Angular analysis of B+->K*+(K+pi0)mumu
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# Options specific for a given job
# ie. setting of random number seed and name of output files
event_type = "12113100" #SigMC
#event_type = "12143401" #RefMC
#event_type = "12113446" #PHSP
from Gauss.Configuration import *
#--Generator phase, set random numbers
GaussGen = GenInit("GaussGen")
GaussGen.FirstEventNumber = 1
GaussGen.RunNumber = 1234
#--Number of events
LHCbApp().EvtMax = 100000
LHCbApp().DDDBtag = 'dddb-20170721-3'
LHCbApp().CondDBtag = 'sim-20170721-2-vc-md100'
LHCbApp().OutputLevel = WARNING
MessageSvc().OutputLevel = WARNING
#Gauss().OutputType = 'NONE'
#Gauss().Histograms = 'NONE'
#--Set name of output files for given job (uncomment the lines)
# Note that if you do not set it Gauss will make a name based on event type,
# number of events and the date
#idFile = 'GaussTest'
#HistogramPersistencySvc().OutputFile = idFile+'-histos.root'
#OutputStream("GaussTape").Output = "DATAFILE='PFN:%s.sim' TYP='POOL_ROOTTREE' OPT='RECREATE'"%idFile
#GenMonitor = GaudiSequencer( "GenMonitor" )
#SimMonitor = GaudiSequencer( "SimMonitor" )
#GenMonitor.Members += [ "GaussMonitor::CheckLifeTimeHepMC/HepMCLifeTime" ]
#SimMonitor.Members += [ "GaussMonitor::CheckLifeTimeMC/MCLifeTime" ]
gtos = GenerationToSimulation()
gtos.SkipGeant = True
gs = GaudiSequencer("GenMonitor")
MCTruthStream = OutputStream("MCTruthStream")
MCTruthStream.ItemList += [ "/Event/Gen#1", "/Event/Gen/HepMCEvents#1", "/Event/MC#1", "/Event/MC/Header#1", "/Event/MC/Particles#1", "/Event/MC/Vertices#1" ]
gs.Members += [ SimInit(), gtos, MCTruthStream ]
Gauss().Phases = ["Generator"]
#Gauss().Phases = ["Generator","GenToMCTree"]
Gauss().OutputType = 'NONE'
Gauss().Histograms = 'NONE'