32 lines
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32 lines
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# More or less gneric PI LHCb HTCondor script, to run something within singularity
# Where we should work
# What start in singularity (current directory will be current in singularity as well)
# Singularity image to use (can point to CERN CVMFS...)
# Can be constructer by yourself... like
# OS_IMAGE=/work/zhelezov/singularity/CentOS7.simg
# Taken from "generic" CERN, unfortunately without graphic libraries...
# That seems like work for the perpose at the moment... Not perfect, I know.
# We will work here. Local Condor has no "shared filesystem" (yet, unclear if it should/will),
# so jobs start in a dedicated local directory on working nodes.
cd $working_dir || exit 1
# That defines where is singularity
export PATH=/work/software/singularity/latest/`/work/software/os_version`/bin:$PATH
# Just for info under which OS we are running
echo "Batch execution OS: `/work/software/os_version`"
#In case cvmfs is not available for whatever reason
while [ ! -e "$OS_IMAGE" ]; do echo "Waiting for image..." >&1; /bin/sleep 300; done
# That starts singularity with image and final script
exec singularity exec --bind /cvmfs,/auto,/auto/home:/home,/auto/work:/work $OS_IMAGE $to_run "$@"