Angular analysis of B+->K*+(K+pi0)mumu
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150 lines
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  1. ID: 39571
  2. Name: RDWG - Sim09b 2015 - MD - David
  3. Type: Simulation
  4. State: Done
  5. Priority: 1b
  6. Author: dloh WG: RD
  7. Event type:
  8. Number of events:
  9. Starting Date:
  10. Finalization Date:
  11. Fast Simulation Type: None
  12. Retention Rate: 1
  13. Simulation Conditions: Beam6500GeV-2015-MagDown-Nu1.6-25ns-Pythia8
  14. Beam: beta*~3m, zpv=8.64mm, xAngle=-0.395mrad and yAngle=0 Beam energy: 6500 GeV Generator: Pythia8 G4 settings: specified in sim step
  15. Magnetic field: -1 Detector: 2015, Velo closed around average x=0.788mm and y=0.091mm Luminosity: pp collisions nu = 1.6, 25ns spillover
  16. Processing Pass: Sim09b/Trig0x411400a2/Reco15a/Turbo02/Stripping24NoPrescalingFlagged
  17. MC Version: 2015
  18. Step 1 Sim09b - 2015 Nominal - MD - Nu1.6 (Lumi 4 at 25ns) - 25ns spillover - Pythia8(131149/Sim09b) : Gauss-v49r7
  19. System config: x86_64-slc6-gcc48-opt MC TCK:
  20. Options: $APPCONFIGOPTS/Gauss/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/Gauss/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/Gauss/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/Gauss/;$DECFILESROOT/options/@{eventType}.py;$LBPYTHIA8ROOT/options/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/Gauss/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/Persistency/ Options format: Multicore: N
  21. DDDB: dddb-20150724 Condition DB: sim-20161124-vc-md100 DQTag:
  22. Extra: AppConfig.v3r304;DecFiles.v29r21 Runtime projects:
  23. Visible: Y Usable:Yes
  24. Input file types: Output file types: SIM(N)
  25. Step 2 Digi14b for 2015 - 25ns spillover(130262/Digi14b) : Boole-v30r2
  26. System config: x86_64-slc6-gcc49-opt MC TCK:
  27. Options: $APPCONFIGOPTS/Boole/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/Boole/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/Boole/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/Boole/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/Persistency/ Options format: Multicore: N
  28. DDDB: fromPreviousStep Condition DB: fromPreviousStep DQTag:
  29. Extra: AppConfig.v3r304 Runtime projects:
  30. Visible: N Usable:Yes
  31. Input file types: SIM(N) Output file types: DIGI(N)
  32. Step 3 L0 emulation for 2015 - TCK 0x00a2(129526/L0Trig0x00a2) : Moore-v24r2
  33. System config: x86_64-slc6-gcc48-opt MC TCK:
  34. Options: $APPCONFIGOPTS/L0App/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/L0App/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/L0App/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/L0App/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/Persistency/ Options format: l0app Multicore: N
  35. DDDB: fromPreviousStep Condition DB: fromPreviousStep DQTag:
  36. Extra: AppConfig.v3r268 Runtime projects:
  37. Visible: N Usable:Yes
  38. Input file types: DIGI(N) Output file types: DIGI(N)
  39. Step 4 TCK-0x411400a2 Flagged for 2015(129527/Trig0x411400a2) : Moore-v24r2
  40. System config: x86_64-slc6-gcc48-opt MC TCK:
  41. Options: $APPCONFIGOPTS/Moore/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/Conditions/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/Moore/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/Persistency/ Options format: Multicore: N
  42. DDDB: fromPreviousStep Condition DB: fromPreviousStep DQTag:
  43. Extra: AppConfig.v3r268 Runtime projects:
  44. Visible: Y Usable:Yes
  45. Input file types: DIGI(N) Output file types: DIGI(N)
  46. Step 5 Reco15a for MC 2015(130611/Reco15a) : Brunel-v48r2p1
