Angular analysis of B+->K*+(K+pi0)mumu
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357 lines
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  1. from ROOT import gROOT, gDirectory, gStyle, TChain, TTree, TAxis, TH1D
  2. import subprocess
  3. import time
  4. import numpy as np
  5. import re #for splitting with multiple deliminers
  6. from array import array
  7. import numexpr
  8. import argparse
  9. import sys
  10. import os
  11. import re
  12. from Globals import *
  13. '''
  14. Tools used in
  15. '''
  16. #Define a list of variables that are considered integers
  17. intVarsList = ["nTracks"
  18. ,"nLongTracks"
  19. ,"nVeloTracks"
  20. ,"nTTracks"
  21. ,"nDownstreamTracks"
  22. ,"nUpstreamTracks"
  23. ,"nCandidate"
  24. ,"totCandidates"
  25. ,"nSPDHits"
  26. ,"nPV"
  27. ,"B_plus_ID"
  28. ,"B_plus_TRUEID"
  29. ,"K_star_plus_ID"
  30. ,"K_plus_ID"
  31. ,"pi_zero_resolved_ID"
  32. ,"mu_plus_ID"
  33. ,"mu_minus_ID"
  34. ,"Polarity"
  35. ,"nDiMuonMassBin"
  36. ,"TMedBKGCAT"
  37. ]
  38. def expressionList():
  39. return ["Sqrt"
  40. ,"Abs"
  41. ,"Sin"
  42. ,"Cos"
  43. ,"Exp"
  44. ,"Log"
  45. ]
  46. #Define a function that returns true for variables that are integers
  47. def isInt(variable=""):
  48. if variable in intVarsList:
  49. return True
  50. else:
  51. return False
  52. def treeName(MC=False, TM=False, Preselected=False):
  53. if (TM or (MC and Preselected)): #TODO
  54. return "DecayTreeTruthMatched"
  55. elif (not Preselected):
  56. return "b2KstKs0pimumu_Tuple" if KshortChannel() else "b2KstKpi0mumuResolvedTuple/DecayTree"
  57. else:
  58. return "DecayTree"
  59. def getOptionsDictionary(year, Run, magnet, MC, TM, ReferenceChannel, PHSP, Preselected,
  60. BDTed, sWeighted, bWeighted, b2Dweighted, weightBranch, KshortDecaysInVelo, UseLowQ2Range):
  61. dictionaryTmp = {
  62. 'year': year,
  63. 'Run' : Run,
  64. 'magnet' : magnet,
  65. 'MC' : int(MC),
  66. 'TM' : int(TM),
  67. 'ReferenceChannel' : int(ReferenceChannel),
  68. 'PHSP' : int(PHSP),
  69. 'Preselected' : int(Preselected),
  70. 'BDTed' : BDTed,
  71. 'sWeighted' : sWeighted,
  72. 'bWeighted' : bWeighted,
  73. 'b2Dweighted' : b2Dweighted,
  74. 'weightBranch' : weightBranch,
  75. 'KshortDecaysInVelo' : int(KshortDecaysInVelo),
  76. 'UseLowQ2Range' : UseLowQ2Range
  77. }
  78. return dictionaryTmp
  79. def checkYearSample(optionsDict): #If wrong year/MC, skip
  80. if optionsDict['year'] not in yearList(): return False, "Wrong Year!"
  81. if (not optionsDict['MC']): return True, ""
  82. else:
  83. if (KshortChannel()):
  84. if (optionsDict['PHSP']): return True, ""
  85. elif (optionsDict['ReferenceChannel']):
  86. if (optionsDict['year'] < 2013 or optionsDict['year'] == 2016): return True, "" #Referenche channel available only for Run I
  87. else: return False, "RefChannel only available for Run I!"
  88. else: return True, ""
  89. else:
  90. if (optionsDict['PHSP']):
  91. if (optionsDict['year'] < 2018): return True, ""
  92. else: return False, ""
  93. elif (optionsDict['ReferenceChannel']):
  94. if (optionsDict['year'] < 2017): return True, "" #Referenche channel available only for Run I
  95. else: return False, "RefChannel only available for < 2017!"
