from __future__ import print_function import numpy as np from pathlib import Path from putIntoSlides_Utils import * HD_FOLDER = "/home/renata/B2KMuMu/sigma0/B2KstarMuMu/code/ewp-Bplus2Kstmumu-AngAna/FCNCfitter/" FIG_FOLDER = HD_FOLDER + "plots/" MASS_FIG_FOLDER = FIG_FOLDER + "MassFit/" MC_FIG_FOLDER = FIG_FOLDER + "MCfit/" TOYS_FIG_FOLDER = FIG_FOLDER + "Toys/" MAIN_FIG_FOLDER = FIG_FOLDER + "MainFit/" BKG_FIG_FOLDER = FIG_FOLDER + "bkgFit/" GENLVL_FIG_FOLDER = FIG_FOLDER + "GenLvlFit/" TEX_FILE_FOLDER = "includes/" #Don't use ./ as it efs up the print of includes #FIG_FOLDER = "./figures" OUTPUT_TAG = "" TITLE_TAG = "" decName = "KplusPi0Resolved" ANGLES = ["ctk", "ctl", "phi"] MASS_PLOTS = ["m_log","m", "mkpi"] ANG_PARAMS = ["Fl", "S3", "S4", "S5", "Afb", "S7", "S8", "S9"] MASS_PARAMS = ["m_b", "m_sigma_1", "alpha_1", "alpha_2", "n_1", "n_2"] MASS_BKG = ["m_lambda","f_sig"] ANGLE_BKG = ["cbkgctk1","cbkgctk2","cbkgctk3","cbkgctk4","cbkgctl1","cbkgctl2"] SWAVE_PARAMS = ["FS","SS1","SS2","SS3","SS4","SS5"] ANGLE_FOLDING = [ ["Fl", "S3", "Afb", "S9"], ["Fl", "S3", "S4"], ["Fl", "S3", "S5"], ["Fl", "S3", "S7"], ["Fl", "S3", "S8"] ] ANGLE_FOLDING_S = [ #FS is set extra, so to not complicate it, it is not listed here ["SS1"], ["SS1","SS2"], ["SS1","SS3"], ["SS1","SS4"], ["SS4"], ] def projections(angle,Run): #Plot all angle projections in 18 bins listOfEntries = list(map(str,np.arange(0,18,1))) defaultTitle = angle + " projections, " + RunTag(Run) outputName = angle + "proj_" + RunTag(Run) figsPerSlide=6 figsPerRow=3 make_figure_slides(FIG_FOLDER+"/angular/",angle+"eff__LOOP___" + decName + "_" + RunTag(Run), listOfEntries, defaultTitle, figsPerSlide, figsPerRow, ".eps", outputName+".tex") def massFit(nBins, observable, Run): #Plot mass-only fits massFitName = "_massfit" + rareJpsiTag(False) path = observable + massFitName + "Fit" + binTag(nBins) + "_bin__LOOP___"+ RunTag(Run) + "" figsPerSlide=6 figsPerRow=3 make_figure_slides(MASS_FIG_FOLDER,path, list(map(str,np.arange(0,nBins,1))),"Signal mass fit", figsPerSlide, figsPerRow, ".eps",TEX_FILE_FOLDER+"MassFit_Signal_"+observable+"_"+RunTag(Run)+".tex") return def massFitRef(Run): massFitName = "_massfit" + rareJpsiTag(True) path = "__LOOP__" + massFitName + "Fit" + binTag(1) + "_bin0_" + RunTag(Run) + "" figsPerSlide=2 figsPerRow=2 make_figure_slides(MASS_FIG_FOLDER,path, MASS_PLOTS,"Reference mass fit", figsPerSlide, figsPerRow, ".eps",TEX_FILE_FOLDER+"MassFit_Jpsi_"+RunTag(Run)+".tex") return def massFitMCRef(Run): #Plot only mass fit of reference MC MCfitName = "_MC" + rareJpsiTag(True) + "Fit" path = "__LOOP__" + MCfitName + binTag(1) + "_bin0_SimultaneousFit_" + RunTag(Run) + "_OnlyMass" figsPerSlide=2 