  47. System config: x86_64-slc6-gcc48-opt MC TCK:
  48. Options: $APPCONFIGOPTS/Brunel/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/Brunel/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/Persistency/ Options format: Multicore: N
  49. DDDB: fromPreviousStep Condition DB: fromPreviousStep DQTag:
  50. Extra: AppConfig.v3r277;SQLDDDB.v7r10 Runtime projects:
  51. Visible: Y Usable:Yes
  52. Input file types: DIGI(N) Output file types: DST(N)
  53. Step 6 Turbo lines (MC), Turbo 2015 reprocessing(129522/Turbo02) : DaVinci-v40r1p3
  54. System config: x86_64-slc6-gcc48-opt MC TCK:
  55. Options: $APPCONFIGOPTS/Turbo/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/Turbo/ Options format: Tesla Multicore: N
  56. DDDB: fromPreviousStep Condition DB: fromPreviousStep DQTag:
  57. Extra: AppConfig.v3r232;TurboStreamProd.v2r0 Runtime projects:
  58. Visible: Y Usable:Yes
  59. Input file types: DST(N) Output file types: DST(N)
  60. Step 7 Stripping24-NoPrescalingFlagged for Sim09 - pp at 13 TeV (muDST)(129665/Stripping24NoPrescalingFlagged) : DaVinci-v38r1p1
  61. System config: x86_64-slc6-gcc48-opt MC TCK:
  62. Options: $APPCONFIGOPTS/DaVinci/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/DaVinci/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/DaVinci/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/DaVinci/ Options format: Multicore: N
  63. DDDB: fromPreviousStep Condition DB: fromPreviousStep DQTag:
  64. Extra: AppConfig.v3r277 Runtime projects:
  65. Visible: Y Usable:Yes
  66. Input file types: DST(N) Output file types: ALLSTREAMS.MDST(Y)
  67. Inform also:
  69. Model for 2015 average nominal conditions at 25ns - from Sep. to Dec. - Magnet DOWN
  70. This model has the whole processing chain for data: L0, HLT, Reco, Turbo, Stripping.
  71. It has the most representative TCK as recommened by the trigger, Reco15a, Turbo02 reproccessing and Stripping 24.
  72. The output is microDST:
  73. in case of DST output you need to change the last step with stepID = 129267
  74. Comment by kreps on Jun 15, 2016:
  75. Updated to DecFiles v29r1
  76. Comment by kreps on Jul 07, 2016:
  77. Updated to DecFiles v29r2
  78. Comment by kreps on Jul 21, 2016:
  79. Updated to DecFiles v29r3
  80. Comment by kreps on Aug 11, 2016:
  81. Updated to DecFiles v29r4
  82. Comment by kreps on Aug 23, 2016:
  83. Updated to DecFiles v29r5
  84. Comment by kreps on Sep 16, 2016:
  85. Updated to DecFiles v29r6
  86. Comment by kreps on Oct 07, 2016:
  87. Updated to DecFiles v29r7
  88. Comment by kreps on Oct 21, 2016:
  89. Update to DecFiles v29r8 and Gauss v49r4
  90. Comment by kreps on Nov 11, 2016:
  91. Update to DecFiles v29r9
  92. Comment by rcenci on Dec 01, 2016:
  93. Updated to Sim09b: Gauss v45r5, Decfiles v29r10, Digi14b
  94. Comment by kreps on Dec 21, 2016:
  95. Updated to Gauss v49r6, DecFiles v29r11
  96. Comment by kreps on Jan 17, 2017:
  97. Update to DecFiles v29r12
  98. Comment by kreps on Jan 31, 2017:
  99. Update to DecFiles v29r13
  100. Comment by kreps on Feb 08, 2017:
  101. Update to DecFiles v29r14
  102. Comment by kreps on Feb 22, 2017:
  103. Update to DecFiles v29r15
  104. Comment by kreps on Mar 08, 2017:
  105. Update to DecFiles v29r16
  106. Comment by kreps on Mar 24, 2017:
  107. Update to DecFiles v29r17
  108. Comment by kreps on Apr 06, 2017:
  109. Update to DecFiles v29r18
  110. Comment by kreps on Apr 28, 2017:
  111. Update to DecFiles v29r19
  112. Comment by kreps on May 10, 2017:
  113. Update to DecFiles v29r20
  114. Comment by kreps on May 23, 2017:
  115. Update to DecFiles v29r21