Angular analysis of B+->K*+(K+pi0)mumu
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487 lines
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//Renata Kopecna
#include <toysfit.hh>
#include <constants.hh>
#include <fitter.hh>
#include <bu2kstarmumu_pdf.hh>
#include <bu2kstarmumu_plotter.hh>
#include <folder.hh>
#include "generatetoys.hh"
#include <design.hh>
#include <helpers.hh>
#include <paths.hh>
#include <event.hh>
#include <spdlog.h>
//Fit the toys and save results somewhere
int toysfit(fcnc::options opts, unsigned int nBins, bool fitReference, basic_params params, bool onlySig, bool onlyBkg){
opts.job_id = params.jobID; //Just to be sure
spdlog::info("[TOYSFIT]\t Starting fit with jobID {0:d}", opts.job_id);
//actually fit the toy events
const bool do_fit = true;
if(!do_fit) spdlog::warn("Fitting of the toy sample is disabled. Set hardcoded 'do_fit' to true in");
//It is useful to save the generated toys in order to debug
const bool SaveTheToys = params.index==-1;
const bool SaveProjections = params.index==-1;
opts.plot_folder = get_ToysFitPlot_path(params);
const bool save_init = (params.index==-1 || params.jobID ==0);
if(!save_init)spdlog::warn("Saving the initialised parameters for the toy generation is disabled. Set hardcoded 'save_init' to true in");
const bool bkgFromHighMass = true;
const bool bkgFromLowMass = false;
const bool SimultaneousFit = true;
//Fit ranges for angles
double angleStepSize = 0.01;
double PprimeRangeScale = 10.0;
double angleRange = 1.0;
if (params.usePprime) angleRange *= PprimeRangeScale;
double swaveStepSize = 0.1;
//Set what parameters to fix
fixConstr Bmass_FC(!fitReference || onlyBkg,false); //Fix/constrain B mass
fixConstr f_sig_FC(false,false); //Fix/constrain f_sig?
fixConstr ang_params_FC(false,false); //Fix/constrain angular parameters?
fixConstr mass_params_FC(true,false); //Fix/constrain mass parameters?
fixConstr bkg_ang_FC(false,false); //Fix/constrain angular background?
fixConstr bkg_Kpi_FC(false,false); //Fix/constrain Kst mass background?
fixConstr bkg_mass_FC(false, false); //Fix/constrain mass background?
//This boolean decides whether to fit the bkg with order of five or of two //TODO: Should be less hardcody
bool setCtkToTwo = !fitReference;
opts.bkg_order_costhetak = 5;
if(params.folding == 4 && !fitReference){
setCtkToTwo = false;
opts.bkg_order_costhetak = 4;
opts.flat_bkg = false;
opts.fit_full_angular_bkg = true; //Do you want to fold also the bkg?
//Init angular parameters according to SM (true) or previous measurements (false)?
opts.initSM = true;
//Weighted fit
opts.weighted_fit = true;
//Set s-wave parameters to fix
fixConstr gammakstar_FC(true,false); //Fix/constrain gammakstar
fixConstr gammakstarplus_FC(true,false); //Fix/constrain gammakstar
fixConstr sWave_FC(onlyBkg || !fitReference ,false); //Fix/constrain sWave parameters?
fixConstr FS_FC(onlyBkg || !fitReference,false);
//FS is fixed no matter what
//Fix to something else afterwards
bool changeFS = false;
//Do or do not fit s-wave
opts.swave = !onlyBkg;//TODO
//Fit kpi or not
opts.fit_mkpi = opts.swave || onlyBkg;
//Quick sanity checks
if (onlyBkg && onlySig){
spdlog::error("Cannot have onlyBkg && onlySig! Returning.");
return 1;
if (bkgFromHighMass && bkgFromLowMass){
spdlog::error("Cannot have background taken only from upper and only from lower mass sideband at the same time! Returning.");
return 1;
//Save plots?
