from ROOT import gROOT, gDirectory, gStyle, TChain, TTree, TAxis, TH1D, TLine, TGaxis from Utils import expressionList, variableTag from Globals import * def getHistHeight(hist1,hist2): minY = 1e3 maxY = 0.0 for b in xrange(hist1.GetXaxis().GetNbins()): #hist1 and hist2 have same nBins maxTmp = max(hist1.GetBinContent(b+1),hist2.GetBinContent(b+1)) if (maxY < maxTmp): maxY = maxTmp minTmp = min(hist1.GetBinContent(b+1),hist2.GetBinContent(b+1)) if (minY > minTmp): minY = minTmp if (minY < 0.0): minY = 1.1*minY else: minY = 0.001 return minY, maxY*1.1 def defineXAxisLabels(variable1,variable2): xTag = variable1.replace("TMath::","") for expr in expressionList(): xTag = variable1.replace(expr.lower(),expr) if (variable1==variable2): return xTag else: xTag2 = variable2.replace("TMath::","") for expr in expressionList(): xTag2 = variable2.replace(expr.lower(),expr) return xTag + " vs " + xTag2 #TODO def makePlot(hist1, hist2, histRatio, pad1, pad2, xAxisTitle, Min, Max, lowerPlotHeight = 0.6): textsize = gStyle.GetTextSize(); # modifiy pad for the ratio plot pad1.Clear() pad1.SetBorderSize (0) pad1.SetBottomMargin(1e-6) pad1.SetTopMargin(pad1.GetTopMargin() / ( 1.0 - lowerPlotHeight) ) #Set XAxis of the ratio plot #TODO TGaxis().SetExponentOffset(1e+9,1e+9,"y") #offset = pad size * 1e+7 histRatio.GetXaxis().SetNoExponent() #<-- spoils MaxDigits settings, so don't use it on other axis histRatio.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.0) #don't print labels histRatio.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(Min, Max) histRatio.GetXaxis().SetTickLength(histRatio.GetXaxis().GetTickLength()/(1-lowerPlotHeight)) histRatio.GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(gStyle.GetNdivisions("X")) #Set YAxis of the ratio plot histRatio.GetYaxis().SetTitle("ratio red/black") histRatio.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(textsize/(1-lowerPlotHeight)) histRatio.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(textsize/(1-lowerPlotHeight)) histRatio.GetYaxis().SetTickLength(histRatio.GetYaxis().GetTickLength()) histRatio.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(gStyle.GetNdivisions("Y")) histRatio.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.06*(1-lowerPlotHeight)) histRatio.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0.001, 3) histRatio.Draw("E1") #Add a line at ratio = 1 unityline2 = TLine(Min, 0.8, Max, 1.0) unityline2.SetLineStyle(2) unityline2.SetLineColor(4) unityline2.Draw() #Clear pad for the comparison plot pad2.Clear() pad2.SetBorderSize(0) pad2.SetTopMargin(1e-6) pad2.SetBottomMargin(pad2.GetBottomMargin() / lowerPlotHeight ) #Set XAxis of the comparison plot TGaxis().SetExponentOffset(1e+9,1e+9,"x") #offset = pad size * 1e+7 hist1.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.05) hist1.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize (textsize/lowerPlotHeight) hist1.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize (textsize/lowerPlotHeight) hist1.GetXaxis().SetTickLength (histRatio.GetXaxis().GetTickLength()/(lowerPlotHeight/(1-lowerPlotHeight))) hist1.GetXaxis().SetNdivisions (gStyle.GetNdivisions("X")) hist1.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xAxisTitle) hist1.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(Min, Max) #Set YAxis of the comparison plot minY, maxY = getHistHeight(hist1,hist2) hist1.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(minY,maxY) hist1.GetYaxis().SetTitle("weighted events") hist1.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize (textsize/lowerPlotHeight) hist1.