COMPILE = g++ -std=c++11 -O2 -Wall -fPIC -Xlinker -zmuldefs -Wno-unused-local-typedefs -pthread -Wno-deprecated-declarations -m64 LOCALINCLUDE = -Iinclude ROOTINCLUDE = -I$(ROOTSYS)/include ROOTLIBS = $(shell root-config --libs) -lRooFitCore -lRooFit # build the library first, then the executables all: executables # make the class object RooExpAndGauss.o: RooExpAndGauss.cpp $(COMPILE) $(ROOTINCLUDE) $(LOCALINCLUDE) $(ROOTLIBS) -c $^ -o $@ # the 'rootcling' step to generate the extra functions required # ... build and compile the dictionary object Dict.o: rootcling -f Dict.cxx -c $(LOCALINCLUDE) -p RooExpAndGauss.hpp LinkDef.h $(COMPILE) $(ROOTINCLUDE) $(LOCALINCLUDE) $(ROOTLIBS) -c Dict.cxx -o Dict.o # build the shared object RooExpAndGauss.o Dict.o g++ -shared $^ -o $@ $(ROOTGLIBS) # can compile anything which links to the shared library and can see the headers executables: # $(COMPILE) $(ROOTINCLUDE) $(LOCALINCLUDE) generate.cpp -L./lib -lCustomRooFit $(ROOTLIBS) -o generate # $(COMPILE) $(ROOTINCLUDE) $(LOCALINCLUDE) saveworkspace.cpp -L./lib -lCustomRooFit $(ROOTLIBS) -o saveworkspace # $(COMPILE) $(ROOTINCLUDE) $(LOCALINCLUDE) readworkspace.cpp -L./lib -lCustomRooFit $(ROOTLIBS) -o readworkspace clean: rm dict/* lib/*.so bin/* obj/* -rf