opts.write_eps = SaveProjections;
opts.write_pdf = false;
//Plot less bins for signal channel as the stats are sad there
if (!fitReference) opts.plots_m_bins = 30;
//Plot less bins for signal channel as the stats are sad there
if (!fitReference) opts.plots_mkpi_bins = 20;
//Fit both mass and angles, use lambda for bkg fit
opts.only_angles = false;
opts.only_Bmass = false;
opts.only_mkpi = false;
//Use weights and squared hesse
opts.shift_lh = false;
opts.use_angular_acc = false;
opts.hesse_postrun = true;
opts.squared_hesse = true;//!(params.index == -1);// fitReference;
opts.minos_errors = false;//(params.index == -1); //!fitReference;
opts.multiply_eff = false; //Toy generated events have saved acceptance weights!
//Fit angular BKG
opts.individual_penalties = false; //forces individual probabilities for sig and bkg to be positive
//How would you like to fit mkpi?
opts.use_mkpi = false;
opts.simple_mkpi = false;
opts.isobar = false;
opts.generate_mkpi = opts.fit_mkpi || opts.use_mkpi;
//Get names for the init parameters file and the fitted parameters file
const std::string results_file = final_result_name_toys(params.jobID,fitReference, nBins, SimultaneousFit, params,, opts.only_angles, opts.only_Bmass, onlySig, onlyBkg, bkgFromLowMass, bkgFromHighMass);
std::string params_file = init_params_name_toys(params.jobID,fitReference, nBins, SimultaneousFit, params,, opts.only_angles, opts.only_Bmass, onlySig, onlyBkg, bkgFromLowMass, bkgFromHighMass);
if (existsTest(results_file) && params.index != -1){
spdlog::warn("[SKIP]\t\tJob already run as root-file '"+results_file+"' exists, continue to next job!");
return 0;
//Set the available PDFs: this depends on the selected Run for now, so if only one is selected, run over one pdf, if both, use two
std::vector<UInt_t> pdf_idx;
if (params.Run == 1 || params.Run == 12) pdf_idx.push_back(1);
if (params.Run == 2 || params.Run == 12) pdf_idx.push_back(2);
//we are good to go, now; how many individual pdfs are used?
const UInt_t nPDFs = pdf_idx.size();
//current fitter, plotter, parameteres and pdfs:
fcnc::fitter f(&opts);
fcnc::options theOptions[nPDFs];
fcnc::bu2kstarmumu_plotter * thePlotter[nPDFs];
std::vector<fcnc::parameters*> theParams [nBins];
std::vector<fcnc::pdf*> theProbs [nBins];
std::vector< std::vector<fcnc::event>* > selection[nBins];
//Initialize common parameters
std::vector<std::string> common_params = param_string(opts, false); //All the angular observables are shared
if(SimultaneousFit) f.set_common_parameters(common_params);
// Read events
//Init vector for the events to be saved, in case required
std::vector<fcnc::event> eventsToSave;
//Loop over PDFs and initialize parameters
for(unsigned n = 0; n < nPDFs; n++){
unsigned int idx =; = idx; //Set proper run to options
spdlog::debug("Run {0:d}",; = get_ToysFit_label(params.jobID, fitReference, -1, nBins, SimultaneousFit, params,, opts.only_angles, opts.only_Bmass, onlySig, onlyBkg, bkgFromLowMass, bkgFromHighMass);
opts.update_angle_ranges(); //Set angles in options back to defaults
opts.update_efficiencies = true; //This ensures the acceptance weights to be taken into account
opts.plot_label = "Toys";
//Get options separate for all PDFs
theOptions[n] = opts;
for(UInt_t b = 0; b < nBins; b++){
opts.q2_min = theOptions[n].TheQ2binsmin.front();
opts.q2_max = theOptions[n].TheQ2binsmax.back();
// Initialize 1D parameters
//create parameter sets:
fcnc::bu2kstarmumu_parameters * leParameters = new fcnc::bu2kstarmumu_parameters(&theOptions[n]);
//create PDFs
fcnc::bu2kstarmumu_pdf * lePDF = new fcnc::bu2kstarmumu_pdf(&theOptions[n], leParameters);
//cache the folding and set to -1 for loading mass parameters from non-folded fits to jpsi, MC, etc.
