Angular analysis of B+->K*+(K+pi0)mumu
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from Configurables import (
from DecayTreeTuple.Configuration import *
"""Configure the variables below with:
decay: Decay you want to inspect, using 'newer' LoKi decay descriptor syntax,
decay_heads: Particles you'd like to see the decay tree of,
datafile: Where the file created by the Gauss generation phase is, and
year: What year the MC is simulating.
# Select correct MC sample
RefChan = False
PHSP = True
decay = "[B+ => ^(K*(892)+ => ^K+ ^(pi0=> ^gamma ^gamma)) ^mu- ^mu+]CC"
if (RefChan): decay = "[B+ => ^(K*(892)+ => ^K+ ^(pi0=> ^gamma ^gamma)) ^(J/psi(1S) => ^mu- ^mu+)]CC"
decay_heads = ["B+", "B-"]
#Path to datafile
datafile = "/afs/"
if (RefChan): datafile =datafile.replace(".sim","_RefChan.sim",1)
if (PHSP): datafile =datafile.replace(".sim","_PHSP.sim",1)
year = 2017
# For a quick and dirty check, you don't need to edit anything below here.
# Create an MC DTT containing any candidates matching the decay descriptor
mctuple = MCDecayTreeTuple("MCDecayTreeTuple")
mctuple.Decay = decay
# Name of the .xgen file produced by Gauss
EventSelector().Input = ["DATAFILE='{0}' TYP='POOL_ROOTTREE' Opt='READ'".format(datafile)]
# Configure DaVinci
DaVinci().TupleFile =datafile.replace(".sim","_orig.root",1)
DaVinci().HistogramFile = "DVntuple_histo.root"
DaVinci().Simulation = True
DaVinci().Lumi = False
DaVinci().DataType = str(year)
DaVinci().UserAlgorithms = [mctuple]
def doIt():
specific post-config action for (x)GEN-files
extension = "xgen"
ext = extension.upper()
from Configurables import DataOnDemandSvc
dod = DataOnDemandSvc ()
from copy import deepcopy
algs = deepcopy ( dod.AlgMap )
bad = set()
for key in algs :
if 0 <= key.find ( 'Rec' ) : bad.add ( key )
elif 0 <= key.find ( 'Raw' ) : bad.add ( key )
elif 0 <= key.find ( 'DAQ' ) : bad.add ( key )
elif 0 <= key.find ( 'Trigger' ) : bad.add ( key )
elif 0 <= key.find ( 'Phys' ) : bad.add ( key )
elif 0 <= key.find ( 'Prev/' ) : bad.add ( key )
elif 0 <= key.find ( 'Next/' ) : bad.add ( key )
elif 0 <= key.find ( '/MC/' ) and 'GEN' == ext : bad.add ( key )
for b in bad :
del algs[b]
dod.AlgMap = algs
from Configurables import EventClockSvc, CondDB
EventClockSvc ( EventTimeDecoder = "FakeEventTime" )
CondDB ( IgnoreHeartBeat = True )
appendPostConfigAction( doIt )