
271 lines
9.7 KiB

//Renata Kopecna
#include <genlvlfit.hh>
#include <bu2kstarmumu_pdf.hh>
#include <fitter.hh>
#include <folder.hh>
#include <bu2kstarmumu_plotter.hh>
#include <paths.hh>
#include <event.hh>
#include <helpers.hh>
#include <design.hh>
#include <time.h>
#include <spdlog.h>
int genlvlfit(fcnc::options opts, bool fitPHSP, basic_params params){
//Gen Lvl always 2017
params.Run = 2;
params.year = 2017;
//yes, it is repetition of mcfit, but it is easier this way
// Set constants
if(fitPHSP) spdlog::info("[MCFIT]\tFit PHSP genLvl."); //reference channel only
else spdlog::info("[MCFIT]\tFit signal genLvl MC.");//signal MC only
const bool Blind = false; //False as it is MC, HAS TO BE TRUE FOR DATA
const bool UseBinnedFit = true; //Use bins in q2, if false, nBins is forced to be one
const bool fixBMass = true; //Fix B mass to PDG value
const bool plotPulls = true; //Do you wanna pull plots with or without pulls?
//Scales for the fit parameters (meaning fit-ranges)
double PprimeRangeScale = 10.0;
double angleRange = +1.0;
if (params.usePprime) angleRange *= PprimeRangeScale;
double angleStepSize = 0.05;
if (!UseBinnedFit){
spdlog::info("Running an unbinned fit");
opts.TheQ2binsmin = get_TheQ2binsmin(1,false);
opts.TheQ2binsmax = get_TheQ2binsmax(1,false);
const unsigned int nBins = opts.get_nQ2bins(); //unsigned because vector.size is unsigned
spdlog::debug("Using {0:d} q2 bins.", nBins);
// Set all options
opts.use_mkpi = false;
opts.fit_mkpi = false;
opts.crystalball = false;
opts.swave = false;
opts.weighted_fit = false; //Needed to plot the weights properly
opts.use_event_norm = false; //Used for convoluting the acceptance into pdf
opts.only_angles = true; //Do not fit the mass, just angles
opts.only_Bmass = false; //Do not fit the angles, just mass
opts.extended_ml = false;
opts.flat_bkg = false;
//TODO: possibly add polarity
// Load data
spdlog::info("[MCFIT]\tLoading data...");
int dataset = 5; //TODO: have a function for this
if (fitPHSP) dataset = 4;
std::vector<fcnc::event> events= fcnc::load_events(get_theFCNCpath(dataset,2), "Events", -1);
UInt_t N_tot = events.size();
if (N_tot==0){
spdlog::error("Empty event vector!");
return 404;
else spdlog::debug("Total number of used events:\t{0:d}", N_tot);
//the rest can happily be arrays as nBins and nPDFs are well defined and it is 1D
std::vector<Int_t> fitresults;
//Initialize all needed things for the fit
//current fitter, plotter, parameteres and pdfs:
fcnc::fitter f(&opts);
fcnc::folder fldr(&opts);
fcnc::bu2kstarmumu_plotter * thePlotter;
std::vector<fcnc::parameters*> theParams [nBins];
std::vector<fcnc::pdf*> theProbs [nBins];
std::vector<std::vector<fcnc::event>*> selection[nBins];
// Read events
opts.run = params.Run; //Set proper run to options //TODO: check if really needed
spdlog::debug("Run {0:d}", opts.run);
opts.name = get_genLvlFit_label(fitPHSP, nBins, -1, params, opts.only_angles, opts.only_Bmass);
opts.update_angle_ranges(); //Set angles in options back to defaults
opts.update_efficiencies = false;
//Set the label to MC
opts.plot_label = "LHCb genLvl MC";
//Loop over bins
for(unsigned int b = 0; b < nBins; b++){
opts.q2_min = opts.TheQ2binsmin.front();
opts.q2_max = opts.TheQ2binsmax.back();
//Create parameter set
fcnc::bu2kstarmumu_parameters * leParameters = new fcnc::bu2kstarmumu_parameters(&opts);
//create PDF
fcnc::bu2kstarmumu_pdf * lePDF = new fcnc::bu2kstarmumu_pdf(&opts, leParameters);
//Initialize basic parameters
//define center of q2bin as effective q2
leParameters->eff_q2.init_fixed( bin_center_q2(opts,b));
if (!opts.only_angles){ //If not fitting the angles, do not init the mass parameters
leParameters->m_b.init(PDGMASS_B_PLUS, B_MASS_LOW, B_MASS_HIGH, fixBMass ? 0.0: 1.0);
leParameters->m_scale.init(1.0, 0.0, 2.0, 0.0);
//Angular observables
leParameters->init_angular_parameters(nBins,b,angleStepSize, angleRange, false);
//make sure all configured values are also the start_value:
theProbs [b].push_back(lePDF);
spdlog::info("Saved PDF and parameters!");
//create vector with events according to the requested fits/pulls
std::vector<fcnc::event> *leEvents= new std::vector<fcnc::event>;
//Loop over events
spdlog::debug("Loop over events");
for(auto meas: events){ //WARN when more PDFs per run, this will fail!!!
