//Renata Kopecna #include <event.hh> #include <vector> #include <iostream> #include <assert.h> #include "TFile.h" #include "TTree.h" #include "TMath.h" #include <helpers.hh> #include <paths.hh> #include <bu2kstarmumu_loader.hh> #include <options.hh> #include <spdlog.h> void fcnc::print_event(const event& meas) { spdlog::info("Event has" ); spdlog::info( " m: {0:f}", meas.m); spdlog::info( " sigma_m: {0:f}", meas.sigma_m); spdlog::info( " weight: {0:f}", meas.weight); spdlog::info( " delta_weight: {0:f}", meas.delta_weight); spdlog::info( " max_mu_pt: {0:f}", meas.max_mu_pt); spdlog::info( " kaon_pt: {0:f}", meas.kaon_pt); spdlog::info( " event_type: {0:d}", meas.event_type); spdlog::info( " Magnet polarity: {0:d}", meas.magnet ); spdlog::info( " cos(thetal): {0:f}", meas.costhetal ); spdlog::info( " cos(thetak): {0:f}", meas.costhetak ); spdlog::info( " phi: {0:f}", meas.phi ); spdlog::info( " q2: {0:f}", meas.q2 ); spdlog::info( " p2: {0:f}", meas.p2 ); spdlog::info( " cp conjugate: " +(meas.cp_conjugate) ); //spdlog::trace( " tagging_decision: {0:f}", meas.tagging_decision ); //spdlog::trace( " tagging_dilution: {0:f}", meas.tagging_dilution ); //spdlog::trace( " efficiency: {0:f}", meas.efficiency ); } void fcnc::save_events(std::string filename, const std::vector<fcnc::event>& events){ TFile* output = new TFile(filename.c_str(), "RECREATE"); output->cd(); TTree* tree = new TTree("Events", "Events"); //init and link parameters bool cp_conjugate; int year, magnet, event_type; double m, mkpi, sigma_m, costhetal, costhetak, phi, q2, p2, weight, delta_weight, kaon_pt, max_mu_pt, pseudo_q2; tree->Branch("year",&year,"year/I"); tree->Branch("m",&m,"m/D"); tree->Branch("mkpi",&mkpi,"mkpi/D"); tree->Branch("sigma_m",&sigma_m,"sigma_m/D"); tree->Branch("costhetal",&costhetal,"costhetal/D"); tree->Branch("costhetak",&costhetak,"costhetak/D"); tree->Branch("phi",&phi,"phi/D"); tree->Branch("magnet", &magnet, "magnet/I"); tree->Branch("q2",&q2,"q2/D"); tree->Branch("p2",&p2,"p2/D"); tree->Branch("cp_conjugate",&cp_conjugate,"cp_conjugate/O"); tree->Branch("weight", &weight, "weight/D"); tree->Branch("delta_weight", &delta_weight, "delta_weight/D"); tree->Branch("kaon_pt", &kaon_pt, "kaon_pt/D"); tree->Branch("max_mu_pt", &max_mu_pt, "max_mu_pt/D"); tree->Branch("pseudo_q2", &pseudo_q2, "pseudo_q2/D"); tree->Branch("event_type", &event_type, "event_type/I"); //TODO spdlog::info( "START to fill events into TTree and save to file!" ); for (unsigned int i=0; i< events.size(); i++){ //get event from vector fcnc::event meas = events.at(i); //copy all values to the linked objects to save in TBranches year = meas.year; m = meas.m; mkpi = meas.mkpi; sigma_m = meas.sigma_m; costhetal = meas.costhetal; costhetak = meas.costhetak; phi = meas.phi; magnet = meas.magnet; q2 = meas.q2; p2 = meas.p2; cp_conjugate = meas.cp_conjugate; weight = meas.weight; delta_weight = meas.delta_weight; kaon_pt = meas.kaon_pt; max_mu_pt = meas.max_mu_pt; pseudo_q2 = meas.pseudo_q2; event_type = meas.event_type; //write to TTree tree->Fill(); } Int_t N = tree->GetEntries(); tree->Write(); output->Write(); output->Close(); spdlog::info("DONE: Successfully saved {0:d} (out of {1:d}) events to file {2:s}", N, events.size(), filename); return; } void fcnc::lhcbtotheory(const bool b_plus, const double ctl_lhcb, const double ctk_lhcb, const double phi_lhcb, double& ctl_th, double& ctk_th, double& phi_th) { ctl_th = b_plus ? ctl_lhcb : -ctl_lhcb; ctk_th = -ctk_lhcb; if (b_plus) phi_th = phi_lhcb > 0 ? TMath::Pi() - phi_lhcb : -TMath::Pi() - phi_lhcb; else phi_th = phi_lhcb; } void fcnc::theorytolhcb(const bool b_plus, const double ctl_th, const double ctk_th, const double phi_th, double& ctl_lhcb, double& ctk_lhcb, double& phi_lhcb) { ctl_lhcb = b_plus ? ctl_th : -ctl_th; ctk_lhcb = -ctk_th; if (b_plus) phi_lhcb = phi_th > 0 ? TMath::Pi() - phi_th : -TMath::Pi() - phi_th; else phi_lhcb = phi_th; } void fcnc::save_eos_events(std::string filename, const std::vector<fcnc::event>& events) { TFile* output = new TFile(filename.c_str(), "RECREATE"); output->cd(); TTree* tree = new TTree("Events", "Events"); fcnc::event meas; tree->Branch("m",&meas.m,"m/D"); tree->Branch("mkpi",&meas.mkpi,"mkpi/D"); //double costhetal_lhcb, costhetak_lhcb, phi_lhcb; double costhetal_th, costhetak_th, phi_th; // tree->Branch("costhetal",&costhetal_lhcb,"costhetal/D"); // tree->Branch("costhetak",&costhetak_lhcb,"costhetak/D"); // tree->Branch("phi",&phi_lhcb,"phi/D"); // tree->Branch("costhetal_theory",&meas.costhetal,"costhetal_theory/D"); // tree->Branch("costhetak_theory",&meas.costhetak,"costhetak_theory/D"); // tree->Branch("phi_theory",&meas.phi,"phi_theory/D"); tree->Branch("costhetal",&meas.costhetal,"costhetal/D"); tree->Branch("costhetak",&meas.costhetak,"costhetak/D"); tree->Branch("phi",&meas.phi,"phi/D"); tree->Branch("costhetal_theory",&costhetal_th,"costhetal_theory/D"); tree->Branch("costhetak_theory",&costhetak_th,"costhetak_theory/D"); tree->Branch("phi_theory",&phi_th,"phi_theory/D"); tree->Branch("q2",&meas.q2,"q2/D"); tree->Branch("p2",&meas.p2,"p2/D"); tree->Branch("cp_conjugate",&meas.cp_conjugate,"cp_conjugate/O"); int bid; tree->Branch("bid",&bid,"bid/I"); tree->Branch("bkgcat", &meas.event_type, "bkgcat/I"); for (unsigned int i=0; i< events.size(); i++) { meas = events.at(i); bid = meas.cp_conjugate ? +511 : -511; //convert from theory convention to lhcb convention lhcbtotheory(bid > 0, meas.costhetal, meas.costhetak, meas.phi, costhetal_th, costhetak_th, phi_th); tree->Fill(); } tree->Write(); output->Write(); output->Close(); delete output; } //Removes the resonances from the data sample bool isResonance(double q2){ for (auto bin: EXCLUDED_Q2){ if (bin[0]<q2 && q2<bin[1]) return true; } return false; } std::vector<fcnc::event> fcnc::filterResonances(std::vector<fcnc::event> events){ std::vector<fcnc::event> filtered; for (auto evt: events){ if (isResonance(evt.q2)) continue; filtered.push_back(evt); } return filtered; } std::vector<fcnc::event> fcnc::load_events(std::string filename, std::string treename, int neventsmax) { spdlog::info("Reading " + filename + " into fcnc event vector."); TFile* input = new TFile(filename.c_str(), "READ"); TTree* tree = dynamic_cast<TTree*>(input->Get(treename.c_str())); spdlog::debug("Treename: " + std::string(tree->GetName())); fcnc::event