("Minimal cut: " + minCut);
TH1F *h_OG = new TH1F("h_OG","h_OG",5,5270.0,5290.0); //The B_plus mass is at PDG value in the sample
//coutDebug("Entries in h_OG: "+to_string(OG->GetEntries()));
OG->Draw("B_plus_M >> h_OG", minCut.c_str());
//Get number of entries after the BDT cut
TH1F *h_TM = new TH1F("h_TM","h_TM",1002,-1.0,1.0);;
T->Draw(TMVAmethod+"response >>h_TM", sCut.c_str());
//Calculate efficiency and its binomial error
double passEntries = h_TM->Integral();
double nentries = h_OG->Integral();
int totalEntries = Run == 0? get_gen_evts(year,useRefChannel,PHSP) : get_gen_evts(Run,useRefChannel,PHSP);
nentries = nentries*totalEntries/scale;
double effErrHi = TMath::Sqrt(passEntries*(1.0-passEntries/nentries))/nentries; //TODO error calculation
eff.value = passEntries/ nentries;
//Multiply by generator-level efficiency if requested
if (full) {
double genEvtEff = (Run==0) ? get_tables_eff(year,useRefChannel) : get_tables_eff(Run,useRefChannel);
if (genEvtEff==0.0) genEvtEff = 1.0;
eff.value = eff.value*genEvtEff;
effErrHi = effErrHi*genEvtEff;
coutDebug("All EvtGen entries: " + to_string(h_OG->Integral()));;
coutDebug("All EvtGen scaled entries: " + to_string(nentries));
coutDebug("MC entries passing TM: " + to_string(passEntries));
coutDebug("Selection efficiency: " + to_string(eff.value));
eff.highError = effErrHi;
eff.lowError = effErrHi;
delete T;
delete OG;
return eff;