import subprocess from subprocess import Popen, PIPE decay_number_dict = { "SigMC" : { "2011": { "E": "3500", "nu": "2", "trigger": "0x40760037", "stripping": "21r1", "reco": "Reco14c", "simVer": "Sim09a", "dst": "DST", "merge": "" }, "2012": { "E": "4000", "nu": "2.5", "trigger": "0x409f0045", "stripping": "21", "reco": "Reco14c", "simVer": "Sim09a", "dst": "DST", "merge": "" }, "2015": { "E": "6500", "nu": "1.6-25ns", "trigger": "0x411400a2", "stripping": "24r2", "reco": "Reco15a/Turbo02", "simVer": "Sim09i", "dst": "DST", "merge": "" }, "2016": { "E": "6500", "nu": "1.6-25ns", "trigger": "0x6139160F", "stripping": "28r2", "reco": "Reco16/Turbo03a", "simVer": "Sim09i", "dst": "DST", "merge": "" }, "2017": { "E": "6500", "nu": "1.6-25ns", "trigger": "0x62661709", "stripping": "29r2", "reco": "Reco17/Turbo04a-WithTurcal", "simVer": "Sim09e", "dst": "MDST", "merge": "" }, "2018": { "E": "6500", "nu": "1.6-25ns", "trigger": "0x617d18a4", "stripping": "34r0p1", #34 for 12115102 "reco": "Reco18/Turbo05-WithTurcal", "simVer": "Sim09h", #Sim09f for 12115102 "dst": "DST", "merge": "" }, "general":{ "dec_ID": "12113100", #same for 12115102 "filter": "NoPrescalingFlagged", "stream": "ALLSTREAMS", "pythiaVer": "8" } }, "RefMC" : { "2011": { "E": "3500", "nu": "2", "trigger": "0x40760037", "stripping": "21r1", "reco": "Reco14c", "simVer": "Sim09a", "dst": "DST", "merge": "" }, "2012": { "E": "4000", "nu": "2.5", "trigger": "0x409f0045", "stripping": "21", "reco": "Reco14c", "simVer": "Sim09a", "dst": "DST", "merge": "" }, "2015": { "E": "6500", "nu": "1.6-25ns", "trigger": "0x411400a2", "stripping": "24r1", "reco": "Reco15a/Turbo02", "simVer": "Sim09e", "dst": "DST", "merge": "" }, "2016": { "E": "6500", "nu": "1.6-25ns", "trigger": "0x6139160F", "stripping": "28r1", "reco": "Reco16/Turbo03", "simVer": "Sim09e", "dst": "DST", "merge": "" }, "general":{ "dec_ID": "12143401", #same for 12145102 "filter": "NoPrescalingFlagged", "stream": "ALLSTREAMS", "pythiaVer": "8" } }, "PHSP" : { #same for 12115179 "2011": { "E": "3500", "nu": "2", "trigger": "0x40760037", "stripping": "21r1p1", "reco": "Reco14c", "simVer": "Sim09f", "dst": "DST", "merge": "Merge14/", "pythiaVer": "8" }, "2012": { "E": "4000", "nu": "2.5", "trigger": "0x409f0045", "stripping": "21r0p1", "reco": "Reco14c", "simVer": "Sim09f", "dst": "DST", "merge": "Merge14/", "pythiaVer": "8" }, "2015": { "E": "6500", "nu": "1.6-25ns", "trigger": "0x411400a2", "stripping": "24r1", "reco": "Reco15a/Turbo02", "simVer": "Sim09h", "dst": "MDST", "merge": "", "pythiaVer": "6" }, "2016": { "E": "6500", "nu": "1.6-25ns", "trigger": "0x6139160F", "stripping": "28r1", "reco": "Reco16/Turbo03", "simVer": "Sim09f", "dst": "MDST", "merge": "Merge14/", "pythiaVer": "8" }, "2017": { "E": "6500", "nu": "1.6-25ns", "trigger": "0x62661709", "stripping": "29r2", "reco": "Reco17/Turbo04a-WithTurcal", "simVer": "Sim09f", "dst": "MDST", "merge": "Merge14/", "pythiaVer": "8" }, "2018": { "E": "6500", "nu": "1.6-25ns", "trigger": "0x617d18a4", "stripping": "34", "reco": "Reco18/Turbo05-WithTurcal", "simVer": "Sim09f", "dst": "MDST", "merge": "Merge14/", "pythiaVer": "8" }, "general":{ "dec_ID": "12113446", #same for 12115179 "filter": "Filtered", "stream": "B2XMUMU.STRIP" } }, "data" : { "11": { "E": "3500", "nu": "2", "trigger": "", "stripping": "21r1", "reco": "Reco14", "dst": "MDST" }, "12": { "E": "4000", "nu": "2.5", "trigger": "", "stripping": "21r0p1a", "reco": "Reco14", "dst": "MDST" }, "15": { "E": "6500", "nu": "1.6-25ns", "trigger": "", "stripping": "24r2", "reco": "Reco15a", "dst": "MDST" }, "16": { "E": "6500", "nu": "1.6-25ns", "trigger": "", "stripping": "28r2", "reco": "Reco16", "dst": "MDST" }, "17": { "E": "6500", "nu": "1.6-25ns", "trigger": "", "stripping": "29r2", "reco": "Reco17", "dst": "MDST" }, "18": { "E": "6500", "nu": "1.6-25ns", "trigger": "", "stripping": "34r0p1", #34 