  96. else:
  97. if (optionsDict['year'] > 2017):
  98. return False, "No MC for 2018!"
  99. else: return True, ""
  100. def getTreePath(optionsDict, verbose):
  101. #getPathForPython usage:
  102. # getPathForPython command year Run magnet Preselected MC ReferenceChannel PHSP KshortDecayInVelo Selection UseLowQ2Range
  103. #It has to have everything to keep it easy
  104. #Get first file name
  105. filePath2 = ""
  106. command = "/home/lhcb/kopecna/B2KstarMuMu/code/ewp-Bplus2Kstmumu-AngAna/CodeForTests/CompareUltimate/getPathForPython " #TODO maybe replace by a current path
  107. if(optionsDict['BDTed']):
  108. options = "BDToutput %(year)i %(Run)i %(magnet)s 0 %(MC)r %(ReferenceChannel)r %(PHSP)r %(KshortDecaysInVelo)r 0 %(UseLowQ2Range)r" %optionsDict
  109. if verbose: print "[DEBUG]\t\tRunning a c++ script to get the name of the file to open: ", command + options
  110. #Read second line from the c++ script (first one is the Hello...)
  111. filePath = subprocess.check_output(command + options, shell=True,universal_newlines=True).split('\n')[1]
  112. elif (optionsDict['sWeighted'] or optionsDict['bWeighted'] or optionsDict['b2Dweighted']):
  113. options = "BDTinput %(year)i %(Run)i %(magnet)s 0 %(MC)r %(ReferenceChannel)r %(PHSP)r %(KshortDecaysInVelo)r 0 %(UseLowQ2Range)r" %optionsDict
  114. if verbose: print "[DEBUG]\t\tRunning a c++ script to get the name of the file to open: ", command + options
  115. #Read second line from the c++ script (first one is the Hello...)
  116. filePath = subprocess.check_output(command + options, shell=True,universal_newlines=True).split('\n')[1]
  117. else:
  118. if (optionsDict['magnet']=="both"):
  119. #down
  120. options = "input %(year)i %(Run)i down %(Preselected)r %(MC)r %(ReferenceChannel)r %(PHSP)r %(KshortDecaysInVelo)r 0 %(UseLowQ2Range)r" %optionsDict
  121. if verbose: print "[DEBUG]\t\tRunning a c++ script to get the name of the file to open: ", command + options
  122. filePath = subprocess.check_output(command + options, shell=True,universal_newlines=True).split('\n')[1]
  123. #up
  124. options = "input %(year)i %(Run)i up %(Preselected)r %(MC)r %(ReferenceChannel)r %(PHSP)r %(KshortDecaysInVelo)r 0 %(UseLowQ2Range)r" %optionsDict
  125. if verbose: print "[DEBUG]\t\tRunning a c++ script to get the name of the file to open: ", command + options
  126. filePath2 = subprocess.check_output(command + options, shell=True,universal_newlines=True).split('\n')[1]
  127. else:
  128. options = "input %(year)i %(Run)i %(magnet)s %(Preselected)r %(MC)r %(ReferenceChannel)r %(PHSP)r %(KshortDecaysInVelo)r 0 %(UseLowQ2Range)r" %optionsDict
  129. if verbose: print "[DEBUG]\t\tRunning a c++ script to get the name of the file to open: ", command + options
  130. filePath = subprocess.check_output(command + options, shell=True,universal_newlines=True).split('\n')[1]
  131. return filePath, filePath2
  132. def addToTChain(tree, optionsDict, verbose):
  133. filePath, filePath2 = getTreePath(optionsDict=optionsDict, verbose=verbose)
  134. #Get first file name
  135. if(optionsDict['BDTed'] or optionsDict['sWeighted'] or optionsDict['bWeighted'] or optionsDict['b2Dweighted']):
  136. print "[INFO]\tOpening", filePath
  137. tree.Add(filePath)
  138. else:
  139. if (optionsDict['magnet']=="both"):
  140. print "[INFO]\tOpening", filePath