figsPerRow=2 make_figure_slides(MC_FIG_FOLDER + "Jpsi/",path, MASS_PLOTS,"MC Reference mass fit", figsPerSlide, figsPerRow, ".eps",TEX_FILE_FOLDER+"MC_MassFit_Jpsi_"+RunTag(Run)+".tex") return def massFitMC(nBins, observable, Run): MCfitName = "_MC" + rareJpsiTag(False) + "Fit" path = observable + MCfitName + binTag(nBins) + "_bin__LOOP___SimultaneousFit_" + RunTag(Run) figsPerSlide=5 figsPerRow=3 make_figure_slides(MC_FIG_FOLDER + "Signal/",path, list(map(str,np.arange(0,nBins,1))),"MC Signal mass fit", figsPerSlide, figsPerRow, ".eps",TEX_FILE_FOLDER+"MC_MassFit_Signal_"+observable+"_"+RunTag(Run)+".tex") return def angleFitMC(nBins, bin, Run): #Plot only ANGLES fit of signal MC MCfitName = "_MC" + rareJpsiTag(False) + "Fit" path = "__LOOP__" + MCfitName + binTagFull(nBins,bin)+"_SimultaneousFit_" + RunTag(Run) + "_OnlyANGLES_AllPDFs" figsPerSlide=3 figsPerRow=3 make_figure_slides(MC_FIG_FOLDER + "Signal/",path, ANGLES,"MC Signal fit, " + binTitle(nBins,bin), figsPerSlide, figsPerRow, ".eps",TEX_FILE_FOLDER+"MC_Signal"+binTagFull(nBins,bin)+"_"+RunTag(Run)+"_onlyANGLES.tex") return def MainFitRef(Run, Toy, fold, fullBkg): fitName = rareJpsiTag(True) + "Fit" path = "__LOOP__" + fitName + toyTag(Toy)+ binTag(1) + "_bin"+str(0)+"_SimultaneousFit" + foldTag(fold) + "_" + RunTag(Run) + plotBkgTag(fullBkg)+"_AllPDFs" figsPerSlide=6 figsPerRow=3 title = "Main fit, Ref"+ (", toy" if Toy else "") if (fold != -1): title += ", fld " + str(fold) make_figure_slides(MAIN_FIG_FOLDER, path, ANGLES+MASS_PLOTS,title, figsPerSlide, figsPerRow, ".eps",TEX_FILE_FOLDER+"MainFit_Ref"+toyTag(Toy)+ foldTag(fold)+ "_"+RunTag(Run)+plotBkgTag(fullBkg)+".tex") return def MainFit(Run, nBins, bin, fold, fullBkg): fitName = rareJpsiTag(False) + "Fit" path = "__LOOP__" + fitName + binTagFull(nBins,bin) +"_SimultaneousFit" + foldTag(fold) +"_" + RunTag(Run) + plotBkgTag(fullBkg)+ "_AllPDFs" figsPerSlide=6 figsPerRow=3 title = "Main fit, toy, "+str(bin+1)+"/" + str(nBins) + " bin(s)" if (fold != -1): title += ", fld " + str(fold) make_figure_slides(MAIN_FIG_FOLDER, path, ANGLES+MASS_PLOTS, title, figsPerSlide, figsPerRow, ".eps",TEX_FILE_FOLDER+"MainFit"+ binTagFull(nBins,bin) + foldTag(fold)+"_"+RunTag(Run)+plotBkgTag(fullBkg)+".tex") return def ToyFitCheckRef(): path = "Init_vs_Fit___LOOP___Ref" plot_list = ANG_PARAMS + ANGLE_BKG +MASS_PARAMS + MASS_BKG figsPerSlide=6 figsPerRow=3 make_figure_slides("./figures/FullFitToy/",path, plot_list,"Toy init vs fit, Reference-like", figsPerSlide, figsPerRow, ".eps",TEX_FILE_FOLDER+"ToyInitFit.tex") return def MainFitToyCheck(isRef): refTag = "_Ref" if isRef else "" path = "FinalToy_Init_vs_Fit___LOOP__" + refTag