ID: 32667 Name: RDWG - Sim09a 2011 - MD - Gerick Type: Simulation State: Done Priority: 2a Author: dloh WG: RD Event type: Number of events: Starting Date: Finalization Date: Fast Simulation Type: None Retention Rate: 1 Simulation Conditions: Beam3500GeV-2011-MagDown-Nu2-Pythia8 Beam: beta*~3m, zpv=0.5mm, xAngle=-0.520mrad and yAngle=0 Beam energy: 3500 GeV Generator: Pythia8 G4 settings: specified in sim step Magnetic field: -1 Detector: 2011, Velo Closed around offset beam Luminosity: pp collisions nu = 2, no spillover Processing Pass: Sim09a/Trig0x40760037/Reco14c/Stripping21r1NoPrescalingFlagged MC Version: 2011 Step 1 Sim09a - 2011 - MD - Pythia8(130026/Sim09a) : Gauss-v49r1 System config: x86_64-slc6-gcc48-opt MC TCK: Options: $APPCONFIGOPTS/Gauss/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/Gauss/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/Gauss/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/Gauss/;$DECFILESROOT/options/@{eventType}.py;$LBPYTHIA8ROOT/options/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/Gauss/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/Persistency/ Options format: Multicore: N DDDB: dddb-20160318-1 Condition DB: sim-20160614-1-vc-md100 DQTag: Extra: AppConfig.v3r277;DecFiles.v29r6 Runtime projects: Visible: Y Usable:Yes Input file types: Output file types: SIM(N) Step 2 Digi14a for 2011 (to use w Sim09)(129272/Digi14a) : Boole-v30r1 System config: x86_64-slc6-gcc48-opt MC TCK: Options: $APPCONFIGOPTS/Boole/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/Boole/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/Boole/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/Boole/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/Persistency/ Options format: Multicore: N DDDB: fromPreviousStep Condition DB: fromPreviousStep DQTag: Extra: AppConfig.v3r266 Runtime projects: Visible: N Usable:Yes Input file types: SIM(N) Output file types: DIGI(N) Step 3 L0 emulation - TCK 0037(129524/L0Trig0x0037) : Moore-v20r4 System config: MC TCK: Options: $APPCONFIGOPTS/L0App/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/L0App/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/L0App/ Options format: l0app Multicore: N DDDB: fromPreviousStep Condition DB: fromPreviousStep DQTag: Extra: AppConfig.v3r268 Runtime projects: Visible: N Usable:Yes Input file types: DIGI(N) Output file types: DIGI(N) Step 4 TCK-0x40760037 Flagged for Simulation 2011(129525/Trig0x40760037) : Moore-v12r8g3 System config: x86_64-slc5-gcc43-opt MC TCK: Options: $APPCONFIGOPTS/Moore/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/Conditions/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/Moore/ Options format: Multicore: N DDDB: fromPreviousStep Condition DB: fromPreviousStep DQTag: Extra: AppConfig.v3r268 Runtime projects: Visible: Y Usable:Yes Input file types: DIGI(N) Output file types: DIGI(N) Step 5 Reco14c for MC - 2011 - to be used with Sim09(129275/Reco14c) : Brunel-v43r2p11 System config: x86_64-slc5-gcc46-opt MC TCK: Options: $APPCONFIGOPTS/Brunel/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/Brunel/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/Brunel/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/Persistency/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/Persistency/ Options format: Multicore: N DDDB: fromPreviousStep Condition DB: fromPreviousStep DQTag: Extra: AppConfig.v3r262 Runtime projects: Visible: Y Usable:Yes Input file types: DIGI(N) Output file types: DST(N) Step 6 Stripping21r1-NoPrescalingFlagged for Sim09(129276/Stripping21r1NoPrescalingFlagged) : DaVinci-v36r1p3 System config: x86_64-slc6-gcc48-opt MC TCK: Options: $APPCONFIGOPTS/DaVinci/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/DaVinci/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/DaVinci/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/DaVinci/ Options format: Multicore: N DDDB: fromPreviousStep Condition DB: fromPreviousStep DQTag: Extra: AppConfig.v3r263 Runtime projects: Visible: Y Usable:Yes Input file types: DST(N) Output file types: ALLSTREAMS.DST(Y) Inform also: Comments Comment by gcorti on Jun 09, 2016: Model for 2011 average nominal conditions over the whole year - Magnet DOWN This model has the whole processing chain for data: L0, HLT, Reco, Stripping. It has the most representative TCK as recommened by the trigger, Reco14c, and Stripping 21r1 The output is DST in this first version. To use the incremental Stripping21r0p1 with DST output replace the last step with stepID = 129454 Comment by kreps on Jul 07, 2016: Update with DecFiles v29r2 Comment by kreps on Jul 21, 2016: Updated to DecFiles v29r3 Comment by kreps on Aug 11, 2016: Updated to DecFiles v29r4 Comment by kreps on Aug 23, 2016: Updated to DecFiles v29r5 Comment by kreps on Sep 16, 2016: Updated to DecFiles v29r6