  141. tree.Add(filePath)
  142. print "[INFO]\tOpening", filePath2
  143. tree.Add(filePath2)
  144. else:
  145. print "[INFO]\tOpening", filePath
  146. tree.Add(filePath)
  147. def addTMathTags(varName):
  148. for expr in expressionList():
  149. varName = varName.replace(expr,"TMath::"+expr)
  150. return varName
  151. def list_of_DTF_vars ():
  152. return [
  153. "_PT",
  154. "_PX",
  155. "_PY",
  156. "_PZ",
  157. "_PE",
  158. "_P"
  159. "_ETA" ,
  160. "_MM",
  161. "B_plus_M" ,
  162. "K_star_plus_M" ,
  163. "pi_zero_resolved_plus_M"
  164. ]
  165. def replace_variables_to_DTF(variable = ""):
  166. #Append "_DTF" to everything in the list above by
  167. for var in list_of_DTF_vars():
  168. if (variable.find(var) != -1):
  169. positions = [i.start() for i in re.finditer(var, variable)]
  170. #print positions
  171. for i in range(len(positions)):
  172. pos=positions[i]
  173. variable = variable[:pos+len(var)] + "_DTF" + variable[pos+len(var):]
  174. positions = [x+4 for x in positions]
  175. #Remove false DTF variales, such as MinIP (searching for _M)
  176. removeList = re.findall('DTF[A-Z]', variable)
  177. #print removeList
  178. for remove in removeList:
  179. positions = [i.start() for i in re.finditer(remove, variable)]
  180. for i in range(len(positions)):
  181. pos=positions[i]
  182. variable = variable[:pos-1] + variable[pos+3:]
  183. positions = [x-4 for x in positions]
  184. return variable
  185. def getListOfUsedVariables(variable, cut):
  186. tmp = str(variable) + "|" + str(cut) #| is there as a separator
  187. tmp = tmp.replace("gamma1","gammaa")
  188. tmp = tmp.replace("gamma2","gammab") #Protect from removing numbers
  189. tmp = re.sub(r'[0-9]+', '', tmp) #remove numbers
  190. tmp = tmp.replace("gammaa","gamma1")
  191. tmp = tmp.replace("gammab","gamma2") #Protect from removing numbers
  192. tmp = tmp.replace("CHI","CHI2") #check CHI2 numbers
  193. tmp = tmp.replace("DOCA","DOCA1") #check CHI2 numbers
  194. tmp = tmp.replace("Q","Q2") #check Q2 numbers #TODO
  195. tmp = tmp.replace(".","") #remove decimals left from numbers
  196. tmp = tmp.replace("-","|") #remove minus from negative numbers, keep an operator
  197. tmp = tmp.replace("TMath::","") #remove functions
  198. for expr in expressionList():
  199. tmp = tmp.replace(expr,"") #Remove expressions
  200. tmp = tmp.replace(expr.lower(),"") #remove expressions without capital
  201. tmp = tmp.replace("<=","<")
  202. tmp = tmp.replace(">=",">")
  203. tmp = tmp.replace("==","=")
  204. tmp = tmp.replace("&&","&")
  205. tmp = tmp.replace("||","|")
  206. tmp = tmp.replace("!","")
  207. #tmp = re.sub(r"\s+", "", tmp) #Removes whitespaces, s matches all whitespaces
  208. branchList = re.split('[+ - * / ( ) < > = & | ]', tmp)
  209. branchList = filter(None, branchList) #removes empty strings
  210. branchList = np.unique(branchList) #Removes duplicates
  211. return branchList
  212. def evaluateCut(cut,variablesDict):
  213. #TODO: should be easy to let it be able take operations into account
  214. if (cut == ""): return True
  215. tmp = str(cut)
  216. for varName,varValue in variablesDict.items():
  217. tmp = tmp.replace(str(varName),str(varValue[0]))
  218. tmp = tmp.replace ("||"," or ")
  219. tmp = tmp.replace ("&&"," and ")