int cached_folding = params.folding;
params.folding = -1;
//Inititalize q2 by hand
leParameters->eff_q2.init_fixed( bin_center_q2(theOptions[n],b));
//Init the fraction betweeen sig and bkg
if (onlySig) leParameters->f_sig.init_fixed(1.0);
else if (onlyBkg) leParameters->f_sig.init_fixed(0.0);
else{ //Or both, in that case load the f_sig from mass only fit
// //
// Bmass //
// //
//Set the Bmass separatelly as it's range is important
std::string fileName_dataMass = final_result_name_mass(true, 1, true, params, params.Run);
//Init B mass fit from Jpsi MC
if (!onlyBkg){
initialize_parameters_from_MCfit(leParameters,true,idx,b, {"alpha_1","alpha_2","n_1","n_2"},params, mass_params_FC);
//Init the ratio of sigmas in signal MC/reference MC
if (!fitReference){
//Init the mass background from mass fit to reference for now
//TODO: set as a proper vector depending on using 2 lambdas or anything
if (!onlySig) initialize_parameters_from_MassFit(leParameters,fitReference,idx,b,{"m_lambda"},params,bkg_mass_FC);
// //
// Angles //
// //
//Init angular parameters from MC
if (!onlyBkg){
if (opts.initSM){
leParameters->init_angular_parameters(nBins,b,ang_params_FC.fix ? 0.0 : angleStepSize,1.0,false); //TODO: make it better
if (fitReference) leParameters->init_ang_parameters_fromRefDavid(b,1.0,0.01);
else initialize_parameters_from_MCfit(leParameters,false,idx,b,param_string(opts, true),params, ang_params_FC);
//Init the bkg parameters from the BKG fit file
if (!onlySig){
if (opts.flat_bkg) leParameters->use_default_bkg();
//First init the background for angles for all orders
initialize_parameters_from_BkgFit(leParameters, true,
bkgFromLowMass, bkgFromHighMass,false, 12,b,
//Now let float only the ones actually used by the folding
initialize_parameters_from_BkgFit(leParameters, true,
bkgFromLowMass, bkgFromHighMass,false, 12,b,
if (opts.bkg_order_costhetak>=3 && cached_folding!=4){
//Then init the background for m_Kpi
if (opts.generate_mkpi){
initialize_parameters_from_BkgFit(leParameters, true,
bkgFromLowMass, bkgFromHighMass,
true, 12,
// //
// S wave and Kstar //
// //
//Init the Kstar mass fit
leParameters->init_mkpi_pWave_parameters(fitReference,gammakstar_FC.fix ? 0.0:0.01);
if (opts.swave) leParameters->init_mkpi_sWave_parameters(fitReference,gammakstarplus_FC.fix ? 0.0:0.001);
if (opts.swave){
leParameters->init_sWave_parameters(sWave_FC.fix ? 0.0 : swaveStepSize);
std::string RefMassFile = final_result_name_mass(true,1,true,params,params.Run);
if (!fitReference) leParameters->FS.init(0.25,-0.25,1.0,FS_FC.fix ? 0.0 : 0.1);
else leParameters->get_param_from_rootfile(RefMassFile, {"FS"}, idx, 0,FS_FC);
if (changeFS) leParameters->FS.set_constant();
//set folding back to configured value using the cached value from above:
params.folding = cached_folding;
spdlog::info("[PDF{0:d}]\tSaved PDF and parameters!", n);
//Save the events now
std::vector<fcnc::event> * leEvents = new std::vector<fcnc::event>;
if(theOptions[n].job_id >= 0){
//Seed is opts->get_job_id()*opts->ncores+thread_id+12345 if opts->static_seed, else take from the internal clock backwards
