ID: 51390 Name: RDWG - Sim09e Model for 2017 - MD - Pythia8 - B+ -> K*+ mu mu Type: Simulation State: Done Priority: 1a Author: liferrei WG: RD Event type: Number of events: Starting Date: 2018-12-21 Finalization Date: 2019-01-21 Fast Simulation Type: None Retention Rate: 1 Simulation Conditions: Beam6500GeV-2017-MagDown-Nu1.6-25ns-Pythia8 Beam: beta*~3m, zpv=-1.36mm, xAngle=-0.395mrad and yAngle=0 Beam energy: 6500 GeV Generator: Pythia8 G4 settings: specified in sim step Magnetic field: -1 Detector: 2017, Velo closed around average x=0.81mm and y=-0.10mm Luminosity: pp collisions nu = 1.6, 25ns spillover Processing Pass: Sim09e/Trig0x62661709/Reco17/Turbo04a-WithTurcal/Stripping29r2NoPrescalingFlagged MC Version: 2017 Step 1 Sim09e - 2017 - MD - Nu1.6 (Lumi 4 at 25ns) - 25ns spillover - Pythia8(137732/Sim09e) : Gauss-v49r11 System config: x86_64-slc6-gcc48-opt MC TCK: Options: $APPCONFIGOPTS/Gauss/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/Gauss/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/Gauss/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/Gauss/;$DECFILESROOT/options/@{eventType}.py;$LBPYTHIA8ROOT/options/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/Gauss/ Options format: Multicore: N DDDB: dddb-20170721-3 Condition DB: sim-20180411-vc-md100 DQTag: Extra: AppConfig.v3r372;DecFiles.v30r26 Runtime projects: Visible: Y Usable:Yes Input file types: Output file types: SIM Step 2 Digi14c for 2015 - 25ns spillover(133533/Digi14c) : Boole-v30r3 System config: x86_64-slc6-gcc49-opt MC TCK: Options: $APPCONFIGOPTS/Boole/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/Boole/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/Boole/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/Boole/ Options format: Multicore: N DDDB: fromPreviousStep Condition DB: fromPreviousStep DQTag: Extra: AppConfig.v3r338 Runtime projects: Visible: N Usable:Yes Input file types: SIM Output file types: DIGI Step 3 L0 emulation for 2017 - TCK 0x1709 - DIGI(133514/L0Trig0x1709) : Moore-v26r6p1 System config: x86_64-slc6-gcc62-opt MC TCK: Options: $APPCONFIGOPTS/L0App/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/L0App/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/L0App/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/L0App/ Options format: l0app Multicore: N DDDB: fromPreviousStep Condition DB: fromPreviousStep DQTag: Extra: AppConfig.v3r356 Runtime projects: Visible: N Usable:Yes Input file types: DIGI Output file types: DIGI Step 4 TCK-0x51611709 (HLT1) Flagged for 2017 - DIGI(133515/Trig0x51611709) : Moore-v26r6p1 System config: x86_64-slc6-gcc62-opt MC TCK: Options: $APPCONFIGOPTS/Moore/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/Conditions/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/Moore/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/Moore/ Options format: Multicore: N DDDB: fromPreviousStep Condition DB: fromPreviousStep DQTag: Extra: AppConfig.v3r356 Runtime projects: Visible: N Usable:Yes Input file types: DIGI Output file types: DIGI Step 5 TCK-0x62661709 (HLT2) Flagged for 2017 - DIGI(137501/Trig0x62661709) : Moore-v26r6p1 System config: x86_64-slc6-gcc62-opt MC TCK: Options: $APPCONFIGOPTS/Moore/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/Conditions/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/Moore/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/Moore/ Options format: Multicore: N DDDB: fromPreviousStep Condition DB: fromPreviousStep DQTag: Extra: AppConfig.v3r369 Runtime projects: Visible: Y Usable:Yes Input file types: DIGI Output file types: DIGI Step 6 Reco17 for MC 2017(132254/Reco17) : Brunel-v52r6p1 System config: x86_64-slc6-gcc62-opt MC TCK: Options: $APPCONFIGOPTS/Brunel/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/Brunel/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/Brunel/ Options format: Multicore: N DDDB: fromPreviousStep Condition DB: fromPreviousStep DQTag: Extra: AppConfig.v3r338;SQLDDDB.v7r10 Runtime projects: Visible: Y Usable:Yes Input file types: DIGI Output file types: DST Step 7 Turbo lines (MC) including TurCal, Turbo 2017 - uDST(137693/Turbo04a-WithTurcal) : DaVinci-v42r8p3 System config: x86_64-slc6-gcc62-opt MC TCK: Options: $APPCONFIGOPTS/Turbo/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/Turbo/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/Turbo/ Options format: Tesla Multicore: N DDDB: fromPreviousStep Condition DB: fromPreviousStep DQTag: Extra: AppConfig.v3r372;TurboStreamProd.v4r2p7 Runtime projects: Visible: Y Usable:Yes Input file types: DST Output file types: DST Step 8 Stripping29r2-NoPrescalingFlagged for Sim09 - pp at 13 TeV - uDST(133517/Stripping29r2NoPrescalingFlagged) : DaVinci-v42r7p3 System config: MC TCK: Options: $APPCONFIGOPTS/DaVinci/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/DaVinci/;APPCONFIGOPTS/DaVinci/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/DaVinci/ Options format: Multicore: N DDDB: fromPreviousStep Condition DB: fromPreviousStep DQTag: Extra: AppConfig.v3r356;TMVAWeights.v1r9 Runtime projects: Visible: Y Usable:Yes Input file types: DST Output file types: ALLSTREAMS.MDST Inform also: Comments Model for 2017 average nominal conditions at 25ns - Magnet DOWN This model has the whole processing chain for data: L0, HLT1, HLT2, Reco, Turbo, Stripping. It has the most representative TCK as recommended by the trigger, Reco17, Turbo04 reprocessing and Stripping29. ************************************************************ Default output is microDST. For DST or LDST output, see LHCBGAUSS-1190 ************************************************************ Comment by kreps on Dec 11, 2018: Update to DecFiles v30r26