  220. tmp = tmp.replace ("="," == ")
  221. tmp = tmp.replace ("! =="," != ") #in case
  222. #print "[DEBUG]\t\t", tmp
  223. return eval(tmp)
  224. def makeVariablePythonFriendly(variable):
  225. tmp = variable
  226. tmp = tmp.replace("TMath::","") #remove ROOT tags
  227. tmp = tmp.lower() #replaces e.g. Log by log and so on
  228. return tmp
  229. def evaluateVariable(variable,variablesDict):
  230. tmp = variable
  231. for varName,varValue in variablesDict.items():
  232. tmp = tmp.replace(str(varName),str(varValue[0]))
  233. tmp = makeVariablePythonFriendly(tmp)
  234. return numexpr.evaluate(tmp).item()
  235. def evaluateWeight(variablesDict,optionsDict): #TODO
  236. if (optionsDict["sWeighted"]): return variablesDict["N_Bplus_sw"][0]
  237. elif (optionsDict["bWeighted"]): return variablesDict["weight_nLongTracks"][0]
  238. elif (optionsDict["b2Dweighted"]): return variablesDict["weight2D_nLongTracks"][0]
  239. else: return 1.0
  240. def datasetTag(optionsDict):
  241. tag = ""
  242. if (optionsDict['MC']):
  243. if (optionsDict['ReferenceChannel']):
  244. tag = "RefChannel"
  245. elif (optionsDict['PHSP']):
  246. tag = "PHSP"
  247. else:
  248. tag = "MC"
  249. if (optionsDict['TM']):
  250. tag = tag + "_TM"
  251. else:
  252. tag = "data"
  253. if not (optionsDict['Preselected']):
  254. tag = tag + "_Strip"
  255. return tag
  256. def weightTag(optionsDict):
  257. tag = ""
  258. if (optionsDict['sWeighted']): tag = "_sWeighted"
  259. if (optionsDict['bWeighted']): tag = "_1DWeight"
  260. if (optionsDict['b2Dweighted']): tag = "_2DWeight"
  261. return tag
  262. def KshortDecaysInVeloTag(KshortDecaysInVelo=False):
  263. return "" if not KshortChannel() else ("_LL" if KshortDecaysInVelo else "_DD" )
  264. def variableTag(variable=""):
  265. name = variable.replace("TMath::","")
  266. name = name.replace("(","")
  267. name = name.replace(")","")
  268. name = name.replace("|","")
  269. name = name.replace("/","_over_")
  270. name = name.replace("*","_x_")
  271. return name
  272. def histName(variable, optionsDict):
  273. name = variableTag(variable)
  274. name = name.replace("TMath::","") #remove functions
  275. for expr in (expressionList()): #For whatever reason I have to but the brackets there
  276. name = name.replace(expr.lower(),expr) #Add capitals to functions
  277. name = "Hist_" + str(optionsDict['year']) + "_" + datasetTag(optionsDict)
  278. name = name + KshortDecaysInVeloTag(optionsDict) + weightTag(optionsDict)
  279. return name
  280. def stopWatch(value):
  281. '''From seconds to Days;Hours:Minutes;Seconds'''
  282. valueD = (((value/365)/24)/60)
  283. Days = int (valueD)
  284. valueH = (valueD-Days)*365
  285. Hours = int(valueH)
  286. valueM = (valueH - Hours)*24
  287. Minutes = int(valueM)
  288. valueS = (valueM - Minutes)*60
  289. Seconds = int(valueS)
  290. print Days,";",Hours,":",Minutes,";",Seconds
  291. class ShowArgumentsParser(argparse.ArgumentParser):
  292. def error(self, message):
  293. sys.stderr.write('error: %s\n\n' %message)
  294. parser.print_usage(sys.stderr)
  295. sys.stderr.write('\n'+self.description)
  296. sys.exit(2)
  297. def checkMCyear(year, ReferenceChannel, PHSP):
  298. if ((not KshortChannel()) and (not ReferenceChannel) and (not PHSP) and year == 2015): return 2016
  299. else: return year