std::vector<fcnc::event> evts = generateToys(params, b,,
//copy generated events to pointer vector object
//count the number of dismissed events:
unsigned int dismissed = 0;
for(auto evt: evts){
theOptions[n].update_angle_ranges(); //Update angle ranges based on the folding
//filter events, that are outside the defined angular range:
if(!filterFldFour(&evt, &theOptions[n])){ //I don't think this should be here at all
spdlog::info("{0:d} generated events are outside the angular range and are dismissed from the sample", dismissed);
assert(leEvents->size()+dismissed == evts.size());
else{ //Just load all events TODO
std::vector<fcnc::event> evts = fcnc::load_events("/home/lhcb/kopecna/B2KstarMuMu/code/ewp-Bplus2Kstmumu-AngAna/FCNCfitter/Toys/Toy_toyfit__JpsiFit_1BIN_Run12_SimultaneousFit_6.root","Events", -1); //copy generated events to pointer vector object
for(auto evt: evts)leEvents->push_back(evt);
assert(leEvents->size() == evts.size());
spdlog::info("[PDF{0:d}]\tFinished generating the events: {1:d}", n, leEvents->size());
if (!onlySig && setCtkToTwo){
theOptions[n].bkg_order_costhetak = 2;
if (changeFS){
theParams [b].push_back(leParameters);
theProbs [b].push_back(lePDF);
lePDF->update_cached_efficiencies(leParameters, leEvents);
if (SaveTheToys){
//save all events into one vector, except for the fifth (extra wide bin) in the 5BIN scheme. this would be double counting events
if(!(nBins == 5 && b == 4))eventsToSave.insert(eventsToSave.end(),leEvents->begin(),leEvents->end());
//save event vector in vector
} //end loop over bins
theOptions[n].update_efficiencies = false;//Prevent the weights to be applied several more times in fitter::fit
} //end loop over PDFs
//validate correct saving to of all events:
for(unsigned n = 0; n < nPDFs; n++){
for(unsigned int b = 0; b < nBins; b++){
if(selection[b].at(n)->size() > 0){
spdlog::info("[PDF{0:d}]\t[BIN{1:d}]\tDone!", n, b);
spdlog::critical("No events found for PDF={0:d} and q2-bin={1:d} Exit!", n, b);
spdlog::info("Finished configurating all parameters, defining all pdfs and generating all toy event samples:");
//If required to save the generated events, save them
if (SaveTheToys){
std::string eventsFile = get_finalToys_file(fitReference,nBins,SimultaneousFit,params,params.Run);
replace(eventsFile,".root","_"+std::to_string(params.jobID)+".root"); //Add the number of the job to the file name
//Save the initial toy values in a root file
std::vector<int>tmp[nBins]; //Create a vector array with zeros, so you can save init values before the fit
for(unsigned int b = 0; b < nBins; b++)tmp[b] = std::vector<int>(nPDFs, 0);
if(save_init) save_results(params_file,nBins,pdf_idx,tmp,theParams,SimultaneousFit,&opts);
//Save the fit results
//fit all bins:
for(unsigned int b = 0; b < nBins; b++){
spdlog::warn("[START]\tStart fit BIN{0:d}", b);
//Int for fit status
int fitresult = 0;
for(UInt_t n = 0; n < nPDFs; n++){
//Delete the texFile
std::string tag = get_ToysFit_label(params.jobID, fitReference, b, nBins,
false, params,,
opts.only_angles, opts.only_Bmass,