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize (textsize/lowerPlotHeight) hist1.GetYaxis().SetTickLength(histRatio.GetYaxis().GetTickLength()) hist1.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions (gStyle.GetNdivisions("Y")) hist1.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.06*lowerPlotHeight) hist1.Draw("E1") hist2.SetLineColor(2) hist2.SetMarkerColor(2) hist2.Draw("E1SAME") return def defineLegendTags(optionsDict1, optionsDict2): tag1 = "" #initialize empty strings for tags tag2 = "" for key in optionsDict1: if (optionsDict1[key] != optionsDict2[key]): if (key == 'year' or key == 'magnet'): tag1 = tag1 + " " + str(optionsDict1[key]) tag2 = tag2 + " " + str(optionsDict2[key]) elif (key == 'Run'): tag1 = tag1 + " Run" + optionsDict1[key] tag2 = tag2 + " Tun" + optionsDict2[key] else: if(optionsDict1[key]): tag1 = tag1 + " " + key if(optionsDict2[key]): tag2 = tag2 + " " + key return tag1, tag2 def getPlotFileName(variable1, optionsDict1, cut1, variable2, optionsDict2, cut2): #First define dataset tag if ( optionsDict1["year"] != optionsDict2["year"] or optionsDict1["magnet"] != optionsDict1["magnet"]): plotName = str(optionsDict1["year"]) + str(optionsDict1["magnet"])+ "_" + str(optionsDict2["year"]) + str(optionsDict2["magnet"]) else: plotName = str(optionsDict1["year"]) + str(optionsDict1["magnet"]) #Define name tag if (variable1==variable2): plotName = plotName + "_" + variableTag(variable1) else: plotName = plotName + "_" + variableTag(variable2) + "_" + variableTag(variable1) #Define sample tag if (optionsDict1["MC"]): plotName1 = "MC" else: plotName1 = "data" if (optionsDict1["Preselected"]): plotName1 = plotName1 + "_Presel" if (optionsDict1["BDTed"]): plotName1 = plotName1 + "_BDTed" else: plotName1 = plotName1 + "_Strip" if (KshortChannel()): if (optionsDict1["KshortDecaysInVelo"]): plotName1 = plotName1 + "_LL" else: plotName1 = plotName1 + "_DD" if (optionsDict2["MC"]): plotName2 = "MC" else: plotName2 = "data" if (optionsDict2["Preselected"]): plotName2 = plotName2 + "_Presel" if (optionsDict2["BDTed"]): plotName2 = plotName2 + "_BDTed" else: plotName2 = plotName2 + "_Strip" if (KshortChannel()): if (optionsDict2["KshortDecaysInVelo"]): plotName2 = plotName2 + "_LL" else: plotName2 = plotName2 + "_DD" #Define MC/data tags if (optionsDict1["MC"]): for keyMC in ['TM','ReferenceChannel', 'PHSP','bWeighted', 'b2Dweighted']: #TODO possibly add branch name if(optionsDict1[keyMC]): plotName1 = plotName1 + "_" + keyMC else: if(optionsDict1["sWeighted"]): plotName1 = plotName1 + "_sWeighted" if (optionsDict2["MC"]): for keyMC in ['TM','ReferenceChannel', 'PHSP','bWeighted', 'b2Dweighted']: if(optionsDict2[keyMC]): plotName2 = plotName2 + "_" + keyMC else: if(optionsDict2["sWeighted"]): plotName2 = plotName2 + "_sWeighted" # if (optionsDict1["UseLowQ2Range"]) plotName1 = plotName1 + "_LowQ2" # else: plotName1 = plotName1 + "_HighQ2" # if (optionsDict2["UseLowQ2Range"]) plotName2 = plotName2 + "_LowQ2" # else: plotName2 = plotName2 + "_HighQ2" #Strinp the extra cut on TM if (optionsDict1["TM"] and ("TMedBKGCAT=1" in cut1)): cut1 = cut1.replace("TMedBKGCAT=1","",-1) if (optionsDict2["TM"] and ("TMedBKGCAT=1" in cut2)): cut2 = cut2.replace("TMedBKGCAT=1","",-1) plotName1 = (plotName1 + "_"+variableTag(cut1)) if (cut1 != "") else plotName1 plotName2 = (plotName2 + "_"+variableTag(cut2)) if (cut2 != "") else plotName2 plotName = plotName + "_" + plotName1 + "_" + plotName2 plotName = plotName.replace(" ","") if (KshortChannel()): return "/auto/data/dgerick/B2Kstmumu/compare_plots/" + plotName + ".eps" else: return "/home/lhcb/kopecna/B2KstarMuMu/data/compare_plots/" + plotName + ".eps"