plot_list = ANG_PARAMS + ANGLE_BKG +MASS_PARAMS + MASS_BKG figsPerSlide=6 figsPerRow=3 make_figure_slides(TOYS_FIG_FOLDER,path, plot_list,"Main fit vs init," + " Reference-like" if isRef else " Signal-like", figsPerSlide, figsPerRow, ".eps",TEX_FILE_FOLDER+"MainFitToy"+ refTag+".tex") return def localToy(folder, jobID, isRef, bin, nBins, fold, incBkg, onlyBkg, onlySig): refTag = "Ref" if isRef else "Signal" path = str(jobID)+"/__LOOP___toyfit__"+str(jobID) path = path + "_"+rareJpsiTag(isRef)+"Fit" + sigBkgTag(onlySig,onlyBkg) path = path + binTag(nBins)+"_bin"+str(bin) path = path +"_Run12_SimultaneousFit"+foldTag(fold)+"_HighBmass"+plotBkgTag(incBkg) + "_AllPDFs" #Split the path definition this stupid cause easier debuging plot_list = ANGLES + MASS_PLOTS if (onlyBkg): plot_list = ["ctk", "ctl", "phi", "m"] figsPerSlide= 4 if onlyBkg else 6 figsPerRow= 4 if onlyBkg else 3 title = "Toys" + rareJpsiTag(isRef) + sigBkgTag(onlySig,onlyBkg) +binTag(nBins)+"_bin"+str(bin) +foldTag(fold) +plotBkgTag(incBkg) title = title.replace("_"," ") fileTag = str(jobID)+rareJpsiTag(isRef)+str(bin)+str(nBins)+foldTag(fold)+plotBkgTag(incBkg) make_figure_slides(folder,path, plot_list,title, #TODO: check the title figsPerSlide, figsPerRow, ".eps",TEX_FILE_FOLDER+"Toy"+ fileTag+".tex") return def MCfit(nBins, bin, Run, fold): #Plot MC fit everything MCfitName = "_MC" + rareJpsiTag(False) + "Fit" path = "__LOOP__" + MCfitName + binTagFull(nBins,bin)+"_SimultaneousFit" + foldTag(fold) +"_" + RunTag(Run) + "_AllPDFs" figsPerSlide=6 figsPerRow=3 title = "MC Signal fit, "+binTitle(nBins,bin) if (fold != -1): title += ", fld " + str(fold) make_figure_slides(MC_FIG_FOLDER + "Signal/",path, ANGLES+MASS_PLOTS, title, figsPerSlide, figsPerRow, ".eps",TEX_FILE_FOLDER+"MC_Signal"+binTagFull(nBins,bin)+ foldTag(fold)+"_"+RunTag(Run)+".tex") return def BkgFitRef(Run, sideband): var_list = ["ctk", "ctl", "phi", "mkpi"] massFitName = "_Bckgnd" + rareJpsiTag(True) sidebandTag = "" if (sideband ==-1): sidebandTag = "_LowBmass" elif (sideband ==0): sidebandTag = "_HighBmass" sidebandTitle = "" if (sideband ==-1): sidebandTitle = ", lower sideband" elif (sideband ==0): sidebandTitle = ", upper sideband" path = "__LOOP__" + massFitName + "Fit" + binTag(1) + "_bin0_" + RunTag(Run)+ sidebandTag figsPerSlide=4 figsPerRow=4 make_figure_slides(BKG_FIG_FOLDER,path, var_list,"BKG mass fit"+sidebandTitle, figsPerSlide, figsPerRow, ".eps",TEX_FILE_FOLDER+"BkgFit_Jpsi_"+RunTag(Run)+sidebandTag+".tex") return def genLvlMC(nBins, bin, Run, fold): genLvlName = "_genLvl_MC" + rareJpsiTag(False) + "Fit" path = "__LOOP__" + genLvlName + binTagFull(nBins,bin)+ "_OnlyANGLES_AllPDFs" figsPerSlide=6 