#!/bin/bash #Use as ./rerunBasic.sh RUN E_NO_ARGS=65 if [ $# -eq 1 ] # Must have one command-line argument (run number) then run=$1 echo "Rerruning everything for Run $run" else echo "Please invoke this script with one command-line argument in the following format:" echo "./rerunBasic.sh RUN" exit $E_NO_ARGS fi if [ $run = 12 ] then python run.py -convert -all -Run 1 python run.py -dontCompile -convert -all -Run 2 python run.py -dontCompile -MC -angCorr -Run 1 -scan python run.py -dontCompile -MC -angCorr -Run 2 -scan python run.py -dontCompile -MC -angCorr -Run 1 python run.py -dontCompile -MC -angCorr -Run 2 python run.py -dontCompile -MC -angRes -Run 1 python run.py -dontCompile -MC -angRes -Run 2 python run.py -dontCompile -MC -Run 12 -fit -Ref -nBins 1; python run.py -dontCompile -MC -Run 12 -fit -nBins 5; python run.py -dontCompile -Data -Run 12 -fit -Ref -nBins 1 -massDim; python run.py -dontCompile -Data -Run 12 -fit -nBins 5 -massDim; python run.py -dontCompile -Data -Run 12 -fit -Ref -nBins 1 -bkgOnly -upper; python run.py -dontCompile -Data -Run 12 -fit -nBins 5 -onlyBkg -upper; python run.py -dontCompile -Run 12 -v 2 -fit -Ref -nBins 1 -genMC -Ref python run.py -dontCompile -Run 12 -v 2 -fit -nBins 5 -genMC else python run.py -convert -all -Run $run python run.py -dontCompile -MC -angCorr -Run $run -scan python run.py -dontCompile -MC -angCorr -Run $run python run.py -dontCompile -MC -angRes -Run $run python run.py -dontCompile -MC -Run $run -fit -Ref -nBins 1; python run.py -dontCompile -MC -Run $run -fit -nBins 5; python run.py -dontCompile -Data -Run $run -fit -Ref -nBins 1 -massDim; python run.py -dontCompile -Data -Run $run -fit -nBins 5 -massDim; python run.py -dontCompile -Data -Run $run -fit -Ref -nBins 1 -bkgOnly -upper; python run.py -dontCompile -Data -Run $run -fit -nBins 5 -onlyBkg -upper; python run.py -dontCompile -Run $run -v 2 -fit -Ref -nBins 1 -genMC -Ref python run.py -dontCompile -Run $run -v 2 -fit -nBins 5 -genMC fi echo "All done"