Angular analysis of B+->K*+(K+pi0)mumu
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

217 lines
7.3 KiB

import sys
import re
#First argument is the filename
fileName = sys.argv[1]
def stopLoopLinesClass(line):
if ("public" in line): return True
if ("private" in line): return True
if ("(" in line): return True
if (")" in line): return True
if ("}" in line): return True
return False
def FormatClasses(class_full):
class_full = re.split("\n",class_full)
name = class_full[0].replace("class ","")[0:-1]
public_vars = []
private_vars = []
functions = []
for idx,line in enumerate(class_full[1:]):
line = line[4:] #Remove the indent
if (line.startswith(" ")): continue
if (line.startswith("public:") or line.startswith("ic:")):
idx = idx+1
while (not stopLoopLinesClass(class_full[idx+1])):
idx = idx+1
if (line.startswith("private:") or line.startswith("te:")):
idx = idx+1
while (not stopLoopLinesClass(class_full[idx+1])):
idx = idx+1
if ("(" in line):
tmp = line
if (")" not in line):
while (")" not in class_full[idx]):
tmp = tmp + class_full[idx].strip()
idx = idx+1
tmp = tmp + class_full[idx].strip()
return name, public_vars, private_vars, functions
def isPythonFile(fileName):
if (fileName.endswith(".py")):
return True
return False
def ReadFile(fileName): #Returns the read lines and an integer, that is true when the file if a python file
with open(fileName) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
return lines
def AddCommentWithLink(functionName, isPython):
#Strip the data type from the title and add ()
functionTitle = functionName
if (not isPython): functionTitle = functionTitle[functionTitle.rfind(' '):]
# Now parse the name to create the link
functionLink = functionName
for symbol in [" ","::"]:
functionLink = functionLink.replace(symbol,"-")
for symbol in ["(",")","\*","*"]:
functionLink = functionLink.replace(symbol,"-")
#Print the reference as it would be used in text
return ("[comment]: # (["+functionTitle.strip()+"()](#" + functionLink.lower()+ "))")
def ReadCpp(lines):
globals_list = []
function_list = []
classes_list = []
for idx,line in enumerate(lines):
if (line.startswith(" ")): continue
if (line.startswith("}")): continue
if (line.startswith("//")): continue
if (line.startswith("#")): continue
if (line.startswith("using")): continue
if (line.startswith("class")):
tmp = ""
while ("};" not in lines[idx]):
tmp = tmp + lines[idx]
idx = idx+1
tmp = tmp + lines[idx].strip()
if (line.startswith("struct")):
tmp = ""
while ("}" not in lines[idx]):
tmp = tmp + lines[idx]
idx = idx+1
tmp = tmp + lines[idx].strip()
if (line.isspace()): continue
if ("(" not in line): globals_list.append(line.strip())
elif (")" not in line):
tmp = ""
while (")" not in lines[idx]):
tmp = tmp + lines[idx].strip()
idx = idx+1
tmp = tmp + lines[idx].strip()
else: function_list.append(line.strip())
for cl in classes_list: FormatClasses(cl)
globals = []
for glob in globals_list:
glob = glob.replace(";","")
for tmp in glob.split(','): globals.append(tmp.lstrip())
print("\n\n## Global variables:\n")
for tmp in globals: print("* "+tmp)
print("\n\n# Classes")
for cl in classes_list:
name, pub, priv, funcs = FormatClasses(cl)
print ("### "+name)
print ("* **Private members:**")
for p in priv:
print(" * "+ p.replace(";",""))
print ("* **Public members:**")
for p in pub:
print(" * "+ p.replace(";",""))
print ("* **Functions:**")
for f in funcs:
f = f.replace("){","")
f = f.replace(") {","")
f = f.replace("*","\*")
funcs = f.split("(")
funcs[1] = funcs[1].split(',')
if (len(funcs[1])>0) and (funcs[1][0].strip()!=""):
print(" * **"+funcs[0]+"()**\n")
print (AddCommentWithLink(funcs[0],False))
print(" * **Parameters**")
for params in funcs[1]:
print(" * "+params.lstrip())
print(" * **Return**")
elif ("~" in funcs[0]): print(" * **"+funcs[0]+"()** // destructor")
else: print(" * **"+funcs[0]+"()** // constructor")
print("\n\n\n# Functions")
functions = []
for funcs in function_list:
funcs = funcs.replace("){","")
funcs = funcs.replace(") {","")
funcs = funcs.replace("*","\*")
functions = funcs.split("(")
functions[1] = functions[1].split(',')
print("### "+functions[0]+"()")
print("* **Parameters**")
for params in functions[1]:
print(" * "+params.lstrip())
if ("void " not in functions[0]): print("* **Return**\n")
else: print("\n")
def ReadPython(lines):
globals_list = []
function_list = []
classes_list = []
for idx,line in enumerate(lines):
if (line.startswith(" ")): continue
if (line.startswith("#")): continue #Remove comments
if (line.startswith("import")): continue
if (line == "\n"): continue #Remove empty lines
if (line.startswith("def")):
line = line.replace(":","")
if (")" not in line):
tmp = ""
while (")" not in lines[idx]):
tmp = tmp + lines[idx].strip()
idx = idx+1
tmp = tmp + lines[idx].strip()
else: function_list.append(line.strip())
print("\n\n## Global variables:\n")
for tmp in globals_list: print("* "+tmp)
print("\n\n\n# Functions")
functions = []
for funcs in function_list:
funcs = funcs.replace(")","")
funcs = funcs.replace("def ","")
funcs = funcs.replace("*","\*")
functions = funcs.split("(")
functions[1] = functions[1].split(',')
print("### "+functions[0]+"()\n")
print("* **Parameters**")
for params in functions[1]:
print(" * "+params.lstrip())
print("* **Return**\n")
##### The main run
if (isPythonFile(fileName)):
else :