figsPerRow=3 title = "GenLvl MC fit, "+binTitle(nBins,bin) make_figure_slides(GENLVL_FIG_FOLDER,path, ANGLES, title, figsPerSlide, figsPerRow, ".eps",TEX_FILE_FOLDER+"GenLvlMC"+binTagFull(nBins,bin)+ foldTag(fold)+"_"+RunTag(Run)+".tex") return def compareGenLvlAndMC(toDavid): plotName = "GenLvl_vs_MC_" path = plotName + "__LOOP__" + ("_MyVsDavids" if toDavid else "") figsPerSlide=8 figsPerRow=4 title = "GenLvl vs " if (toDavid): title += "David's GenLvl" else: title += "signal MC" make_figure_slides(MC_FIG_FOLDER,path, ANG_PARAMS, title, figsPerSlide, figsPerRow, ".eps",TEX_FILE_FOLDER+"GenLvl" + ("_Vs_Davids" if toDavid else "_Vs_SigMC")+".tex") return def compareFolding(): path = "Folding___LOOP__" figsPerSlide=8 figsPerRow=4 title = "Folding comparisons" make_figure_slides(MC_FIG_FOLDER,path, ANG_PARAMS, title, figsPerSlide, figsPerRow, ".eps",TEX_FILE_FOLDER+"Folding_comparison.tex") return def KstarMass(Ref,nBins, Run): MCfitName = "mkpi_MC" + rareJpsiTag(Ref) + "Fit" path = MCfitName + binTag(nBins) +"_bin__LOOP__" +"_SimultaneousFit_" + RunTag(Run) + ("_AllPDFs" if (Run == 12) else "") + ("_OnlyMass" if (Ref) else "") figsPerSlide=6 figsPerRow=3 binsList = list(map(str,np.arange(0,nBins,1))) title = "MC "+("Jpsi" if Ref else "Signal") +" fit, "+str(nBins) + " bin" + (", " if nBins==1 else "s, ") + RunTag(Run) make_figure_slides(MC_FIG_FOLDER + ("Jpsi/" if Ref else "Signal/"),path, binsList, title, figsPerSlide, figsPerRow, ".eps",TEX_FILE_FOLDER+"MC"+ rareJpsiTag(Ref)+"_Kpi"+binTag(nBins)+ "_"+RunTag(Run)+".tex") return ####################### def toyPulls(bin,jobID,sWave=False): all_vars_list = ANG_PARAMS + ANGLE_BKG + MASS_BKG if(sWave): all_vars_list = all_vars_list + SWAVE_PARAMS figName = "/__LOOP___bin" + str(bin) +"_Signal_HighBmass_Pulls" figsPerSlide=8 figsPerRow=4 outFolder = "outputs/"+str(jobID)+"/" Path(outFolder).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) title = str(jobID) + ", bin " + str(bin) make_figure_slides(TOYS_FIG_FOLDER + str(jobID),figName, all_vars_list, title, figsPerSlide, figsPerRow, ".eps",outFolder+"bin"+str(bin)+".tex") ####################### totBins = 5 totFld = 4 # for b in range(0,5): # toyPulls(b,353) #BkgFitRef(12,0) #for x in range(325,370): # toyPulls(0,x,True) toys = False for fld in range(-1,totFld+1): MainFitRef(12, toys, fld, False) MainFitRef(12, toys, fld, True) for fld in range(-1,totFld+1): #localToy("Toys/Bkg/",7,True,0,1,fld,False,True,False) #localToy("Toys/Ref/",5,True,0,1,fld,False,False,False) for bin in range(0,totBins): localToy("Toys/Sig/",10,False,bin,totBins,fld,False, False, False) localToy("Toys/Sig/",10,False,bin,totBins,fld,True, False, False)