Angular analysis of B+->K*+(K+pi0)mumu
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  1. import os
  2. import dotenv
  3. import sys
  4. import argparse
  5. import pandas as pd
  6. import mplhep
  7. import zfit
  8. from prettytable import PrettyTable
  9. dotenv.load_dotenv('../properties.env')
  10. sys.path.insert(0, os.getenv('SYS_PATH'))
  11. from b2kstll.models.angular import B2Kstll
  12. from b2kstll.plot import plot_distributions
  13. from hep_analytics.processing.extract import FileManager
  14. from hep_analytics.processing.transform import select_feature
  15. FILE_MC = os.getenv('MC_FILE')
  16. def main():
  17. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
  18. parser.add_argument('--q2bin', dest ='q2bin', default = 0)
  19. args = parser.parse_args()
  20. Q2BIN = int(args.q2bin)
  22. bin_ranges = [(0.25, 4.00), (4.00, 8.00), (11.00, 12.50), (15.00, 18.00), (1.10, 6.00), (1.1, 2.5), (2.5, 4.0), (4.0, 6.0), (6.0, 8.0)]
  23. print(f"Selected Q2 Bin Range is {bin_ranges[Q2BIN]}")
  24. filemanager = FileManager(file = FILE_MC, tree = "Events", branches = ["q2", "costhetak", "costhetal", "phi"])
  25. mc_data = filemanager.extract_data()
  26. q2_mc, theta_k_mc, theta_l_mc, phi_mc = mc_data[0], mc_data[1], mc_data[2], mc_data[3]
  27. q2_mc, indices = select_feature(feature = q2_mc, limits = bin_ranges[Q2BIN])
  28. phi_mc = phi_mc[indices]
  29. theta_l_mc = theta_l_mc[indices]
  30. theta_k_mc = theta_k_mc[indices]
  31. lower_costhetak_cut = float(os.getenv('LOWER_COSTHETAK_CUT'))
  32. upper_costhetak_cut = float(os.getenv('UPPER_COSTHETAK_CUT'))
  33. theta_k_mc, indices = select_feature(feature = theta_k_mc, limits = (lower_costhetak_cut, upper_costhetak_cut))
  34. q2_mc = q2_mc[indices]
  35. phi_mc = phi_mc[indices]
  36. theta_l_mc = theta_l_mc[indices]
  37. angular_data = pd.DataFrame({'ctl': theta_l_mc, 'ctk': theta_k_mc, 'phi': phi_mc})
  38. angular_data.to_csv(f"ang_fit_mc_{Q2BIN}_bin.csv", index = False)
  39. x = B2Kstll('ctl','ctk','phi')
  40. x.set_acc(f"./acc_3d_JpsiKstMC_{Q2BIN}_bin.yaml")
  41. obs, pdf, params = x.get_pdf('PWave')
  42. datazfit = zfit.Data.from_pandas(df = angular_data, obs = obs)
  43. nll = zfit.loss.UnbinnedNLL(model = pdf, data = datazfit)
  44. minimizer = zfit.minimize.Minuit()
  45. result = minimizer.minimize(nll)
  46. param_errors, _ = result.errors()
  47. print(param_errors)
  48. info_table = PrettyTable(["Variable", "Value", "Lower Error", "Upper Error"])
  49. fit_labels = ["AFB", "FL", "S3", "S4", "S5", "S7", "S8", "S9"]
  50. for name in fit_labels:
  51. value = result.params[name]["value"]
  52. lower = result.params[name]["minuit_minos"]["lower"]
  53. upper = result.params[name]["minuit_minos"]["upper"]
  54. info_table.add_row([name, value, lower, upper])
  55. print(info_table)
  56. plot_distributions(result, suffix = f"accPwavePDF_mc_ang_fit_{Q2BIN}_bin")
  57. if __name__ == "__main__":
  58. main()