Angular analysis of B+->K*+(K+pi0)mumu
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# EventType: 12143402
# Descriptor: [B+ -> (J/psi(1S) -> mu+ mu-) (K*(892)+ -> K+ pi0) ]cc
# NickName: Bu_JpsiKst,mm,Kpi0=TightCut
# Cuts: LoKi::GenCutTool/TightCut
# InsertPythonCode:
# #
# from Configurables import LoKi__GenCutTool
# gen = Generation()
# gen.SignalRepeatedHadronization.addTool ( LoKi__GenCutTool , 'TightCut' )
# #
# tightCut = gen.SignalRepeatedHadronization.TightCut
# tightCut.Decay = '[ B+ => ^( J/psi(1S) => ^mu+ ^mu-) (K*(892)+ => ^K+ (pi0 -> ^gamma ^gamma))]CC'
# tightCut.Cuts = {
# 'gamma' : ' goodGamma ' ,
# '[mu+]cc' : ' goodMuon ' ,
# '[K+]cc' : ' goodKaon ' ,
# 'J/psi(1S)' : ' goodPsi ' }
# tightCut.Preambulo += [
# 'inAcc = in_range ( 0.005 , GTHETA , 0.400 ) ' ,
# 'inEcalX = abs ( GPX / GPZ ) < 4.5 / 12.5 ' ,
# 'inEcalY = abs ( GPY / GPZ ) < 3.5 / 12.5 ' ,
# 'goodMuon = ( GPT > 500 * MeV ) & ( GP > 6 * GeV ) & inAcc ' ,
# 'goodKaon = ( GPT > 150 * MeV ) & inAcc ' ,
# 'goodGamma = ( 0 < GPZ ) & ( 150 * MeV < GPT ) & inEcalX & inEcalY ' ,
# 'goodPsi = ( GPT > 500 * MeV ) & in_range ( 1.8 , GY , 4.5 ) ' ]
# EndInsertPythonCode
# Documentation:
# Tight generator level cuts applied for all final state particles,
# which increases the statistics with the factor of ~3.
# EndDocumentation
# PhysicsWG: B2Ch
# Tested: Yes
# Responsible: Max Chefdeville
# Email:
# Date: 20200428
## CPUTime: < 1 min
Alias MyJ/psi J/psi
Alias MyK*+ K*+
Alias MyK*- K*-
ChargeConj MyK*+ MyK*-
ChargeConj MyJ/psi MyJ/psi
Decay B+sig
1.000 MyJ/psi MyK*+ SVV_HELAMP PKHplus PKphHplus PKHzero PKphHzero PKHminus PKphHminus;
Decay B-sig
1.000 MyJ/psi MyK*- SVV_HELAMP PKHplus PKphHplus PKHzero PKphHzero PKHminus PKphHminus;
Decay MyJ/psi
1.000 mu+ mu- PHOTOS VLL;
Decay MyK*+
1.000 K+ pi0 PHSP;
CDecay MyK*-