meas; tree->SetBranchAddress("year", &meas.year); tree->SetBranchAddress("m",&meas.m); tree->SetBranchAddress("mkpi",&meas.mkpi); tree->SetBranchAddress("sigma_m",&meas.sigma_m); tree->SetBranchAddress("costhetal",&meas.costhetal); tree->SetBranchAddress("costhetak",&meas.costhetak); tree->SetBranchAddress("phi",&meas.phi); tree->SetBranchAddress("q2",&meas.q2); tree->SetBranchAddress("p2",&meas.p2); tree->SetBranchAddress("cp_conjugate",&meas.cp_conjugate); //tree->SetBranchAddress("bkgcat",&meas.event_type); //ONLY USED IN TOYS tree->SetBranchAddress("magnet", &meas.magnet); tree->SetBranchAddress("weight", &meas.weight); tree->SetBranchAddress("delta_weight", &meas.delta_weight); tree->SetBranchAddress("kaon_pt", &meas.kaon_pt); tree->SetBranchAddress("max_mu_pt", &meas.max_mu_pt); std::vector<fcnc::event> result; unsigned int nmax = tree->GetEntries(); if (neventsmax > 0){ unsigned int n = TMath::Abs(neventsmax); if(n < nmax)nmax = n; } for (unsigned int i=0; i< nmax; i++){ tree->GetEntry(i); if (!isEvtInAngleRange(&meas)) continue; meas.costhetal_fa = meas.costhetal; meas.costhetak_fa = meas.costhetak; meas.phi_fa = meas.phi; result.push_back(meas); } spdlog::debug("Read events: {0:d}",result.size()); input->Close(); //delete tree; delete input; return result; }; std::vector<fcnc::event> merge_two_evtVecs(std::vector<fcnc::event> one, std::vector<fcnc::event> two){ std::vector<fcnc::event> merged_vec; merged_vec.insert(merged_vec.end(), one.begin(), one.end()); merged_vec.insert(merged_vec.end(), two.begin(), two.end()); return merged_vec; } //run over the complete tree and create a tree with only the branches needed for FCNC in the correct nomenclature of the FCNCfitter //the data and MC samples are divided into 6 sub-samples: 2 per Run, 3 per sub-decay (K+pi0, KS0pi+(DD) and KS0pi-(LL)) int convert_tuples(int job_id, std::string theFCNCpath, fcnc::options opts,std::vector<int> years){ spdlog::info( "Converting "+get_sample_from_jobID(job_id)+" tuples of Run {0:d} to FCNC format",opts.run); reset_spdlog(); // back to default format //load the options fcnc::bu2kstarmumu_loader loader(&opts); //initialize a vector of this special class of events std::vector<fcnc::event> theEvents; if(job_id==4 || job_id ==5) years={2017}; //Only one year available for GenLvl //read the full tuple for each year std::string treePath; for(auto yr: years){ //Set the tree name treePath = getSelectedTuplePath(job_id,opts.run,yr); spdlog::debug("Processing " +treePath); //Load the event vector std::vector<fcnc::event> Events = loader.read_full_tuple(yr, treePath, get_inputTree_name(job_id), job_id>0, job_id>0 && opts.useMC, job_id>=4, -1); spdlog::debug("Inserting the vector into theEvents..."); //Add theEvents.insert(theEvents.end(), Events.begin(), Events.end()); } //Some log messages spdlog::debug("Event vector lenght: {0:d}",theEvents.size()); if (theEvents.size()==0){ spdlog::error("Empty event vector! Abort."); assert(0); } spdlog::info("Completed loading sample: Run {0:d} with years {1:s}", opts.run, convert_vector_to_string(years)); //save events to standardised output filepath fcnc::save_events(theFCNCpath, theEvents); spdlog::info( "Completed saving sample: Run {0:d}.", opts.run ); return 0; }