onlySig, onlyBkg,
bkgFromLowMass, bkgFromHighMass);
spdlog::info("[FIT{0:d}]\tRunning the fitter...", n);
if(do_fit)fitresult =[b].at(n), theParams[b].at(n), selection[b].at(n),tag);
spdlog::info("[FIT]\tFitting simultaenously....");
std::string tag = "";
for(UInt_t n = 0; n < nPDFs; n++)for(UInt_t e = 0; e < selection[b].at(n)->size(); e++)spdlog::trace("Event for fitting: pdf={0:d}\t bin={1:d}\t evt={2:d}\t ctk={3:f}\t ctl={4:f}\t phi={5:f}\t m={6:f}\t mkpi={7:f}", n, b, e, selection[b].at(n)->at(e).costhetak, selection[b].at(n)->at(e).costhetal, selection[b].at(n)->at(e).phi, selection[b].at(n)->at(e).m, selection[b].at(n)->at(e).mkpi);
if(do_fit)fitresult =[b], theParams[b], selection[b], tag);
spdlog::info("Q2BIN={0:d}: LLH={1:f}", b, f.likelihood());
//Print the fit results
spdlog::info("[BIN{0:d}]: Fitresult: {1:d}", b, fitresult);
//Plot stuff if wanted
if (SaveProjections){
//If needed, also save the projections for the toys
//plot each set of pdfs with the data points:
bool plotPulls = true;
for(UInt_t b = 0; b < nBins; b++){
for(UInt_t n = 0; n < nPDFs; n++){
thePlotter[n] = new fcnc::bu2kstarmumu_plotter(&theOptions[n]);
//plot pdf and events:
std::string eps_label = get_ToysFit_label(params.jobID, fitReference, b, nBins,
SimultaneousFit, params,,
opts.only_angles, opts.only_Bmass,
onlySig, onlyBkg,
bkgFromLowMass, bkgFromHighMass);
theOptions[n].plot_label = "Toys";
if (!fitReference) theOptions[n].plots_m_bins = 30;
if (!fitReference) theOptions[n].plots_mkpi_bins = 20;
theOptions[n].q2_label = q2_label(,;
thePlotter[n]->plot_data((fcnc::bu2kstarmumu_pdf*)theProbs[b].at(n), (fcnc::bu2kstarmumu_parameters*)theParams[b].at(n), selection[b].at(n), get_ToysFitPlot_path(params), eps_label, true);
thePlotter[n]->plot_data((fcnc::bu2kstarmumu_pdf*)theProbs[b].at(n), (fcnc::bu2kstarmumu_parameters*)theParams[b].at(n), selection[b].at(n), get_ToysFitPlot_path(params), eps_label+"_incBkg", false);
std::vector<fcnc::bu2kstarmumu_pdf*> * prober = (std::vector<fcnc::bu2kstarmumu_pdf*> *) & theProbs[b];
std::string eps_label = get_ToysFit_label(params.jobID, fitReference, b, nBins,
SimultaneousFit, params, params.Run,
opts.only_angles, opts.only_Bmass,
onlySig, onlyBkg,
bkgFromLowMass, bkgFromHighMass);
std::vector<fcnc::bu2kstarmumu_parameters*> * paramser = (std::vector<fcnc::bu2kstarmumu_parameters*> *) & theParams[b];
thePlotter[0]->plot_added_pdfs(prober, paramser, & selection[b], get_ToysFitPlot_path(params), eps_label, true);
thePlotter[0]->plot_added_pdfs(prober, paramser, & selection[b], get_ToysFitPlot_path(params), eps_label+"_incBkg", false);
}//end loop over bins
spdlog::info("[TOYFIT] Fit status results:");
for(UInt_t b = 0; b < nBins; b++)spdlog::info("[BIN{0:d}]: {1:d}", b, fit_results[b].at(0));
for(UInt_t b = 0; b < nBins; b++)for(UInt_t n = 0; n < nPDFs; n++)spdlog::info("[BIN{0:d}][PDF{1:d}]: {2:d}", b, n, fit_results[b].at(n));
if (params.index == -1) print_all_parameters(nBins, pdf_idx, theParams, spdlog::level::info);
//saving results to root file
spdlog::info("[TOYFIT] Finished.");
return 0;