//crosscheck between mag up and mag down:
if(params.polarity==1 && meas.magnet > 0) continue;
if(params.polarity==-1 && meas.magnet < 0) continue;
if(meas.q2 < opts.TheQ2binsmin.at(b) || meas.q2 > opts.TheQ2binsmax.at(b)) continue;
if(meas.mkpi < opts.mkpi_min || meas.mkpi > opts.mkpi_max) continue;
if(!opts.full_angular) fldr.fold(&meas);
//Update efficiencies ONCE
lePDF->update_cached_efficiencies(leParameters, leEvents);
spdlog::info("Finished selecting the events: {0:d}",leEvents->size());
//save event vector in vector
if ((selection[b]).at(0)->size() > 0){
spdlog::info("[BIN{0:d}]\tDone!", b);
spdlog::critical("No events found for q2-bin={0:d}. Exit!",b);
} //End loop over bins
//Allocate the plotter
thePlotter = new fcnc::bu2kstarmumu_plotter(&opts);
// FIT
spdlog::info("[MCFIT]\tMC fit started.");
//Measure the time for the fit:
runTime timer = runTime();
//Save the fit results
std::vector<int> fit_results[nBins];
std::vector<double> f_sigs[nBins];
std::vector<double> f_sigserr[nBins];
std::vector<UInt_t> evts_cntr[nBins];
std::vector<fcnc::parameters*> vecParams;
//fit all bins:
for(unsigned int b = 0; b < nBins; b++){
//Start the clock
time_t startTime = time(0);
spdlog::info("[START]\tStart the fit for bin #{0:d}", b);
//Int for fit status
int fitresult = 0;
//Delete the texFile
std::string tag = get_genLvlFit_label(fitPHSP, nBins, b, params,
opts.only_angles, opts.only_Bmass);
spdlog::info("Running the fitter...");
fitresult = f.fit(theProbs[b].at(0), theParams[b].at(0), selection[b].at(0),tag);
//Stop the clock
//Print the fit results
spdlog::info("[BIN{0:d}]:\tFitresult: {1:d}", b, fitresult);
//save signal fraction and event number for each bin and each pdf:
f_sigs[b].push_back( ((fcnc::bu2kstarmumu_parameters *) theParams[b].at(0))->f_sig.get_value());
f_sigserr[b].push_back( ((fcnc::bu2kstarmumu_parameters *) theParams[b].at(0))->f_sig.get_error());
opts.q2_label = q2_label(opts.TheQ2binsmin.at(b), opts.TheQ2binsmax.at(b));
if (!plotPulls) tag = tag+"_noPulls";
std::vector<fcnc::bu2kstarmumu_pdf*> * prober = (std::vector<fcnc::bu2kstarmumu_pdf*> *) & theProbs[b];
std::vector<fcnc::bu2kstarmumu_parameters*> * paramser = (std::vector<fcnc::bu2kstarmumu_parameters*> *) & theParams[b];
thePlotter->plot_added_pdfs(prober, paramser, &selection[b],
get_genLvlFitPlot_path(fitPHSP),tag, false);
} //end bin loop
// Print & Save
//Print running time
//Print all fit results
print_all_parameters(nBins, {0}, theParams, spdlog::level::debug);
//Save the fit results
for(unsigned int b = 0; b < nBins; b++){
std::vector<fcnc::bu2kstarmumu_parameters*> * paramser = (std::vector<fcnc::bu2kstarmumu_parameters*> *) & theParams[b];
paramser->at(0)->save_param_values(finalResult_genLvlMCfit_txt(fitPHSP, nBins, b, params, opts.only_angles, opts.only_Bmass));
//Print signal yield in the terminal and to a tex file
if (!Blind) print_sig_yields(nBins, {0}, evts_cntr, f_sigs, f_sigserr);
print_sig_yields_tex(get_genLvlFit_label(fitPHSP, nBins, -1, params,
opts.only_angles, opts.only_Bmass),
nBins, {0}, &opts, evts_cntr, f_sigs, f_sigserr);
//Save results to root file
std::string results_file = final_result_name_genLvlMC(params, nBins, fitPHSP, opts.only_angles, opts.only_Bmass);
save_results(results_file, nBins, {0}, fit_results, theParams, false, &opts);
spdlog::info("[MCFIT]\tMC fit finished.");
return 0;