for 12115102 "reco": "Reco18", "dst": "MDST" }, "general":{ "dec_ID": "90000000", "filter": "NoPrescalingFlagged", "stream": "ALLSTREAMS", "pythiaVer": "8", "merge": "", "simVer": "", "trigger": "" } } } year_dict ={"SigMC": ["2011", "2012","2015", "2016", "2017", "2018"], "RefMC": ["2011", "2012","2015", "2016"], "PHSP": ["2011", "2012","2015", "2016", "2017", "2018"], "data": ["11", "12","15", "16", "17", "18"] } def getPath(year, pol, sample): tmp_dict = dict(decay_number_dict[sample][year]) gen_dict = dict(decay_number_dict[sample]["general"]) tmp_dict.update(gen_dict) tmp_dict["year"] = year tmp_dict["pol"] = pol if (sample == "data"): #data PATH ="/LHCb/Collision%(year)s/Beam%(E)sGeV-VeloClosed-Mag%(pol)s/Real Data/%(reco)s/Stripping%(stripping)s/%(dec_ID)s/LEPTONIC.%(dst)s" % tmp_dict else: #MC PATH = "/MC/%(year)s/Beam%(E)sGeV-%(year)s-Mag%(pol)s-Nu%(nu)s-Pythia%(pythiaVer)s/%(simVer)s/Trig%(trigger)s/%(reco)s/Stripping%(stripping)s%(filter)s/%(merge)s%(dec_ID)s/%(stream)s.%(dst)s" % tmp_dict print PATH OUTFILE = "%(dec_ID)s_%(year)s%(pol)" % tmp_dict #print 'LFN output file: ', OUTFILE return PATH, OUTFILE def getLFNs(nFiles,BKKpath): #Call Dirac dirac_command = subprocess.Popen('lb-run LHCbDIRAC dirac-bookkeeping-get-files --BKQuery \"{0}\"'.format(BKKpath), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) #Read in Dirac output stdout = dirac_command.communicate()[0] #Split the output per line stdout = stdout.split('\n') #Create an empty list LFNlist= [] #Check how many files are required if (nFiles == -1): max_file = len(stdout)-2 else: max_file = min(nFiles+3,len(stdout)-2) #First 3 entries are junk from LHCbDIRAC dirac-bookkeeping-get-files for i in range(3, max_file+1): tmpLFN = [stdout[i].split(' ')][0] tmpLFN = tmpLFN[0] LFNlist.append(tmpLFN) return LFNlist def writeLFNs(nFiles, year, pol, sample): #Get the paths BKKpath, LFNfile = getPath(year,pol, sample) #Get the LFNs from the paths lfn_list = getLFNs(nFiles,BKKpath) #Open the lfn target file and write all the lfns into it address_file = open(LFNfile,'w') address_file.write("""from Gaudi.Configuration import *\n""") address_file.write("""from GaudiConf import IOHelper\n""") address_file.write("""IOHelper('ROOT').inputFiles([\n""") for lfn in lfn_list: address_file.write("""'LFN:""" + lfn + """'\n""") address_file.write("""], clear=True)\n""") return def getProductionID(year, pol, sample): #Exctract the production ID from LFN path = getPath(year,pol,sample) lfn = getLFNs(1,path[0])[0] lfn_split = lfn.split('/') return lfn_split[5] def printAllProductionIDs(sample): for year in year_dict[sample]: print "Production ID for", sample, "year", year, "\t", getProductionID(year,"Down",sample) return def get_eff(year, pol, sample): import os command = "lb-run LHCbDirac/prod dirac-bookkeeping-rejection-stats -B " + str(getPath(year,pol, sample)[0]) print command os.system(command) def get_tags(year, pol, sample): import os #command = "lb-run LHCbDirac/prod dirac-bookkeeping-production-information " + str(getProductionID(year,pol, sample)) + " | grep CONDDB" #print command #os.system(command) command = "lb-run LHCbDirac/prod dirac-bookkeeping-production-information " + str(getProductionID(year,pol, sample)) + " | grep DDB" #print command2 os.system(command) #getPath("2011","Down", "SigMC") #getPath("2012","Down", "SigMC") #getPath("2015","Down", "SigMC") getPath("2016","Down", "SigMC") #getPath("2017","Down", "SigMC") #getPath("2018","Down", "SigMC") #getPath("2011","Down", "RefMC") #getPath("2012","Down", "RefMC") #getPath("2015","Down", "RefMC") #getPath("2016","Down", "RefMC") #getPath("2011","Down", "PHSP") #getPath("2012","Down", "PHSP") #getPath("2015","Down", "PHSP") #getPath("2016","Down", "PHSP") #getPath("2017","Down", "PHSP") #getPath("2018","Down", "PHSP") #printAllProductionIDs("RefMC") #printAllProductionIDs("PHSP")